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53 minutes ago, Kimbo said:

It’s incredible what Everton fans get away with considering we got months of negative press for saying Bruce is a shit manager on the internet.


:lol: Especially since we didn't even say the thing they said we said.

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A random rant...


Everton kicking off despite years of investment, some good managers and no asset stripping, whilst the owners attempt to build a new, better stadium with higher capacity, but fans protest because they're shit. Seemingly no outrage in the media, or calling this out. Tottenham also.


Man United, huge debt placed against them, have been shite (by their standard) and have (from what I've heard) been running down the state of the facilities etc. Yet, have spent a fortune, and now are coming good, the protests are going silent (as they probably would with any fanbase tbf). Yet no media outcry or calling it out.


Yet, that little old club from the North East, who were asset stripped, ran into the ground, relegated twice and on course for a third relegation in 15 years, who spent sweet fuck all (by comparison/in general) across over a decade AND made poor footballing decisions as per the two clubs mentioned above, and fans are reminded by all to 'know their place'.


Flipping the subject matter - Everton and Man United have spent a fucking fortune, both in the top 10 worldwide for the last decade whilst having said owners, and nowt gets said, yet Newcastle who spend a similar amount to several other clubs for the first time in 15 years are 'buying their way to safety/the league'?!


Then you have the morality issues. Obviously there are varying levels and obviously some are a lot worse than others. I'm not stupid. However, people have been or have become happy enough for Ambramovic to own Chelsea, the UAE to own Man City, wasn't there a Thai war criminal who owned someone, Mike Ashley, etc. Etc. To all have ownership of clubs. Yet there is a continuous outrage about ours. Funny how that's seemingly dying down from ManUre reporters now isn't it...Where's the Chelsea/Liverpool ones to now jump on that bandwagon though? Surely it won't be long.


Then you have the 'big six' who attempted to have a breakaway league and clubs who attempted to veto our purchase. Clubs who created fake rivalries with us both in person and online (Villa/Everton) who normally we couldn't give a shit about.


I really hope Brighton, Fulham and of course Newcastle United break up this 'big six' me like. Some of the big clubs (and yes they all are) need a fucking rocket up their arse and reminding they have no divine right to their league position.


Desperate for a win in a big game today, and a Carabao cup win because the rest of these wankers need a lesson.



Edited by Heron

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20 minutes ago, Heron said:

A random rant...


Everton kicking off despite years of investment, some good managers and no asset stripping, whilst the owners attempt to build a new, better stadium with higher capacity, but fans protest because they're shit. Seemingly no outrage in the media, or calling this out. Tottenham also.


Man United, huge debt placed against them, have been shite (by their standard) and have (from what I've heard) been running down the state of the facilities etc. Yet, have spent a fortune, and now are coming good, the protests are going silent (as they probably would with any fanbase tbf). Yet no media outcry or calling it out.


Yet, that little old club from the North East, who were asset stripped, ran into the ground, relegated twice and on course for a third relegation in 15 years, who spent sweet fuck all (by comparison/in general) across over a decade AND made poor footballing decisions as per the two clubs mentioned above, and fans are reminded by all to 'know their place'.


Flipping the subject matter - Everton and Man United have spent a fucking fortune, both in the top 10 worldwide for the last decade whilst having said owners, and nowt gets said, yet Newcastle who spend a similar amount to several other clubs for the first time in 15 years are 'buying their way to safety/the league'?!


Then you have the morality issues. Obviously there are varying levels and obviously some are a lot worse than others. I'm not stupid. However, people have been or have become happy enough for Ambramovic to own Chelsea, the UAE to own Man City, wasn't there a Thai war criminal who owned someone, Mike Ashley, etc. Etc. To all have ownership of clubs. Yet there is a continuous outrage about ours. Funny how that's seemingly dying down from ManUre reporters now isn't it...Where's the Chelsea/Liverpool ones to now jump on that bandwagon though? Surely it won't be long.


Then you have the 'big six' who attempted to have a breakaway league and clubs who attempted to veto our purchase. Clubs who created fake rivalries with us both in person and online (Villa/Everton) who normally we couldn't give a shit about.


I really hope Brighton, Fulham and of course Newcastle United break up this 'big six' me like. Some of the big clubs (and yes they all are) need a fucking rocket up their arse and reminding they have no divine right to their league position.


Desperate for a win in a big game today, and a Carabao cup win because the rest of these wankers need a lesson.





After what we experienced for 12 years I would never insult another clubs fans for protesting against their owners but I'm baffled as to why Everton fans are protesting against theirs.

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Richarlison bailed them out of relegation last season more or less single handedly, without him there was always going to be a fair chance they'd go down this year. But seeing it all play out like this is absolutely glorious and we are only half way through the season :lol: 


Hopefully they go the way of their mackem mates and linger in the lower divisions for the foreseeable. 


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The Everton stadium situation does seem suspect as fuck to me. They’re building it on the assumption they’ll get enough investment to finish it, and they’re on the hook from Liverpool Council to return the site to normal should they not. 



Edited by christ

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10 hours ago, lxsln said:

PSG apparently do not have a stadium after the season.

The Tories would have sold that, with added brown paper bags, years ago that Mayor is taking no prisoners good on her.

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The only defence I have for Everton fans in the current situation is that I don't think they're really delusional.


I think it's perfectly natural to look at a club that's spent £500m and expect to have better players and be in a better position than circling the drain with Frank Lampard as your manager. All of that money has been completely mismanaged and wasted and we'd think exactly the same if it was us.


The approaching players stuff is rank like, the nearest we got to anything like that is Ashley Out protesting against Ashley in public.

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10 hours ago, wormy said:

I still don't like him and hope he takes them down but watching MOTD and fair play to Lampard post-match for not taking a dig at the fans when asked about the protests to try and take the heat off him. All to easy a route to take as we ourselves have experienced.


I posted this in the managerial merry to round thread before seeing some of that shit on the previous pages here.


I take it back. Hope Lampard calls them out for the rank twats they are. We become the worst fans in football for calling Steve Bruce cabbage head yet these cunts can basically car jack one of their own players. :lol: Fuck off. As soon as you're chasing down players to abuse in public you're well beyond a 'protest'.

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12 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

The only defence I have for Everton fans in the current situation is that I don't think they're really delusional.


I think it's perfectly natural to look at a club that's spent £500m and expect to have better players and be in a better position than circling the drain with Frank Lampard as your manager. All of that money has been completely mismanaged and wasted and we'd think exactly the same if it was us.


The approaching players stuff is rank like, the nearest we got to anything like that is Ashley Out protesting against Ashley in public.

But the money was still made available, someone has took their own cash and invested it into the club in the form of players fees/wages, infrastructure build and the employment of top class managers, no money has been taken out or assets stripped.

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Just now, Ben said:

But the money was still made available, someone has took their own cash and invested it into the club in the form of players fees/wages, infrastructure build and the employment of top class managers, no money has been taken out or assets stripped.

I just see it as a different type of mismanagement really. One might be worse than the other, but it doesn't make either of them acceptable.

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No but they are run terribly i think they are right to be outraged at just the incompetence as well as worries about the state if the finances should they go down. No it's not asset stripping but it is sooner if the stupidest decision making you will ever see

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1 hour ago, Heron said:

A random rant...


Everton kicking off despite years of investment, some good managers and no asset stripping, whilst the owners attempt to build a new, better stadium with higher capacity, but fans protest because they're shit. Seemingly no outrage in the media, or calling this out. Tottenham also.


Man United, huge debt placed against them, have been shite (by their standard) and have (from what I've heard) been running down the state of the facilities etc. Yet, have spent a fortune, and now are coming good, the protests are going silent (as they probably would with any fanbase tbf). Yet no media outcry or calling it out.


Yet, that little old club from the North East, who were asset stripped, ran into the ground, relegated twice and on course for a third relegation in 15 years, who spent sweet fuck all (by comparison/in general) across over a decade AND made poor footballing decisions as per the two clubs mentioned above, and fans are reminded by all to 'know their place'.


Flipping the subject matter - Everton and Man United have spent a fucking fortune, both in the top 10 worldwide for the last decade whilst having said owners, and nowt gets said, yet Newcastle who spend a similar amount to several other clubs for the first time in 15 years are 'buying their way to safety/the league'?!


Then you have the morality issues. Obviously there are varying levels and obviously some are a lot worse than others. I'm not stupid. However, people have been or have become happy enough for Ambramovic to own Chelsea, the UAE to own Man City, wasn't there a Thai war criminal who owned someone, Mike Ashley, etc. Etc. To all have ownership of clubs. Yet there is a continuous outrage about ours. Funny how that's seemingly dying down from ManUre reporters now isn't it...Where's the Chelsea/Liverpool ones to now jump on that bandwagon though? Surely it won't be long.


Then you have the 'big six' who attempted to have a breakaway league and clubs who attempted to veto our purchase. Clubs who created fake rivalries with us both in person and online (Villa/Everton) who normally we couldn't give a shit about.


I really hope Brighton, Fulham and of course Newcastle United break up this 'big six' me like. Some of the big clubs (and yes they all are) need a fucking rocket up their arse and reminding they have no divine right to their league position.


Desperate for a win in a big game today, and a Carabao cup win because the rest of these wankers need a lesson.





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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with going all out against your ownership. It will harm the club’s short-term future but long-term if it’s the only option you’ve got then you need to use it. A complete act of self-harm to confront players though and will only serve to create an incredibly toxic atmosphere 

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