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Her dad has responded on Twitter to Piers Morgan to say she had a great day and that time was limited for meeting with the players so I’m not sure she had that much more interaction with them than what was included in the video and the walk-on with Odegaard. If she had a good time that’s the most important thing but it doesn’t mean that the players aren’t freaks 

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14 minutes ago, gbandit said:

Her dad has responded on Twitter to Piers Morgan to say she had a great day and that time was limited for meeting with the players so I’m not sure she had that much more interaction with them than what was included in the video and the walk-on with Odegaard. If she had a good time that’s the most important thing but it doesn’t mean that the players aren’t freaks 

The woman Ødegaard is semi-seeing is in my agency. The girl, according to her, had a 5-ish minute a kickabout with Ødegaard and some other players during the warm-up. She got his match-shirt and captain's armband, pictures taken with him and other players and got to ask them questions in the locker room after they'd all signed the shirt. 

That said, on other days mascots get a stadium tour with players, a history lesson given by players, they get to hold trophies up with players and have their picture taken and more stuff of that nature. So in that sense, she could've had a better day. Not that I think the girl is complaining because the players rushed into the locker room, knowing she was about to speak to the lot seconds after.


People just want to be offended, that's the takeaway. Parents will no doubt milk this as well. 

The choice of video, given all that apparently took place, is abhorrent and inexcusable though :lol: 

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It's a dumb as fuck video for the social media team to put out (especially with 'making memories' as the caption :lol::lol:) but Jesus Christ, folks.


1 hour ago, Kaizero said:

That said, on other days mascots get a stadium tour with players, a history lesson given by players, they get to hold trophies up with players and have their picture taken and more stuff of that nature. So in that sense, she could've had a better day.


People just want to be offended, that's the takeaway. Parents will no doubt milk this as well. 

Even on the only slightly negative points in Kaiz's post, they were away so understandably won't get as much as if they were at home, and the dad has already come out with no complaints. 

It undoubtedly looks shite but the level of outrage is outrageous in itself. :lol:


Tl;dr - 


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8 hours ago, Kaizero said:


People seem to be thinking that they don't sign tons of shirts and see tons of people on any given day. Yeah, she's a young kid, so obviously be nicer than to some random 50 year old autograph collector. Doesn't change the fact they'll likely be dead tired of doing things like that and just wanting to get on with their day, for them it's just as mundane and repetitive a thing to do as stacking shelves with Dolmio sauces is for a Lidl employee - yet those employees are expected to smile at all customers as well. 


As long as they're not actively rude or dismissive towards anyone I feel people are overreacting. The girl got her shirt signed, she got to get up close and personal with her heroes - let's talk shit about them for not being super happy and smiling when doing one of the most boring and repetitive tasks in their profession  :dontknow: 




She’s the match mascot. Not a random fan. They just do this every week. It doesn’t take much to look At someone, say hi and smile. It’s normal every day human behaviour man. It’s the kind of thing you do when you hold a door open or hand someone something. Add in the fact she is a kid and they are her heroes it really wouldn’t take much at all to say hi and smile 



Edited by gdm

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With regards to being a mascot - I didn't realize that club's charged for the privilage? Surely it would be better to pick bairn's from the locale (perhaps from less well off backgrounds) and give them a proper experience, without making money off the back of it?

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I was a mascot years ago and actually got blanked by a couple of the Newcastle players. Shearer didn't even give me an autograph [emoji38] It does hurt when you're that age especially when they are people you class as heroes. 


For them it might be a mundane task but for a kid it's one of the biggest days of your life and the memories stick with you a very long time. A simple smile and 'enjoy your day' or something makes a huge difference and costs them nothing. 


Can understand if you're bothering people out in public but a little kid who's mascot for the day should deserve a bit better. 

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Still don't get the ott reaction, but definitely can't shift a second hand disappointment for the bairn that none of them could even muster some form of contact with her there like.


Surely that is just basic human nature to give people a glance, even if to just acknowledge them.


I dunno, no point to make just seemed an odd video, like robots given the task of sign shirt pass pen.


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Shit like this immediately makes me think of Welcome to the Internet by Bo Burnham.


Just the absolute uncontrollable urge that everyone has to comment on anything and everything all of the time, no matter how small and inconsequential.

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2 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

Shit like this immediately makes me think of Welcome to the Internet by Bo Burnham.


Just the absolute uncontrollable urge that everyone has to comment on anything and everything all of the time, no matter how small and inconsequential.


:lol: cant... cope... too.........  ironic   *dies*

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5 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


:lol: cant... cope... too.........  ironic   *dies*


One person being an opinionated gobshite on a forum's is a bit different to the subject itself going viral across Twitter like, not that 'everyone' was self-excluding anyway.

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Remember I was a ball boy for Norwich at carrow Road in the 90's. We had zones where if the ball would go out of play in your zone you had to get it. I was sitting near the half way line and the ball went out of play just passed the post and landed very close to the goal. It was my zone but I thought that's OK (Bryan Gunn) can get that. 

He didn't, and looked at me waving his arms in the air as to say where are you and what the fuck are you doing :lol: I just sat there thinking what a lazy bastard. 

The game was live on sky sports to against Everton in a evening game. Would love to get a copy of it but not sure if that's even possible. 

Neville Southall shook my hand after the game, must have thought I was an Everton fan [emoji38] it was like looking up at a scyscraper, the man was a mountain. 


With the above video I think it's been taken a bit out of context, a real poor clip to post from Arsenal though. Even still keeping your earphones in when meeting anyone face to face is shitty behaviour. 


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