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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. How dare they try and improve stuff
  2. There is no clause it was a fabrication made up by some scummy paper
  3. Butt was on the bench against man u. I hope he doesn't even make that next time regardless. Butt has cost us so many points this season with bad passes in bad areas we can't risk playing him again.
  4. I've been trying to keep out of this for a while now but EH?! Ashley has taken no money from the club and it's actually costing him a fortune every season, I don't understand how you can call that a money making racket. Or have I just been whooshed massively?
  5. Prediction League all up to date again. You can see the current table here http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcpredictionleague Make sure you remember and get your predictions added for the Hull game, it's all still very tight at the top.
  6. I'm no fan of NUSC at the current moment in time but my god Llambias appears to be out of his depth running this football club.
  7. --------------------Harper------------ ----Raylor--------Colo---Bassong------Jose-- ----Jonas----Geremi--Lovenkrands-Smith--Duff-- ------------------------------Viduka-------- A point would be a great result so we need someone to be able to throw the ball up to and can hold it, that's Viduka. Try and fill the midfield so we can keep a bit of control in there and just hope the defence holds up. If we have Steven Taylor in the back we will lose as they will have the run of that side of the pitch.
  8. Well I'm neutral and I loved it. The match was flowing so quick as well, I know it was cause Athletico wanted to get on with the game but the fact the ball was quickly at the player for throw ins and that (well a new ball) just meant the game seemed to never stop. It was great stuff.
  9. They were 15 points clear at the end of January
  10. Did anyone catch this match on Sky Sports Extra? It's just finished and was a fantastic game, honestly if you didn't see it watch out for the highlights of the Spanish football I think at 1am on SS1. Just to see Henry's first goal if nothing else. Brilliant match, brought back memories of our match against Liverpool and that was how it ended 4-3.
  11. Or they pay him off with the protection that he won't be allowed to say anything about it.
  12. ToonTastic

    Darlington FC

    I would have thought they would have tried to hold on for this season, get promotion and then take the points deduction in the new league if they got promoted. Guess they are worried they don't get promoted though and then they start the new season on minus points in a lower league.
  13. ToonTastic

    Darlington FC

    It got set on fire and then got knocked down a few year back
  14. Protesting without any idea of what might constitute a favourable outcome, in a situation where the owner has already tried to sell and found it impossible .... Moronic. “We are responsible for the effort, not the outcome” Please tell me that quote is not meant to make NUSC look good ? Makes them a total joke.
  15. Why should we give them kudos for effectively upping prices for twelve months? They aren't doing this for us, they're doing this for them. They need bums on seats. The fact all they have done is roll back prices to what they were a year or two ago when the product on the pitch is utter gash and the country is in the depths of a financial clusterfuck is hardly admirable. I hate to say it but Quinn, Short and who ever else is in charge down the road have got it spot on. Their reductions to all are fairly substantial and they're selling season tickets for under 16's at £19 a pop. That's what Ashley should be doing if he wants to get bums on seats, not fobbing us off with lame offers. The whole £19 season ticket is nonsense. I'd be appalled if there was ever a £19 season ticket at SJP. Why the f*** would anyone sell a seat for a season for less than it would cost to fill for 1 game v Mackems for example. Not to mention the 'big 4' rolling into Toon. Makes for financial suicide. Not really, you have to have 1 adult ticket with one of the U16s tickets so basically they are getting cash in that way and only filling the empty seats they had left over. The cost is £3m to the club apparently. Now when all of these U16s hit 17, if the club is doing ok they will stick with the club and the club very easily makes its money back.
  16. Got to stop grabbing opponents though cause plenty will go down and he'll give away a penalty. He's given away a few dangerous free kicks this season and he keeps on doing it.
  17. All updated after the Everton game. No movement at all at the top which means it's still anyone's to play for!
  18. Dear me.. Oh and drop Coloccini for Taylor Gallowgate? Why because Taylor's distribution is so great? Coloccini and Bassong are our two best central defenders, Coloccini has been out of form recently but he's still been solid, which is more then I can say for Taylor at centre back (he's been quite good at right back though IMO). Taylor would be a solid RB on one condition: he stopped playing up front. I brought my mate (Spurs fan) to the game today, and his comment was "Your right back doesn't seem to understand the 'back' part of his job description." I'm all for the RB making runs up front, but unlike Beye, he's too reluctant to go back. Too busy trying to be that Geordie hero. He needs to mature and realise it's a team game and he is not Kaka 2.0. Don't think he understands RB at all. When he's in a defensive role he keeps getting dragged into the centre when he doesn't need to be there at all he needs to stop at right back. To be honest I'd prefer he was dropped and Raylor be put in at right back leaving the wingers as Jonas and Duff. Bassong was good again though, worthy of his MOTM I thought.
  19. so what do you think of the merits of appointing a manager who won 4 titles with 2 different clubs and 3 manager of the year awards - before they do well or not so well, with your own unique gift of hindsight ? You're still fully behind Mike Ashley and his amazing success I take it ? Are we still on this question? he's a bit shy with the answer, the truth being that nobody in their right mind would consider such an appointment to be a poor one, but he might surprise us if he replies. Would you be happy if Shepherd bought the club back? do you mean the Halls and Shepherd ? I don't think SJH would, so say Douglas Hall and The Shepherds. Don't think Douglas Hall would I think it's Shepherds and other people.
  20. So if the club is not sold your never going to go back until the point that MA leaves ?
  21. Surely because of this . Noubt wrong with that. If it was just 4 blokes round a table it would end up like the other petitions and such that hang about monument. By doing this it encourages people over.
  22. http://www.newcastle-united-supporters-club.co.uk/events.php
  23. Rhain Davis has similar Youtube vids, he's at Man U now i think.
  24. Had a break down and retired from the game http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonny_Pike
  25. But they're not simply an Anti-Ashley group. They've offered to work with the current regime on plenty of issues, they don't spend their entire time producing 'Ashley Out' banners. The question has been asked as to what have they done? Well not much so far, they're still a group in their infancy. If fans such as yourself got behind them and the momentum continued whereby they could claim to speak for thousands of fans then they could hopefully have more influence. Instead of sniping at them from the sidelines why don't you go to a meeting or offer your help to the committee? Your ideas as to what NUSC's aims should be aren't necessarily wrong but I think it would be a lot more useful if you put your thoughts to NUSC directly. That old chestnut again. It's like a f***ing cult!! "So, you disagree with everything we say, why not come along anyway and we'll re-educate you err... listen to what you've got to say, why not try the drink this drink and join us on our trip to a new home in the Sun?" I don't generally join groups who don't stand for anything I agree with and have no intention of listening to my point of view, who in fact probably regard me as a traitor to the cause and hate my guts. Until NUSC shows that it has even the slightest intention of developing into something more than an Ashley Out protest group, I'm not even considering joining. I'm afraid they'll have to make those first few steps without my input. It's a ridiculous suggestion that those who oppose NUSC should join it, why do people keep making it? Why would I possibly want those idiots to have more influence? Perhaps Gordon Brown should try that tactic at PMQs: "So David, you disagree with what I've said? Why not join the Labour party and put your thoughts to the government directly? Only ten quid and you get a free key-ring!!11 What do you say?" Anyway, there remains the fact that they're doing a really s*** job of running their club, how do their members feel about the fact that they've had only one real meeting in six months and that they still haven't told anyone what their rally is for? If I was a member then I'd be seriously pissed at what bad value for money I was getting. So you admit that you're willing to do f*** all then? You're not willing to try and influence them and you're content to sit on your arse while knocking others who are trying to do something. Fair enough then. While there is a lot I see wrong with how NUSC have behaved thus far, I see it as an opportunity to finally get a supporters' group together who may have a decent voice and I'm willing to give them a chance to prove themselves. You say your point of view wouldn't be listened to by NUSC, how the f*** do you know? You haven't tried. So sit behind your computer and snipe from the sidelines if that's what makes you happy but until you've tried to do something useful with your criticism I think it's a bit pathetic. Go to the meeting, people have tried to get there points across but are ignored by the remove Ashley brigade. Doesn't exactly encourage others to go and join the group especially when you have to pay.
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