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José Enrique


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I think Ashleys changed his view on the club a number of times:


I) Bought as a rich man's playthings. Intended to compete and spend quickly sell it to some Arabs for a vast profit.

II) Fed up with fans revolt, club for sale.

III) Take club off Market and gamble on a quick return to Premier League.

IV) Premier League status restored, make club attractive to buyers by running costs down, selling assets and making investment only on a minimal level.

We knew this when the club statement after promotion (no capital outlay, bring players through youth ranks to sell), and it's been well documented about the wage structure, so why the surprise and need for players to run their mouths?



Jose knew this when he said, 'I'll wait until we're safe' etc.


Pardew said words to that effect, not Jose. Maybe part of the things he claims they have been lying about..?

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I can't really argue if Enrique is saying we haven't offered him enough money to stay. Because that's what this is really about at the end of the day. He seems to be moaning that he's not being offered more than he's already on, which is fair enough from both sides tbh. He can get more somewhere else and we probably can't get close to offering what Liverpool or Barcelona will offer. The lack of ambition is a bit of a smokescreen IMO.

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I do believe that the club is still trying to add to the squad, and this statement won't help. Nor will it help the morale of the players who want to stay. As such, it's a bit selfish.


If he wants to go, he can go. No need to try and attract sympathy / support like this.


Agree with this 100%


Can't see how anybody can consider Jose's outburst good for the club in any way?


It's not good for the club (unless it in some small way contributes to MA eventually leaving). Doesn't make it the wrong thing to have done though.


Of course it does, surely as fans we want what's best for the club before wanting bad things for the owners.


These comments help no-one, if he is unhappy he can express his frustration by handing in a transfer request, that says what needs to be said. Obviously it would rule out a loyalty bonus but if he isn't worried about money...

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I wouldn't be surprised to see him suspended by the club, but he won't be surprised and nor will it matter. The guys not stupid, he's been reprimanded for tweets before. He knows exactly what he's doing.


And so... whilst i wouldn't say it's Given levels of manoeuvring, Jose will know that a harsh tweet like this will do no harm in his quest to find another club. Considering the apparent lack of interest, giving the club an excuse to banish him Joey Barton '09-stylee will only help him get out. It'll might make them reduce the asking price, further lengthening his chances of leaving this summer.


I do think he has an affection for the club, but he's only got a handful of years left to break his way into the Spanish team. He's one of the more honest footballers and i do think that's the be-all-end-all for him, especially given the Spanish football climate at the moment. Why wouldn't he want to be a part of it, especially when he knows he's playing well enough to deserve being there?


There's only a slim chance of him being properly noticed whilst at the current Newcastle United. He knows, like the rest of us, the potential of the club - but we'll never really achieve it with the cretins at the helm. He knows that too, and that's why he's put these messages on.


So long Jose, please don't go to Liverpool.

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I can't really argue if Enrique is saying we haven't offered him enough money to stay. Because that's what this is really about at the end of the day. He seems to be moaning that he's not being offered more than he's already on, which is fair enough from both sides tbh. He can get more somewhere else and we probably can't get close to offering what Liverpool or Barcelona will offer. The lack of ambition is a bit of a smokescreen IMO.


Spot on.

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I think Enrique is reacting to the way we played last night against a team in what is basically a third world footballing nation.  We've had 35 million to invest in the squad and we're a couple of injuries away from playing like we did last night but against better teams.


We were told that money would be spent, I know that has been watered down over time but we don't know what our players were told about investment.


People who are having a go at players for having a go at the club haven't a clue what the players have been told.  I doubt so many players would have a go at the club without reason. 

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Don't know quite what to make of these comments. Obviously as fans we're not privy to the inner workings of the club, but by now we've gathered that the club isn't always straight with the fans. I know we haven't spent really any of the Carroll money as we expected, buy we've made some pretty astute signings so far. Likewise it would seem our rather staggering wage bill is on the way down, so all fairly positive stuff.


Yet the squad is quite small and there is some dead wood like Smith and Xiaco that badly needs shifting. Enrique was always likely to leave to achieve his ambitions, but I think the fact we now have a very much different mentality (and a massively different one to what he was probably pitched before signing) has probably caused this outburst.


We desperately need at least a striker and the full back positions will be weak, but I think we're stronger now possibly than we've ever been since he's been at the club (not on paper, it's just we know how some of those 'big names on paper' performed) so I'm not quite sure what he expected from us this summer? Going out and spending £40m on players? Who will honestly come to the club that will vastly improve us and be within our budget? We may be a biggish name in France, but let's be honest, we're sadly not the draw we once were.

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I now have the extreme view that the statement will say that Jose has been transfer listed.............

bit odd for them to release a statement over it, they didn't do that when Barton did similar


I thought that too... with Twitter stuff my view is that they basically shouldn't respond at all. Barton did come out soon after and correct his twitter rant though.


They might see this as a good chance to get Jose on the transfer list and bring the issue to a head.

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I can't really argue if Enrique is saying we haven't offered him enough money to stay. Because that's what this is really about at the end of the day. He seems to be moaning that he's not being offered more than he's already on, which is fair enough from both sides tbh. He can get more somewhere else and we probably can't get close to offering what Liverpool or Barcelona will offer. The lack of ambition is a bit of a smokescreen IMO.


Disagree entirely.

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I can understand his frustration, but if he's that unhappy, just hoy in a fucking transfer request and leave.


Stop fucking about, for fuck's sake.




No need to unsettle the new players, and give the papers something to talk about in the mean time.


Yeah that's really disappointing. We have new signings here and the last thing we needed was one of our best players shitting on the club in public.

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I can't really argue if Enrique is saying we haven't offered him enough money to stay. Because that's what this is really about at the end of the day. He seems to be moaning that he's not being offered more than he's already on, which is fair enough from both sides tbh. He can get more somewhere else and we probably can't get close to offering what Liverpool or Barcelona will offer. The lack of ambition is a bit of a smokescreen IMO.


Spot on.


respectfully disagree, i cant see him moaning about not being offerred more there at all. i can see him moaning about the clubs transfer policy and saying that the new contract offer is the same wages in order to highlight the fact that they lie, and have done again in this case. pardew's here because of his experience though you know

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I do believe that the club is still trying to add to the squad, and this statement won't help. Nor will it help the morale of the players who want to stay. As such, it's a bit selfish.


If he wants to go, he can go. No need to try and attract sympathy / support like this.


Agree with this 100%


Can't see how anybody can consider Jose's outburst good for the club in any way?


It's not good for the club (unless it in some small way contributes to MA eventually leaving). Doesn't make it the wrong thing to have done though.


Of course it does, surely as fans we want what's best for the club before wanting bad things for the owners.


These comments help no-one, if he is unhappy he can express his frustration by handing in a transfer request, that says what needs to be said. Obviously it would rule out a loyalty bonus but if he isn't worried about money...


The part I've put in bold isn't what I meant at all.


We want what's best for the club, yes. Even if Jose's actions aren't what's best for the club, that doesn't it make the wrong thing for him to have done.


(an extreme analogy - if the club ordered an assassin to kill a baby, and Jose reported it to the police - it would be the right thing to do, but also bad for fans - because the club would face criminal charges/lose money etc :lol:)

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I think Enrique is reacting to the way we played last night against a team in what is basically a third world footballing nation.  We've had 35 million to invest in the squad and we're a couple of injuries away from playing like we did last night but against better teams.


We were told that money would be spent, I know that has been watered down over time but we don't know what our players were told about investment.


People who are having a go at players for having a go at the club haven't a clue what the players have been told.  I doubt so many players would have a go at the club without reason. 


But neither to the people defending them, they just assume the worst because it's Ashley.

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