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Remeber Sam Allerdyce screaming at Trabilsi  "Throw the ball you f****** c***" and not being charged :lol:


tbf, that's just hurling an insult, not really against any rules  ;D

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Good news although im still not impressed with Emre's career so far.I think he wasnt anything special when he played for us and also is injured too often

I think people are praising him so much because of the shit partnership between Butt and Parker

When he played this season his delievery was shocking and his goalscoring record is non existent

I think Taylor has more goals then Emre overall too

Still good news though

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Finally some good news - I just assumed after the week we have had that he was about to get a 12 month ban quickly followed by news that Owen has ruptured something at the physios during rehabilitation.


For what its worth I think Emre is a good player that does not seem to be able to work well with Parker. He can actually pass more than ten yards forward with the ball on the ground which puts the total sum of our players that can do that at 2 (or three if you count Zoggy).

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Not guilty?


More like unproven, big difference.


Still would like to see the back of him this summer, but glad this things is put to bed, well unless the Watford players shite comes to trial.

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Bowyer was also found not guilty in that famous court case in which Woodgate was found guilty of affray. It's strange how Bowyer gets all the flack but Woodgate gets next to none when he was the one proven guilty of something.


Its funny what people will choose to ignore if a player has the ability (ie Dyer pissing in the street, crashing his car = cunt. Bellamy hitting women and fighting with bouncers = legend).

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Bowyer was also found not guilty in that famous court case in which Woodgate was found guilty of affray. It's strange how Bowyer gets all the flack but Woodgate gets next to none when he was the one proven guilty of something.


Its funny what people will choose to ignore if a player has the ability.


Think it was more a case of Bowyer's other on-field/off-field antics, allied with this, in comparison to Woodgate's, from the public perception. Bowyer was hardly shite at his peak, either, so the ability thing isn't nailed-on. Woody might be a right cunt off the field, but he's not on it, and that's where the vast majority of people will judge him as a player/person.


EDIT: As for the Bellamy thing, I cannot believe you've brought him up in here! :laugh:

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Bowyer was also found not guilty in that famous court case in which Woodgate was found guilty of affray. It's strange how Bowyer gets all the flack but Woodgate gets next to none when he was the one proven guilty of something.


Its funny what people will choose to ignore if a player has the ability.


Think it was more a case of Bowyer's other on-field/off-field antics, allied with this, in comparison to Woodgate's, from the public perception. Bowyer was hardly shite at his peak, either, so the ability thing isn't nailed-on. Woody might be a right cunt off the field, but he's not on it, and that's where the vast majority of people will judge him as a player/person.


EDIT: As for the Bellamy thing, I cannot believe you've brought him up in here! :laugh:


I meant us judging him because Bowyer was rarely any better than average for us.


Seemed fitting tbh, Dyer gets a hell of a lot more sitck than Bellamy from some and its not because he is a more horrible person imo.

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Guest fat_bob

Not guilty?


More like unproven, big difference.


Still would like to see the back of him this summer, but glad this things is put to bed, well unless the Watford players s**** comes to trial.


The FA uses the terms 'proved' and 'not proved' in the same way an English court would use 'guilty' and 'not guilty'.  There's nothing sinister to be read into the wording.

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Guest given take

great news. just wating for parker to get suspended so we can see the real emre. ill be mad if i  see him on the left again

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Guest Alex20

Emre had an interview last night, I accidently caught it on a turkish sports channel, he said he's unclear about

his future in england, feels like there is definately some racism going on (a bit of racism towards emre),

he was wondering if he wasn't a turk if this situation would have ever come to this point, referring to how the FA handled and still is handling the situation. He's pretty mad about the declaration of the FA (for the ''lack of evidence,therefore we cannot suspend him'') message.You either have evidence, or you don't. Your either innocent, or guilty, there's no in-between.

Has a lot of great things to say about Newcastle, feels a bit ashamed though because of how the team has let down the supporters,

saying that they never let down on us always supported us in the worst situations, they deserve so much and emre is sad because of these allegations his football has suffered, if this would not have been the case I think I could have helped out a lot, especially in europe.

Thanks the supporters for the cheering and support when he came on after the allegations against AZ at home, he was unsure about the reactions he'd get, but was very happy when he got cheered.He also mentioned that he's going to take legal steps about these racism allegations, saying that this has been a nightmare for me, there is no worse feeling in the world when you are falsely accused of something, I don't know how I'll ever get over this, but having great supporters like ours can only help.


He was really upset, still after he was declared not guilty, about all of this. He's thinking about sueing, I didn't catch who he wanted to sue, and he was upset with the FA, with how they handled the situation.

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Emre: shut up and play football. The last thing we need a bloody court case over this. He as much admitted to using racist language when he said 'in Turkey, it's OK to use those words' so he should be relieved to be found unguilty.

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