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If it's a choice between the US system where everyone gets a turn or the british system where only 3-4 teams max get a turn, i'll take the US system thanks.


Well what I'd really want is a return to the cycles of success pre-Sky but it's so money-orientated now that that seems long gone.


A worldwide wage cap (something 'modest' like £40k/week after tax) with TV revenues evenly spread might even things out a bit, but it's impossible to enforce.  It will be interesting to see the effect of the financial fair play rules but I suspect the effects will be minimal at best.


Looking back on it and trying to be objective, barring crowd bother, 70's/80's football seemed to be the best by a long way, especially in terms of "who's going to win what? etc."


Wouldn't suprise me if in 10 years there is a Euro Superleague given the way La Liga & the Prem are going.


Doubt it. It's only the PL and La Liga and possibly Seria A that have 'dominant' teams. France, Germany, Holland, Portugal, Ireland, Belgium etc all have a few teams pushing for the title. Having Man U, Chelsea, Barca, Real, Inter and AC in their own league would be horrendous.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Hardly a dodge. Football in this country has a heritage. 'Franchises' and the MLS are nothing but businesses. I like to think there is still something 'spiritual' within English football - that many Americans would never understand.


I wish some spiritual bastard would cough up the money and buy the club so it could be run according to our heritage then.


It lives within the fans. Then there are the likes of Jack Walker and numberous owners in the football league who actually care about the clubs they manage/own...


So you think the fans in Seattle decided to move their basketball team to Oklahoma then? :lol:


That's probably why the city of Seattle still keeps all the names, titles and records of the Sonics then. Because, you know, Americans don't understand heritage and that sort of thing.


Just ignore him, he's a terrible poster. Though I find it funny he wants to criticise Americans lack of understand towards a spiritual bond, when he doesn't understand the North-East Derby. Guy is a clown.

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If it's a choice between the US system where everyone gets a turn or the british system where only 3-4 teams max get a turn, i'll take the US system thanks.


Well what I'd really want is a return to the cycles of success pre-Sky but it's so money-orientated now that that seems long gone.


A worldwide wage cap (something 'modest' like £40k/week after tax) with TV revenues evenly spread might even things out a bit, but it's impossible to enforce.  It will be interesting to see the effect of the financial fair play rules but I suspect the effects will be minimal at best.


Looking back on it and trying to be objective, barring crowd bother, 70's/80's football seemed to be the best by a long way, especially in terms of "who's going to win what? etc."


Wouldn't suprise me if in 10 years there is a Euro Superleague given the way La Liga & the Prem are going.


Doubt it. It's only the PL and La Liga and possibly Seria A that have 'dominant' teams. France, Germany, Holland, Portugal, Ireland, Belgium etc all have a few teams pushing for the title. Having Man U, Chelsea, Barca, Real, Inter and AC in their own league would be horrendous.


I can't take a single threat of a Euro League breaking away seriously. If it did ever happen it'd fall to pieces and they'd be crawling back to their domestic leagues within a few years. And sadly, they'll probably welcome them back with open arms.


The biggest thing that makes me think it won't happen is purely the distance. Such long distance match travel every other week, for both the team and fans? Couldn't see it.

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why does there have to be 2 Sports Direct signs either side of 'Newcastle United' just makes it look even more stupid and what's the difference of having Sports Direct.com on the top of stand when they have it on advertising boards that go around the pitch just a few metres below it?? another great decision by mike ashley 


It's so it can be seen from any angle, by anyone in the stadium, and on any photograph taken. As I mentioned the other week, they even put that big temporary sheet over the empty away seats against Fulham just in case they scored.

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Noticed yesterday how good Villa Park looked without advertising on every available space. I hope when this fat bastard leaves, the new owners, whoever they maybe look to change the tacky cheap image Ashley has thrust upon us. :( Surely the cheap SportsDirect image turns off potential sponsors. Being associated with SportDircet is hardly a good thing.


Even at City when they have renamed their ground, and Arsenal where you pass their ground on the train, at least the sponsorship looks fairly decent and doesn't reek of cheapness.

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