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Guest reefatoon
On 29/07/2023 at 06:29, Hanshithispantz said:

I know I've shilled for progressive football terms but this shite is going to turn me into @Rod



He instantly made football boring as fuck. 

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2 hours ago, Ben said:


Will we be allowed to ? I bet we couldn't sign a similar deal.


Unless a Saudi kit manufacturer comes along from nowhere offering mad money, I think these sorts or deals are harder to fudge as the majority will have multiple clubs under them and know exactly that market value for a deal. 

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On 29/07/2023 at 06:29, Hanshithispantz said:

I know I've shilled for progressive football terms but this shite is going to turn me into @Rod



Put this through a translator and got:


"Trossard is maturing and offering more than just fancy tricks and finishing. He can drop back into midfield and battle for the team too; it's not his normal stomping ground, but once he's got the ball, he doesn't give it up easily".

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Guest reefatoon
4 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

Was it more exciting when punditry was just about running more and trying harder? 

[emoji38] hey if that kind of talk is your thing then fair enough. 

Football isn’t complicated, never was and never will be. That kind of shite is just some weirdo trying to sound knowledgeable. 

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9 minutes ago, reefatoon said:

[emoji38] hey if that kind of talk is your thing then fair enough. 

Football isn’t complicated, never was and never will be. That kind of shite is just some weirdo trying to sound knowledgeable. 


"Lets play".

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14 minutes ago, GeordieDazzler said:

Calling it now that it won’t be applied evenly.


Folk have such a hard on for this stuff that they’ll happily run the players into the ground to achieve it. There’s already too much football, no need to make it even longer. 

Liverpool to get 2 hours injury time if they are doing shit. Not that that's much of a difference from last season anyway [emoji38]

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If they’re going to add more time on then it needs to be absolutely clear what is included. 

For example, goal keepers taking ages to take a goal kick. Presumably they haven’t had wasted time if they haven’t been booked, therefore that time shouldn’t be added on? 

Seems like lots of stuff that has always been a normal part of football might end up being considered ‘added time’. 

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