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Football pet hates

Guest JonnyRogers

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Corners that get taken with the ball blatantly outside the white line.


It's that whole bollocks about it only having to "overhang" the line. So the "bottom" of the ball can technically be outside.


Pile of wank either way.

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Any talk about the numbers before the Cup draw. I only want to find out the name when the guy actually says it. I've deliberately avoided lists up till now, even though I can't actually watch it, out of habit.


"Numbers to watch out for"


I think I can wait 2 seconds for them to say who it is...

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Any talk about the numbers before the Cup draw. I only want to find out the name when the guy actually says it. I've deliberately avoided lists up till now, even though I can't actually watch it, out of habit.


"Numbers to watch out for"


I think I can wait 2 seconds for them to say who it is...


Abso-fucking-lutely. I distinctly remember "numbers to watch out for" mentioned in all kinds of places as well, and even days before the draw. Just give me two decrepit FA nobs, a bag, and some clacky balls - and that old wooden tray they used to put them in  :mick:.

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Absolutely despise Suarez but what I hate more is the Liverpool fans who don't see how much of a wanker he is. I completely understand the 'He's a twat but he is our twat' mentality because I have had it with a few of ours over the years (Bellamy, Barton..) but they genuinely seem to believe he is the victim (shock!) and he isn't a tosser it's just the media fooling us.


What's even more amazing about the 'media against Suarez' thing is that they're not even against him. If anything, they try to paint him as nothing more than a cheeky cartoon villain at every opportunity.

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I'm sure it'll be a Giggs, but that "He scores/shags/does what he waaaaaaaaaants" chant is fucking horrendous.  It should be banned.  Unoriginal, sounds terrible, boring to sing, kills the atmosphere and has been done to death. 

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I'm sure it'll be a Giggs, but that "He scores/shags/does what he waaaaaaaaaants" chant is fucking horrendous.  It should be banned.  Unoriginal, sounds terrible, boring to sing, kills the atmosphere and has been done to death. 


The only thing I hate about the Beach Boys is Sloop John B.

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I'm sure it'll be a Giggs, but that "He scores/shags/does what he waaaaaaaaaants" chant is f***ing horrendous.  It should be banned.  Unoriginal, sounds terrible, boring to sing, kills the atmosphere and has been done to death. 


The only thing I hate about the Beach Boys is Sloop John B.


They didn't write it IIRC...

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Chelsea fans clapping throughout the 16th minute for Di Matteo. I wouldn't call it disrespectful, but it's a brilliant touch for Speed in the 11th minute and Petrov in the 19th minute as a tribute and as a Get Well Soon message, but to clap for a sacked manager in a similar way just doesn't sit right.

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Probably a Gigg-aton bombshell but the very idea that arsenal are in some sort of crisis. Horrendous.


Every season. You know they'll finish in the top 4 like they do every year. And their fans will regale everyone with their "trials and tribulations" and how it's "so tough to be a committed fan of Arsenal."

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Probably a Gigg-aton bombshell but the very idea that arsenal are in some sort of crisis. Horrendous.


Every season. You know they'll finish in the top 4 like they do every year. And their fans will regale everyone with their "trials and tribulations" and how it's "so tough to be a committed fan of Arsenal."


It can be pretty soul destroying when nobody at the Emirates notices how perfectly your red-and-white silk scarf is resting atop your Burberry peacoat.

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I'd be pretty fucked off if I was an Arsenal fan tbh. They could compete but they almost choose not too, being Arsenal with less cash is about as good as I can see us getting in the next few years too.

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I think they'll struggle to finish top 4 mind. Top 3 is a closed shop, and I don't think they'll finish higher than Spurs this time. Even Everton might beat them to 5th.


Is it? Spurs are level with Chelsea now who seem to have got worse under Rafa.... i'd agree top 2 is but i definitely think 3rd and 4th are up for grabs again for anyone who puts a consistent run together.

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