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Everything posted by DubblyDubblyDubbly

  1. WTF ? Butt worked his butt off today. Not his fault he was surrounded by turkeys and had to venture into unfamiliar territory. Not a DM's job to threaten the opposition goal..... name me one who scores ?
  2. http://home.btconnect.com/dublydublydubly/Funnies%20(18).gif
  3. Useless vertically challenged person. Relies 100% on service.....-1 player = - 9%...stick that in yer statistics Allardyce.
  4. Absolutely anonymous 2nd half.....Owen was shite but that was because he didn't see the ball.. Smiffy had plenty of opportunities and wasted every one. Butt was great defensively but who does he think he is ..Scholes ? ...... he'd have filled his boots todaywith the opportunities presented to the other Ginga >
  5. I'm in an industry where managers change every 18 months or so. When a cnut comes along that tries to knock the team of 8 of us into shape we all keep our heads down and do as little as we can , knowing that the cnut will be gone in 18 months or less. The team performs far better as a unit and get's better results when the manager of the time recognises the vast experience we have and involves us in any change. Managers are 10 a penny.... highly skilled workers are not. Sam is trying too hard to change too much....he's lost the team and he's definitely a gonner.
  6. DubblyDubblyDubbly


    PS ..what is Huth up to these days... £40k/wk for fu**all ?
  7. DubblyDubblyDubbly


    We'll learn one day that ex-Chelski players are shite for us.... Baba/Parker/Duffer/Geremi...... once you've spent time in the smoke , going up t'north is the end of your days as a performing footballer.... I made the reverse trip of course and still doing the biz in my 50's kicking the shi* out of the Soft Southern Jessies
  8. Errr it's a team game....that relies on most of the 11 playing well..... what wins games for turkeys like us is an outstanding individual piece of skill that results in a goal...usually from a striker not a supplier....you don't get that from turkeys.. you get it from Owen/Fatty/Oba/Smi....soz...typo. Top teams have mid-fielders that score goals...other than pens of course.
  9. I have to turn the telly off when that gobshite comes on otherwise I'd kick the fu** out of it. Absolutely nauseating drivel.
  10. Smiffy worked his socks off, but too many knock-backsfor my liking, especially as we didn't do anything from them. Charlie ain't no left back and it cost us a goal. Plenty of effort though.
  11. I bet Ashley is bovverred...he will have lost millions in shirt sales.....give him an excuse not to spend on the Toon I'd like to think it's a wake-up calll to the FA, but I doubt they'll do much except wail and whinge and waffle
  12. Cost us the same as Bent...about as useful....or do I mean useless ? Fine when he's fit....whenever that is. As an aside, I've had 18 months off playing footie due to cartilage problems. I'm as fit as I've ever been due to gym work, but kicking a footaball...I'm shite. I'm getting painful quads when I smack a ball...... no amount of gym work/remedial is helping.... 'spose I just have to keep playing and build up my match fitness...just like Michael
  13. Careful chaps.. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It has fu**all to do with them being Mackems. It's funny and clever in parts.. let them have their 15 minutes of fame...you know it won't last.
  14. You sure ? Re-arrange these words into a well-known phrase.... Boy, Lady http://home2.btconnect.com/dublydublydubly/Raica-Oliveira.jpg
  15. Don't know who 拉齊奧教母法爾奇 is but she does it for me....ahhhooooooggaaaa
  16. Smiffy aside , it makes a change us not being in the top ten for paying OTT. The new regime perhaps ? Martin Jol STFU...when you are in a hole, stop digging.
  17. They're not happy....."Fat burger eating Fuck! I know David James has butter fingers - but this fat clown has burger sauce dripping from his fucking hands - no wonder he can't fucking catch! Fat Cunt!!!
  18. Read the first two lines and was ready to blow a fuse ...... no surprise to see us 5th...my arse. The rest of it is a very accurate observation /comment.... most unusual for Mr Gray.
  19. ...and take some your overpaid, underacheiving, cheating prima donna's with you. It's Chelski the club and what they've done to the premiership wages/ transfers structure etc that I really despise but can't miss the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon and put the boot in. I hope he goes to another club and does another Porto, but I suspect his ego is too big . Oh how I'd love to be walking down the Kings Road seeing the Mockneys crying into their beer...sorry lager/latte's
  20. he got knocked out by Shearer in Ireland Yep...which is why they went straight to the waiting bus 'cos they were off to Ireland. And Barnes got into the back of a Fiesta when he left the players lounge cos he didn't go on the trip....you're not doubting me are you ?
  21. Obviously George McCartney is not as 'hard' as Shearer. One punch after the Everton game as I recall. I was extremely pissed off that day as we were in the players lounge and only Barnes came in and sat int the corner reading the Times.Dalglish took them straight to the waiting bus and my boy only managed a Shearer autograph as they walked down the corridor. I cheered up when Gillespie got smacked though
  22. When I was just a little boy I asked my mamma "what should I be"? Should I be Pompey or the Saints? Here's what she said to me "Wash your mouth out son and get your fathers gun and shoot the Pompey scum and support the Saints". ....substitute Toon/Manure or better still Mackem/Toon
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