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Kieron Dyer


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Guest KeithKettleborough

Idiotic move by us. We really have no hand to play. If the transfer doesn't go through we are left with a player who does not want to be here and who will undoubtly become dejected and be of no value to us on the pitch. I mean can anyone actually see Dyer coming back and getting on with it, I certainly can't and I thoroughly expect him to play up f*** and disturb the dressing room until he gets his wish.


It's going to be a complete disaster as if we keep him as undoubtly we'll have to sell him in January or next summer for half the price as he'll mope about and stir s*** which will leave us no option but to not play him.


I would imagine that Dyer's desire to stay in the England squad will have more of an effect on his future than anything else. If we do try and let him rot, I would think he will be the first to budge in any stand off for England reasons and not for us.


I notice that often he plays well when returning from injury up until he is back in the England set up. Then he doesn't seem to bother as much as he has got what he wanted. So I expect the situation to be resolved in our favour one way or the other and hopefully soon.

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Idiotic move by us. We really have no hand to play. If the transfer doesn't go through we are left with a player who does not want to be here and who will undoubtly become dejected and be of no value to us on the pitch. I mean can anyone actually see Dyer coming back and getting on with it, I certainly can't and I thoroughly expect him to play up f*** and disturb the dressing room until he gets his wish.


It's going to be a complete disaster as if we keep him as undoubtly we'll have to sell him in January or next summer for half the price as he'll mope about and stir s*** which will leave us no option but to not play him.


I don't see it as an idiotic move, if Dyer does play up then we can do to him what we did to Robert when we farmed him out but were still paying his wages, we can fine him.  We're sending out a message that we're not mugs and will not just go along with what Dyer or West Ham want us to go along with.


Bowing to a player or another club would have been idiotic.  We're no longer going to be a soft touch and will only benefit from this stance in future when we're dealing with other clubs and players.

We have an asset worth £6 million and the way we are going we will end up with an asset worth a lot less.


We have to remember Dyer's situation with his family greatly complicates the situation and basically means we can only sell him to clubs in London or MAYBE the Midlands. That leaves us with only 9 Premiership clubs we can geographically sell him to and that number is cut to 3 (Villa, West Ham, Spurs) when you think of who would realistically want him, could afford him and could pay his wages.


If we don't sell him other than seeing him sit on the bench for a year we get nothing. We still have to pay his huge wages and I can't see Allardyce playing him as undoubtly his mood will have an affect on how he plays. 



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Guest puretoon

Personally I wished Dyer (the parasite) would just  fuck off altogether.


I couldn't believe it when i saw the papers this morning-to say I felt deflated is an understatment!


Christ, will we never get rid of the arrogant, overpaid  parasite????...........

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Guest toonlass

Idiotic move by us. We really have no hand to play. If the transfer doesn't go through we are left with a player who does not want to be here and who will undoubtly become dejected and be of no value to us on the pitch. I mean can anyone actually see Dyer coming back and getting on with it, I certainly can't and I thoroughly expect him to play up fuck and disturb the dressing room until he gets his wish.


It's going to be a complete disaster as if we keep him as undoubtly we'll have to sell him in January or next summer for half the price as he'll mope about and stir shit which will leave us no option but to not play him.


I don't think Allardyce will allow Dyer to cause shit in the dressing room, in fact I think that Dyer would be made to train on his own if he started doing that. Kieron Dyer has a lot more to lose in this than we do. Dyer will lose his England place if he is not playing regularly. Best he does a James Milner, gets his head down, doesn't complain and let his football do the talking.

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Guest Phil K

I don't think Allardyce will allow Dyer to cause s*** in the dressing room, in fact I think that Dyer would be made to train on his own if he started doing that. Kieron Dyer has a lot more to lose in this than we do. Dyer will lose his England place if he is not playing regularly. Best he does a James Milner, gets his head down, doesn't complain and let his football do the talking.

Dyer is a self-centred petulant turd who has got his own way every day of his umpteen seasons here.

He has had maybe half a dozen good games in his time here.

He's a parasite who won't change his ways because he has no experience of "getting his head down"

Shepherd and Robson in paticular, then Souness and Roeder have created the whining self-important overpaid monster that Dyer is today.

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Idiotic move by us. We really have no hand to play. If the transfer doesn't go through we are left with a player who does not want to be here and who will undoubtly become dejected and be of no value to us on the pitch. I mean can anyone actually see Dyer coming back and getting on with it, I certainly can't and I thoroughly expect him to play up fuck and disturb the dressing room until he gets his wish.


It's going to be a complete disaster as if we keep him as undoubtly we'll have to sell him in January or next summer for half the price as he'll mope about and stir shit which will leave us no option but to not play him.


I don't think Allardyce will allow Dyer to cause shit in the dressing room, in fact I think that Dyer would be made to train on his own if he started doing that. Kieron Dyer has a lot more to lose in this than we do. Dyer will lose his England place if he is not playing regularly. Best he does a James Milner, gets his head down, doesn't complain and let his football do the talking.

I think it's impossible to compare his situation to Milner. Dyer's problem is not with the club it's with the fact his kids are hundreds of miles away in Ipswich. I actually think Ashley's move is rather disgraceful as family should be more important than business and he risking dyer's relationship with his kids just so he can swueeze a little bit more from West Ham.

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I don't think Allardyce will allow Dyer to cause s*** in the dressing room, in fact I think that Dyer would be made to train on his own if he started doing that. Kieron Dyer has a lot more to lose in this than we do. Dyer will lose his England place if he is not playing regularly. Best he does a James Milner, gets his head down, doesn't complain and let his football do the talking.

Dyer is a self-centred petulant turd who has got his own way every day of his umpteen seasons here.

He has had maybe half a dozen good games in his time here.

He's a parasite who won't change his ways because he has no experience of "getting his head down"

Shepherd and Robson in paticular, then Souness and Roeder have created the whining self-important overpaid monster that Dyer is today.

Very unfair assessment of Dyer I feel, sure he was twat when he was younger and I do not like him as a player but over the last year or two he has worked real hard to get over his injuries and succeeded.

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Guest optimistic nit

Idiotic move by us. We really have no hand to play. If the transfer doesn't go through we are left with a player who does not want to be here and who will undoubtly become dejected and be of no value to us on the pitch. I mean can anyone actually see Dyer coming back and getting on with it, I certainly can't and I thoroughly expect him to play up fuck and disturb the dressing room until he gets his wish.


It's going to be a complete disaster as if we keep him as undoubtly we'll have to sell him in January or next summer for half the price as he'll mope about and stir shit which will leave us no option but to not play him.


I don't think Allardyce will allow Dyer to cause shit in the dressing room, in fact I think that Dyer would be made to train on his own if he started doing that. Kieron Dyer has a lot more to lose in this than we do. Dyer will lose his England place if he is not playing regularly. Best he does a James Milner, gets his head down, doesn't complain and let his football do the talking.

I think it's impossible to compare his situation to Milner. Dyer's problem is not with the club it's with the fact his kids are hundreds of miles away in Ipswich. I actually think Ashley's move is rather disgraceful as family should be more important than business and he risking dyer's relationship with his kids just so he can swueeze a little bit more from West Ham.


i heard he asked for a 2mill loyalty bonus. if thats so then he can go to hell.

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We have an asset worth £6 million and the way we are going we will end up with an asset worth a lot less.


We have to remember Dyer's situation with his family greatly complicates the situation and basically means we can only sell him to clubs in London or MAYBE the Midlands. That leaves us with only 9 Premiership clubs we can geographically sell him to and that number is cut to 3 (Villa, West Ham, Spurs) when you think of who would realistically want him, could afford him and could pay his wages.


If we don't sell him other than seeing him sit on the bench for a year we get nothing. We still have to pay his huge wages and I can't see Allardyce playing him as undoubtly his mood will have an affect on how he plays. 




If Dyer is holding out for £2 million as a loyalty bonus then he can rot for all I care, that will take his £6 million down to £4 million and it puts out a message that we'll bow to the pressure.  If the club is taking a stand on this then they're doing the right thing as it will make people think twice in future.  If we'd done this with Bellamy we would have got more than the £4 million that Blackburn paid for him.


This club has given Dyer more than enough money and support over the years.

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Idiotic move by us. We really have no hand to play. If the transfer doesn't go through we are left with a player who does not want to be here and who will undoubtly become dejected and be of no value to us on the pitch. I mean can anyone actually see Dyer coming back and getting on with it, I certainly can't and I thoroughly expect him to play up fuck and disturb the dressing room until he gets his wish.


It's going to be a complete disaster as if we keep him as undoubtly we'll have to sell him in January or next summer for half the price as he'll mope about and stir shit which will leave us no option but to not play him.


I don't think Allardyce will allow Dyer to cause shit in the dressing room, in fact I think that Dyer would be made to train on his own if he started doing that. Kieron Dyer has a lot more to lose in this than we do. Dyer will lose his England place if he is not playing regularly. Best he does a James Milner, gets his head down, doesn't complain and let his football do the talking.

I think it's impossible to compare his situation to Milner. Dyer's problem is not with the club it's with the fact his kids are hundreds of miles away in Ipswich. I actually think Ashley's move is rather disgraceful as family should be more important than business and he risking dyer's relationship with his kids just so he can swueeze a little bit more from West Ham.


i heard he asked for a 2mill loyalty bonus. if thats so then he can go to hell.

If that's the case then I agree with you but from what I've read in the papers today the deal stalled because Ashley intervened and said he wanted £2 million more.


However if it does emerge he asked for a loyalty payment then we were right to tell him to get stuffed.

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I think it's impossible to compare his situation to Milner. Dyer's problem is not with the club it's with the fact his kids are hundreds of miles away in Ipswich. I actually think Ashley's move is rather disgraceful as family should be more important than business and he risking dyer's relationship with his kids just so he can swueeze a little bit more from West Ham.


You're being slightly gullible here, Dyer hasn't just realised that his kids are in Ipswich after spending the summer at West Ham has he?

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Very unfair assessment of Dyer I feel, sure he was t*** when he was younger and I do not like him as a player but over the last year or two he has worked real hard to get over his injuries and succeeded.


Dyer has been well paid by this club to get over his injuries, the same club that has paid all of his medical bills, he didn't have his treatment on the NHS.  As soon as it looks like his injuries are over he remembers his kids, you're having a laugh.

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I think it's impossible to compare his situation to Milner. Dyer's problem is not with the club it's with the fact his kids are hundreds of miles away in Ipswich. I actually think Ashley's move is rather disgraceful as family should be more important than business and he risking dyer's relationship with his kids just so he can swueeze a little bit more from West Ham.


You're being slightly gullible here, Dyer hasn't just realised that his kids are in Ipswich after spending the summer at West Ham has he?

From what I've read he spent the summer in London training with an ex-West Ham physio who was hired by Roeder to sort out Owen and Dyer.

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Hope the club stand firm and call his bluff. He's taken millions out of this club and he's basically engineered a situation which has invited West Ham to make a bid. Now he apparently wants a £2m leaving present?


He can go fuck himself. 

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From what I've read he spent the summer in London training with an ex-West Ham physio who was hired by Roeder to sort out Owen and Dyer.


Dyer has been getting physio most of the summer at Upton Park along with Dean Ashton, it has been with a former West Ham Physio.

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If this deal to West Ham is really off, I think we should do him a favour and send him on loan to Ipswich or Colchester or Cambridge for the year.  I'm sure he won't mind dropping down a division or two since family is, after all, his number one priority.   He'll no doubt be delighted to relocate so close to home.  And it's the least we could do for such a loyal club servant.

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If this deal to West Ham is really off, I think we should do him a favour and send him on loan to Ipswich or Colchester or Cambridge for the year.  I'm sure he won't mind dropping down a division or two since family is, after all, his number one priority.  He'll no doubt be delighted to relocate so close to home.  And it's the least we could do for such a loyal club servant.



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How funny would it be if we did offer to loan him to Ipswich?! mackems.gif


Mort: "Mike Ashley knows the importance of family to a man so has decided to pay Kieron's wages out of his own pocket for the next 12 months while on loan at Ipswich"


Dyer: :kasper:

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Guest Phil K

Dyer has been well paid by this club to get over his injuries, the same club that has paid all of his medical bills, he didn't have his treatment on the NHS.  As soon as it looks like his injuries are over he remembers his kids, you're having a laugh.

Absolutely correct.

What kind of prick uses his brats as an excuse for his own selfish wants ?

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