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José Enrique


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Think we're making a mistake if we let every bit of bad news be some sort of ultimate proof of the evil of Mike Ashley, or even to always discuss things in those terms.


These things happen all the time in football, a player gets too big for his current club and moves on.




And that will have no impact on the morale of the current squad when they realise they're in 'nowheresville' for the duration of their contract?

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In think we can rule out the "he has found out we are selling/he has found out we aren't buying anyone else" speculation.


It's ludicrous, you reckon Pardew has gone into the changing room with a pricing gun or something? :lol:

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Good points as well, to be honest. Fair to say the reason his performances dropped is probably linked to him being fed up/low morale (same as any normal worker). However, the last thing you'd do in a job is start to upset others who might be happy there and enjoy their work - seems a bit unfair on them.


Certainly - the first part I think you're right, and he had a few shaky moments in the second half of the season, but he always looked like he was trying to me. I know not everyone will agree.


He hasn't outright criticised any player(s).. or even said the squad is weak.. I actually think he's been rather diplomatic with what he's written. I do understand your point - and to an extent, I would agree - but I would think the squad would be aware (and maybe even sympathetic) of what's going on - and wouldn't take it personally, and probably understand he has to do what's best for him. As all humans do.

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Probably not TBH.


If i was in Enrique's place, i'd hand in a transfer request and leave should the opportunity come. I'd then tell my story after i left and probably blow the whole thing wide open from the outside.


If i couldn't get a move i'd leave on a free when my contract ran out and then have a whinge.


I must say, I find it difficult to believe you'd spend an extra year working for employers you neither liked or trusted - if you had the choice to go elsewhere sooner.


I don't think you're thinking of Jose Enrique as a real person. I know he's a Newcastle United superstar - but also a human* and he probably just spent six fairly miserable months of his life (and not an insignificant amount of his career) working for an employer that sacked a line manager he got on well with (Hughton) with no real reason and then had some of the promising talents of the team sold off with no massive push for improving the squad.


To expect him to wait patiently for another twelve months ... well, I don't blame him.


And from a "being a man" viewpoint, there's an old saying "you should never be afraid to do the right thing" - which, in this case, is fight the power and speak your mind.


* - not to paint him as some underprivileged malnourished orphan or owt :laugh:


When I've been unhappy I've kept my head down, looked fokr a new job, handed in my notice and done things properly. I'd expect a PROFESSIONAL football to hand in a request quietly, seek a new opportunity and do things correctly.


Have your employers spoke to your friends and told them you're unwilling to renew your contract and not let you set the record straight with them too, then?


Seriously? His friends? My last employer went back on a promise on wages to the tune of 7 grand, I stilll did as my lady post. If he wants to leave then that's his prerogative, but putting this on Twitter ( I've always said Twitter is full of tweets by twats) is just letting himself down. He's playing a game as much as MA and co are

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In think we can rule out the "he has found out we are selling/he has found out we aren't buying anyone else" speculation.


It's ludicrous, you reckon Pardew has gone into the changing room with a pricing gun or something? :lol:


Spot on, it's madness.

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If it's ambition and European football he wants, why doesn't he consider the likes of Sevilla, Valencia or Villarreal? Guessing the fact they'd not offer him the wages he's on is a factor like


Are you even reading what he's tweeted? :laugh:

Course I am, I know the board are liars but when he wants to leave there's no need whatsoever for this to be made public. Even with all the lying, off the pitch, we're still going about making tidy signings and the making of a decent side. Just don't see what he was expecting from this other than being put on the transfer list, which to be honest, isn't surprising.


He's trying to tell you (us fans) something because he respects us and genuinely thinks we deserve better. Maybe you should listen and let it sink in for a second?

there's nothing that he's said tonight that (us fans) didn't already know.


we know MA is a liar were stuck with him, club loses a player it wants to keep, fans lose a player they want to keep. Enrique forces the move he wants. Who wins? Who gets the best deal out of this mess

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Think we're making a mistake if we let every bit of bad news be some sort of ultimate proof of the evil of Mike Ashley, or even to always discuss things in those terms.


These things happen all the time in football, a player gets too big for his current club and moves on.




And that will have no impact on the morale of the current squad when they realise they're in 'nowheresville' for the duration of their contract?


Don't know what you're laughing at TBH.

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Seriously? His friends? My last employer went back on a promise on wages to the tune of 7 grand, I stilll did as my lady post. If he wants to leave then that's his prerogative, but putting this on Twitter ( I've always said Twitter is full of tweets by twats) is just letting himself down. He's playing a game as much as MA and co are


Fair enough Colo's Short and Curlies! I was definitely reaching with my comparison of fans to friends :lol:


The reason I had to, was because the situations are so very different - and I do think you underestimate the relative power balance between your respective previous employers, and his with Ashley and co.. I do believe if you thought you had the power to make sure your boss didn't get away scott free for reneging on his seven grand pay bump - you would. Or at least you wouldn't let your boss deceive others about the reason for you not renewing your contract for another five and a half years (as seems to be the standard length of contracts at NUFC these days).


Anyway, those are my two cents on the matter - and I'll certainly follow this thread (and indeed your response :)), but I can see it getting cyclical and intractable to continue engaging in!

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I think Ashleys changed his view on the club a number of times:


I) Bought as a rich man's playthings. Intended to compete and spend quickly sell it to some Arabs for a vast profit.

II) Fed up with fans revolt, club for sale.

III) Take club off Market and gamble on a quick return to Premier League.

IV) Premier League status restored, make club attractive to buyers by running costs down, selling assets and making investment only on a minimal level.

We knew this when the club statement after promotion (no capital outlay, bring players through youth ranks to sell), and it's been well documented about the wage structure, so why the surprise and need for players to run their mouths?



Jose knew this when he said, 'I'll wait until we're safe' etc.

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Think we're making a mistake if we let every bit of bad news be some sort of ultimate proof of the evil of Mike Ashley, or even to always discuss things in those terms.


These things happen all the time in football, a player gets too big for his current club and moves on.




And that will have no impact on the morale of the current squad when they realise they're in 'nowheresville' for the duration of their contract?


Don't know what you're laughing at TBH.


Laughing at you looking to brush over this as insignificant.

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Guess we'll start the season with Dummett/Tavernier at LB (if Ferguson isn't back by then).


Yeah - just a shame we didn't get "Reserve/Back Up" fullback Neil Taylor isn't it?


I'm sure he wouldn't have started for us  :rolleyes:

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Still there for me.


Also, I'd rather he just shut up and run out his contract or sign a new one.  Those are the two best options for us as fans/the club.


His heart is elsewhere now but he's still a fantastic left back and we really need him this season.

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So, umm, what did he actually say?  :undecided:


Seconded. His account seems to be gone again.


Are the actual tweets posted on one of the pages?


He's deleted it? If your gonna mouth off at least have the balls to stick to it, he's like a teenage girl

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Still there for me.


Also, I'd rather he just shut up and run out his contract or sign a new one.  Those are the two best options for us as fans/the club.


His heart is elsewhere now but he's still a fantastic left back and we really need him this season.


If the club are not looking after their best players why should the players have loyalty to the club?


If they are lying to him, why should he allow them to do that? Especially in public?

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In think we can rule out the "he has found out we are selling/he has found out we aren't buying anyone else" speculation.


It's ludicrous, you reckon Pardew has gone into the changing room with a pricing gun or something? :lol:


Yeah that would be well daft, have you seen how much those pricing guns cost?

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