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Kieron Dyer


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I am not sure if this is too far fetched...

Here i go~~


Ghaly was about to go to Birmingham, Spurs receiving that amount had enough in their bags to come up with a bid for Dyer.(7Mil?)

Mike thought he could pull a fast one over the west spams by asking them to match spurs evaluation.

therefore the deal stalled.....IN THE MEAN WHILE Ghaly's deal falls through ....

And spurs revokes thier initial 7Mil offer, leaving us with a excited Dyer wanking on his way back....thinking he is probably off to spurs...

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Its an elaborate hoax to stick two fingers up at West Ham for trying to nick Joey Barton after we were selling them Parker.


Its obviously better we get rid of Dyer if he really is that unhappy here, lets face it if he wasnt he will be after the eggs incident.


On the flip side we are more than within our rights to demand more for Dyer the way West Ham have been throwing away money and the british market inflation.


If anything id say he is worth more than Parker, has better England credentials, more European experience and whilst its close scores alot more. Obviously the injuries take alot off, but Parker was certainly not captain invincible for us.


If he stays im sure Sam will sort him out and he will get his head down, we will find use for him. If he doesnt then we are more than covered.


Talk of a loyalty bonus is as likely as Titus managing to count to ten on his fingers. Im not even going to give consideration to Dyer being that absurd.

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ashley sending out a message if you ask me. making an example of the deal.


we're no one's mugs anymore, dont f*** with us! ;D


Sends out another message that we have enough money at the club not to be bothered about losing out Dyer's fee. That is re-assuring in itself and should give critics of the new regime like Invicta and NE5 something to think about.



To clarify, you think it's OK for the club to be run so Ashley bails it out and either uses his own money or the clubs to keep a player who wants to leave ?


Don't get me wrong here, I'm not advocating being an easy touch, it may well be that this increase in the fee is to pay for a loyalty

payment by Dyer, and I would actually be in favour of letting the little b****** rot if this is the case, although as Sam is the manager he will have to do the sensible thing and play him, but I hope he doesn't expect the supporters to accept him fully again after this escapade. You can't chuck money away, and you have to use your players to win games. We have been through this bollocks with Souness and Bellamy, and Robert.


I'm asking this of you because you didn't respond to my post in "everything falling into place", number 237, and wonder why exactly you seem to want to make such snide comments about myself - and vicky - and presume for some reason that someone has supported the club for 40 years and not wanted us to be successful, just because we dont' agree with you ? Some people prefer to judge on actions when they see them, rather than wear rose tinted specs.


I'll be happier when we start throwing our financial weight around and beating smaller clubs to the top players personally, and can't see anything wrong with that, can you  ?


Unless of course you yourself have limited ambition [bTW this is similar to the last comment you didn't respond to]


I think if the clubs have agreed a fee of 6m quid he should stick to his word, and if Dyer has asked for a loyalty bonus then he would be far wiser to forget about it, he must know that setting foot in the quayside again would not be very advisable.





What I am saying is that we are sending out a very strong message that we aren't desperate for the Dyer cash. If you like being desperate, well each to his own. Dyer is a Newcastle player on a very good contract, if he wants away, he could always buy out of it.


As far as the post in my thread about "Everything falling into place", tbh, I just couldn't be arsed. I haven't got all day to wind up in circular arguments which end up in "Freddie always backed his managers" or "Remember life before the Shepherd?!!"


FYI everything you said on that thread was total bollocks.

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Just seen the curbishley interview on SSN

Interviewer asked directly if we had asked for more money. He completely sidestepped the question and instead tried to push more the fact that it was all down to us and all our fault. Fucking twat - trying to act the big man now just because he has some money to spend. I used to think he was an honest bloke as well. Tosser shouldnt come out and speak if he isnt prepared to be honest and answer the questions put to him.

Cant wait to find out what really happened.

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Always hated Curbishley. Think he's the most over-rated manager around. People talk about what a great job he did at Charlton, but there was no improvement from 2000 when they came back up, to 2006 when he left, and last season's demise had started well before he left as well. Compare that to Blackburn & Bolton, similar sized clubs who came up around about the same time, who've since finished top 6, qualified for Europe, won a cup, etc.

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Just seen the curbishley interview on SSN

Interviewer asked directly if we had asked for more money. He completely sidestepped the question and instead tried to push more the fact that it was all down to us and all our fault. Fucking twat - trying to act the big man now just because he has some money to spend. I used to think he was an honest bloke as well. Tosser shouldnt come out and speak if he isnt prepared to be honest and answer the questions put to him.

Cant wait to find out what really happened.


Have you ever considered that he might just be telling the truth?  :undecided:


I've not got a clue as to what went on but it broke down pretty sharpish after a fee had been agreed. Leads me to believe he might have a point tbh. :hmm:



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Guest firetotheworks

Aye, cant stand his and Pardews 'we was' talk, its 'we were' for fucks sake! Only thing left to like about west ham for me is Scott Parker, not so much as a player after last season but just that he did give his all, it hurt to critisize him when thinking back to the arsenal game.

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Just seen the curbishley interview on SSN

Interviewer asked directly if we had asked for more money. He completely sidestepped the question and instead tried to push more the fact that it was all down to us and all our fault. Fucking twat - trying to act the big man now just because he has some money to spend. I used to think he was an honest bloke as well. Tosser shouldnt come out and speak if he isnt prepared to be honest and answer the questions put to him.

Cant wait to find out what really happened.


Have you ever considered that he might just be telling the truth?  :undecided:


I've not got a clue as to what went on but it broke down pretty sharpish after a fee had been agreed. Leads me to believe he might have a point tbh. :hmm:




I would have thought that had I not seen him completely avoid the question put to him. To me, that suggested he knew exactly what happened but for some reason decided to say nothing. He could have even just said "I dont know" but his total avoidance just came across as a bit devious to me.

He was already laying the blame completely at our doorstep so why no just go the whole hog and tell the world we upped the bid or not

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Just seen the curbishley interview on SSN

Interviewer asked directly if we had asked for more money. He completely sidestepped the question and instead tried to push more the fact that it was all down to us and all our fault. Fucking twat - trying to act the big man now just because he has some money to spend. I used to think he was an honest bloke as well. Tosser shouldnt come out and speak if he isnt prepared to be honest and answer the questions put to him.

Cant wait to find out what really happened.


Have you ever considered that he might just be telling the truth?  :undecided:


I've not got a clue as to what went on but it broke down pretty sharpish after a fee had been agreed. Leads me to believe he might have a point tbh. :hmm:




I would have thought that had I not seen him completely avoid the question put to him. To me, that suggested he knew exactly what happened but for some reason decided to say nothing. He could have even just said "I dont know" but his total avoidance just came across as a bit devious to me.

He was already laying the blame completely at our doorstep so why no just go the whole hog and tell the world we upped the bid or not



That's a fair point like! Perhaps he doesn't want it to turn into a "war of words" as the press seem to love? Perhaps he just didn't want to let on to the red-tops?


I just think that there's more than an element of truth to what he's saying/implying. We're not whiter than white in this thing imo.

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Just seen the curbishley interview on SSN

Interviewer asked directly if we had asked for more money. He completely sidestepped the question and instead tried to push more the fact that it was all down to us and all our fault. Fucking twat - trying to act the big man now just because he has some money to spend. I used to think he was an honest bloke as well. Tosser shouldnt come out and speak if he isnt prepared to be honest and answer the questions put to him.

Cant wait to find out what really happened.


Have you ever considered that he might just be telling the truth?  :undecided:


I've not got a clue as to what went on but it broke down pretty sharpish after a fee had been agreed. Leads me to believe he might have a point tbh. :hmm:




I would have thought that had I not seen him completely avoid the question put to him. To me, that suggested he knew exactly what happened but for some reason decided to say nothing. He could have even just said "I dont know" but his total avoidance just came across as a bit devious to me.

He was already laying the blame completely at our doorstep so why no just go the whole hog and tell the world we upped the bid or not



That's a fair point like! Perhaps he doesn't want it to turn into a "war of words" as the press seem to love? Perhaps he just didn't want to let on to the red-tops?


I just think that there's more than an element of truth to what he's saying/implying. We're not whiter than white in this thing imo.


Oh I agree that we dont look great in all of this. We definitely need to speak out on the matter now to put our perspective on it.

It is odd to pull out when everything has been done on the deal bar the player pulling on the shirt.

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Just seen the curbishley interview on SSN

Interviewer asked directly if we had asked for more money. He completely sidestepped the question and instead tried to push more the fact that it was all down to us and all our fault. Fucking twat - trying to act the big man now just because he has some money to spend. I used to think he was an honest bloke as well. Tosser shouldnt come out and speak if he isnt prepared to be honest and answer the questions put to him.

Cant wait to find out what really happened.


Have you ever considered that he might just be telling the truth?  :undecided:


I've not got a clue as to what went on but it broke down pretty sharpish after a fee had been agreed. Leads me to believe he might have a point tbh. :hmm:




I would have thought that had I not seen him completely avoid the question put to him. To me, that suggested he knew exactly what happened but for some reason decided to say nothing. He could have even just said "I dont know" but his total avoidance just came across as a bit devious to me.

He was already laying the blame completely at our doorstep so why no just go the whole hog and tell the world we upped the bid or not



That's a fair point like! Perhaps he doesn't want it to turn into a "war of words" as the press seem to love? Perhaps he just didn't want to let on to the red-tops?


I just think that there's more than an element of truth to what he's saying/implying. We're not whiter than white in this thing imo.


Oh I agree that we dont look great in all of this. We definitely need to speak out on the matter now to put our perspective on it.

It is odd to pull out when everything has been done on the deal bar the player pulling on the shirt.


Fully agreed on that like.  :thup:


Would like to know what exactly happened but I very much doubt we'll find out. :undecided:

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Fully agreed on that like.  :thup:


Would like to know what exactly happened but I very much doubt we'll find out. :undecided:


My guess is that there will be some banter between the 2 clubs and eventually he will sign.


West Ham fans must be right fucked off with all the controversy surrounding them at the minute... just when the Tevez things seems to finally being settled, this happens

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Sticking my neck out but I'd say about 80% of West Ham fans are happy this has happened!


Aye about this probably.

Just on the whole, with the top of the tree being the Tevez saga, their PR this summer has been truly awful.


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