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Football pet hates

Guest JonnyRogers

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Guest thenorthumbrian

Not so much a pet hate, but I cannot f***ing bare Harry Redknapp, and his most recent comments are the s***-stirry ramblings of someone still desperately bitter about missing the job. He's an attention-seeking, deluded, arrogant arsehole and a totally average manager. That being said, he's still an ambassador for the English game which makes his comments (particularly about 2022) all the more abhorrent. If only they'd picked you, ey gavna'? Even if he is right, it's the likes of him who perpetuate some of the main issues which have caused the English national team to falter over the last decade. I wonder if there is a manager to have signed more foreigners in the history of the Premier League? So much good-for-nothing, mercenary guff, too.


I'm p*ssed off that he's back in the division next season and I hope he takes that grotty, nothing London club straight back down.


And Good Old Harry felt he had the right to comment on Newcastle player's contracts.

Of course the London media love him, they always do love cheeky chappie cockerney types. 

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Adrian Durham Talkshite, had a poll last week "is Philipp Lahm a bottler for retiring from International football i say yes he is " 

He has played in 3 World cups and and got the highest accolade any footballer could win at the age of 30 and this shit stain questions his "bottling it"  ,how the fuck can he make a statement like that when he knows fuck all about Lahm's circumstances and reasoning  :rant:

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Adrian Durham Talkshite, had a poll last week "is Philipp Lahm a bottler for retiring from International football i say yes he is " 

He has played in 3 World cups and and got the highest accolade any footballer could win at the age of 30 and this s*** stain questions his "bottling it"  ,how the f*** can he make a statement like that when he knows f*** all about Lahm's circumstances and reasoning  :rant:


Nothing personal, but one pet hate of mine is anything quoted from Talkshite. They just make stuff up to annoy people. Not worth a second of your time, or anyone else's.

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Adrian Durham Talkshite, had a poll last week "is Philipp Lahm a bottler for retiring from International football i say yes he is " 

He has played in 3 World cups and and got the highest accolade any footballer could win at the age of 30 and this shit stain questions his "bottling it"  ,how the fuck can he make a statement like that when he knows fuck all about Lahm's circumstances and reasoning  :rant:

:lol: I'd love to know what he is bottling by retiring

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Adrian Durham Talkshite, had a poll last week "is Philipp Lahm a bottler for retiring from International football i say yes he is " 

He has played in 3 World cups and and got the highest accolade any footballer could win at the age of 30 and this s*** stain questions his "bottling it"  ,how the f*** can he make a statement like that when he knows f*** all about Lahm's circumstances and reasoning  :rant:


Nothing personal, but one pet hate of mine is anything quoted from Talkshite. They just make stuff up to annoy people. Not worth a second of your time, or anyone else's.

This cock was on air with football expert Darren Gough when i heard him say it ,is he a wind up merchant or does he believe it  ;D
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Guest chopey

There main news at 4 o'clock today said Madrid would have the best strike force in Europe now they have Suarez and rodreguez

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Guest firetotheworks

Probably been mentioned a million times, but teams not kicking it out when their own player is down then expecting it to be kicked out when the opposition have it.

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Guest firetotheworks

The way Sky bang on about how the Premier League is the best league in the world because ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN, then something happens and they call it a shock or extraordinary. Jerks.

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Guest firetotheworks

:lol: I can't believe it was possible to hate him any more.


I'm starting to feel like death by natural causes is the only way that I'll ever win. :lol: I'll be sat there with an oxygen mask, someone whispers in my ear that 143 year old Newcastle Lasers Manager Alan Pardew has died, I smile, I breathe my last breath and go gently into that good night.


Turns out Hell exists and it's all personalised, Pardew's there upscaled with 30 metre lips just talking to me about himself for eternity whilst I lay there like this.





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