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José Enrique


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Yeah, that's spot on about the game yesterday.  At times he literally had nothing to work with, even when they had a full compliment of players on the pitch.  Well as close as you can get when you have Henderson on the field.  Zing.

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Thought he was easily their best player yesterday, had no support when he was getting forward though due to the sendings off mainly I think. Liverpool were shocking and Dalglish took forever to take on a sub and sort out he shape of their team. He seemed pretty clueless. Also AC is badly out of form and lacking confidence.

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He looked isolated on the left wing at times, and in and around the Liverpool box he hasn't got a crafty defender like Colo to link up with. At Newcastle we like(d) to play our way out from the back at times, and probably more than half of our attacks came down the left wing where Jonas was always there abouts to give him a hand. This suited his game perfectly.


Very good point. That trio built most of our play down the left when he was here.

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Guest johnson293

Only saw the MOTD2 highlights, but he (Enrique) got done early on by Walker (was it?) who knocked it past him and took off, which left Jose flat footed and struggling to turn and catch him.


Then of course he got out-muscled by Defoe for the 3rd.



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He was poor yesterday. He's quick but he doesn't have great acceleration, Spuds exploited this. A couple of times they would trot up to him with the ball while he set him self to stop them running past him, only for them to push the ball past him and run on to it. he wasn't able to turn quick enough to stop them. Defoe nailed him for his goal as well

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There was a point in the game where he won the ball back in his own half then tried to take a couple of players on and eventually got caught up by too many of them and just passing to a Spurs player at the half way. I thought to myself, thats wor Jose :)

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Walker did beat him for pace on numerous occasions. Seemed frustrated with the poor team performance as well, gave a couple of players the "Peter Lövenkrands look".


Walker did give him a hard test but I only saw him beat him once. Much though I'd love him to flop at Anfield, I saw the whole game and he was still their best player. Not that it took much.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Hmm, interview with ESPN he says he wanted to return home in his first season at Newcastle, as he didn't feel settled/felt homesick. Confirms that sale of Carroll and Nolan was reason he left Newcastle for Liverpool. Regrets his 'twitter outburst'.

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Hmm, interview with ESPN he says he wanted to return home in his first season at Newcastle, as he didn't feel settled/felt homesick. Confirms that sale of Carroll and Nolan was reason he left Newcastle for Liverpool. Regrets his 'twitter outburst'.


Hmmm, interesting.

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Hmm, interview with ESPN he says he wanted to return home in his first season at Newcastle, as he didn't feel settled/felt homesick. Confirms that sale of Carroll and Nolan was reason he left Newcastle for Liverpool. Regrets his 'twitter outburst'.


He should have went to West Ham then.

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Hmm, interview with ESPN he says he wanted to return home in his first season at Newcastle, as he didn't feel settled/felt homesick. Confirms that sale of Carroll and Nolan was reason he left Newcastle for Liverpool. Regrets his 'twitter outburst'.


He was considered fairly crap in his first season as it was Fat Sam who bought him and wanted to fit him into his long ball vision, followed by Keegan who chose N'Zogbia as a left back instead, which left both players pissed off.

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