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1 hour ago, KetsbaiaIsBald said:

This all seems a bit weird to me.  If it is genuine feud between the “gangsters” of Newcastle this comes across as a bit small time. Driving a car into a football pitch dropping leaflets!  I would have thought actual violence would be more likely. Why do something that just gets massive attention?  Unless the attention should help promote something…



This gang were probably a second max away from killing John Sayers outside his home last year. Don’t know the full ins and outs but there were a few reasonably big headlines last year of businesses being hit, seemed like it had calmed down but as a guess it seems like Wraith has somehow riled it up. 



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2 minutes ago, Ste said:

This gang were probably a second max away from killing John Sayers outside his home last year. Don’t know the full ins and outs but there were a few reasonably big headlines last year of businesses being hit, seemed like it had calmed down but as a guess it seems like Wraith has somehow riled it up. 




I get the murder attempts.  Paint on houses, smashed windows, cars doing donuts isn’t particularly intimidating when you’re part of that world.  For me and you sure scary shit sleepless nights.  But for proper organised crime it just sounds a bit school boy.  I’ve chatted a bit over the years with someone who married into this world.  He didn’t talk a lot but the bits I got were staying away from attention was massive.  When threats were needed they were generally face to face and when someone who potentially didn’t know what they were dealing with needed to be made aware.  But equally I guess you get the kids in London now publishing music videos bragging and promoting themselves so what do I know.  

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11 hours ago, Dr Venkman said:

Would be canny scary I reckon, people with families there and there’s radgies joy riding around with guns.


Aye, mates bairn was video calling him absolutely terrified, I a lot of kids get in there with mates. 


Lots of families as they liaise with local schools quite a bit, also playing Gateshead/last day of school.  


I drove past before the game when it was 'filling up' and mentioned taking the bairns down as we haven't been for a while.... pleased I didn't, don't need them seeing that live, they had enough questions when they saw all the videos on their group chats ? 



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Definitely a different breed of gangster / hard men in the North East compared to what goes on in places like Manchester, Liverpool or Leeds.

Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing, would rather have some blokes shouting “spekky twat” and smashing rivals windaz with bats, than toting machine guns in the street and shooting innocent bystanders 



Edited by bobbydazzla

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10 hours ago, KetsbaiaIsBald said:

I assume nothing from someone who chooses to do this for self promotion. 


edit - credit to him to be fair. He’s managed to carve out a living from Newcastle shows, films, promotions etc.  I have listened to a couple of the pod casts around the take over times and he does come across on those quite well.  But his Twitter feed is almost constant self promotion of what he’s got going on. I have no clue whether last night was promotion or genuine threats. I just find the idea that a criminal gang would think the cars and threats was in any way a good idea unlikely.  






There's self promotion and then there's stealing a hearse, gatecrashing a football game with the name of all the sayers family written on it and dropping a load of flyers labeling yourself as a nonce :lol:


Maybe Christopher Nolan was missing a trick with his promotion of Oppenheimer. 





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2 hours ago, Jaqen said:


There's self promotion and then there's stealing a hearse, gatecrashing a football game with the name of all the sayers family written on it and dropping a load of flyers labeling yourself as a nonce :lol:


Maybe Christopher Nolan was missing a trick with his promotion of Oppenheimer. 





Don’t get me wrong. By all probabilities I think it’s really unlikely he did it. But I just find it really hard to believe that a serious “gangster” would do it either.  

Something doesn’t sit right with me.  

The most likely reality is that a bunch of wannabe kids thought this was big time. 

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3 minutes ago, KetsbaiaIsBald said:

Don’t get me wrong. By all probabilities I think it’s really unlikely he did it. But I just find it really hard to believe that a serious “gangster” would do it either.  

Something doesn’t sit right with me.  

The most likely reality is that a bunch of wannabe kids thought this was big time. 


Not that I have any clue about this, but the main story seems to be it was the traveller family. 

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15 minutes ago, KetsbaiaIsBald said:

Don’t get me wrong. By all probabilities I think it’s really unlikely he did it. But I just find it really hard to believe that a serious “gangster” would do it either.  

Something doesn’t sit right with me.  

The most likely reality is that a bunch of wannabe kids thought this was big time. 

Those rumoured to be the antagonists are definitely not wannabe kids. The whole situation is pretty grim and is unlikely to end well. 

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I see that Matt Le Tosser is now focussing on selling CBD products on Twitter. Stuff that he says he was Skeptical over, obviously until he was offered a percentage of sales. Maybe we should offer him a few for every vaccines holdout get gets to take the vaccine, and every climate change denier he gets to believe in it and see if his views change.

The transparent fucking cunt.

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3 hours ago, KetsbaiaIsBald said:

Don’t get me wrong. By all probabilities I think it’s really unlikely he did it. But I just find it really hard to believe that a serious “gangster” would do it either.  

Something doesn’t sit right with me.  

The most likely reality is that a bunch of wannabe kids thought this was big time. 


They're just charvas, man. You think Gangster you think the Mafia or whatever, these are just fat lads that wear poor fitting t shirts, cotton shorts and all black air max. 

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8 hours ago, Wilson said:


Not that I have any clue about this, but the main story seems to be it was the traveller family. 

It’ll be the JCB lot, they upload their own videos to TikTok & Youtube when they smash up Sayers related property


What strange times we live in people 



Edited by bobbydazzla

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