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Everything posted by Leazes1986

  1. Habib Beye at Stoke He's too fucking classy for that. Alan Smith is more of your type.
  2. Cos he anticipated getting £12m to spend on a better player(s)? Also would have triggered a fair amount of controversy if he hadn't, given that he'd said a few days earlier that he didn't want the guy to leave. In theory that works but it seems really strange to me that he'd compromise his principles like that in order to save face for the club and then walk out 3 days later because of those same principles Well if you put yourself in his position it is easier to understand. He sells a player he doesn't want to sell but he gets big money for him and thinks he can replace him (and he probably would have with a better player). Three days later he not only hasn't been allowed to replace him, but he has watched Dennis Wise piss up big money on players who were not required. He wasn't gonna go on SSN and tell the world those were his decisions was he.
  3. I wouldn't say he told a lie. He obviously didn't want Milner to leave but he would have agreed to it thinking that he was getting £12m to replace him. If he was allowed to get a replacement for him we probably wouldn't have went down. Come to that, if Milner stayed he would have probably got a few goals which would have got us another point or two.
  4. Probably to keep everything cool behind the scenes and try not to make negative headlines. I do remember him saying that he would be replaced. He obviously thought he would be backed with the money. Lets face it, KK would have definitely found a better player than Milner with the money he got for him.
  5. milner handed in a transfer request 9 days before he was sold. Aye but wasn't that because he wanted a better contract? I'm pretty sure KK did want to keep him but he requested a transfer after getting frustrated at not getting one. Thats not really the main point in this though, the main point is that the money from his sale did not go towards KK's tranfer funds. Wise was busy wasting money on unproven players instead.
  6. Erm correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Keegan want Milner to stay? If my memory serves me right he wanted to keep him then we got the massive offer which tempted the board to sell him then Keegan reluctantly agreed as long as he got the transfer money to buy a replacement. He wasn't allowed to though and if the reports are to be believed Wise bought Xisco and got Gonzalez on loan while Keegan was trying to get a left back, centre back and central midfielder. Thats how I remember it anyway. I see someone mentioned the Robbie Keane transfer and I am not sure if Benitez signed him or not but bloody hell there is a difference. While the principle may be the same, Benitez has a very good squad at Liverpool and a very good player in Robbie Keane was added to that (whoever signed him). Keegan could see clearly that both our first choice team and squad was painfully short of quality and depth yet he wasn't allowed to do his job properly in rectifying the problem. Dennis Wise went out and spent a lot of money on unproven players who have turned into massive flops. I'm sure if Keegan was Liverpool manager and Robbie Keane was signed behind his back he wouldn't have walked out like that. When you have a squad full of dead wood like ours you can't afford to have someone piss any money you do have up the wall on fucking unproven shit.
  7. how about "if" (and it has to ba "if" as ,as of yet we have no evidence either way) keegan stamped his feet demanding certain players that were out of price/wage range ? We don't know if thats true but that doesn't take away the fact that there was players signed and sold behind is back. If he had daft targets who we couldn't get then that would have been his own fault, but what can't be accepted is the fact that Ashley give wise the power to sign other players and sell players behind his back.
  8. Can anyone answer me why KK should have stayed when he was ignored in the transfer market in regards to both players coming in and out, and he had Dennis Wise buying players behind his back. Why should KK have stayed and went into the season with a team he knew was nowhere near good enough? He would have got all of the flack if we had a bad season. He could see that team was not good enough to compete and he was powerless to change that. Fucking hell, I find it amazing that anyone thinks he has been a bastard resigning when you look at the circumstances. What he done was not a cowardly act. He got the piss took out of him and he done what any manager worth their salt would do. If Fergie, Benitez, Wenger, Moyes or O'Neill had Dennis Wise making such decisions at their clubs do you think they would allow it? No they would walk. Ashley's loyalties were all wrong and he's found out the hard way.
  9. Aye but Ginola said he felt betrayed because Keegan had convinced him to stay then he left a few months later without apparent reason (as far as Ginola knew). This time it is clear to see why he left. KK is not stupid. He knew this squad was not good enough and he wasn't prepared to take the flack and watch the below par team serve up shit when it wasn't even the players he wanted.
  10. Is there any way I can renew my season ticket and pay for it in installments or later on without having to pay any extra? I'm not currently working but got a job interview coming up and I'm hoping to get a job before the season starts so I'm still hopeful but I'm not sure about being able to stump up the £400 before August with all of the things I have to pay for and money I owe. I've sene something about a Newcastle United credit card where you don't have to pay until Febuary but I don't bother with credit cards like really. Is that the only option?
  11. They've changed it back so 16 year old's are now having to pay full whack again. Disgrace.
  12. Ashley Young being linked with a move to Chelsea now. God if they lose him they will have took one hell of a blow for their preperations for next season with losing Laursen and Barry.
  13. Absolutely no chance whatsoever that Huddlestone will drop down to the Championship. There is more chance of Owen staying on a pay as you score contract.
  14. Can't believe anyone would think that he wouldn't be valuable in this league like. He definitely will.
  15. If Michael Owen and Ashley are amongst the first people out of the club this summer then it would feel like a huge amount of filth and posion have been removed from the club. Getting rid of Ashley and Owen, Viduka, Geremi, Cacapa, Barton and Smith's huge wages would be one massive health boost for the club if it is possible.
  16. It would be business as usual then apart from a fat clown wearing a Newcastle top in the posh bit.
  17. For that first point, did Shearer get the same stick in 98 after coming back from a career threatening injury out of form and clearly not fully fit and at his peak? Shearer had a lot more minutes under his belt though iirc.
  18. He has been a flop but the money spend on the likes of Luque and Marcelino is surely worse. At least he's contributed a few goals. Certainly been awful value for money though.
  19. If we manage to get a decent owner in and we can bounce straight back up then we will be in a lot better state than we were when Ashley took over in terms of the financial state with no debt and the the huge earners gone. Its a bloody huge if though.
  20. For Lee yes, but Speed seems to be a good coach. Aye I think Speed could even make a good manager, but theres nothing to say Rob Lee wouldn't be a good coach. He was a top pro, brilliant player and he would work well with the kids especially i reckon. Nobody really knows how good coaches are though really. Well theres the likes of Brian Kidd who has had huge praise over the years but in general we don't hear enough to be in a position to point the finger.
  21. Our fans always seem to target a coach for criticism. Carver, Terry Mac, Wadsworth, Hughton, Pearson, Saunders. If Dowie wasn't Shearer's appointment he would have got it as well. If Rob Lee and Gary Speed come in it will be job for the boys if we don't have a good season next year.
  22. Only if they have money to invest in the team and it won't delay any transfer plans. I'd love a new owner of the club who I could trust.
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