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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Kanji

    Shola Ameobi

    You're welcome. top work Like many of us have said all along - look at how much of a different build & style he had. Imagine had he not had all of those injuries and bulked up like a tank. Some of his early goals were outstanding if im honest it looks like the last 2 years he's really gotten much bigger. Watching through this again, his Champions League and Uefa Cup goals were troll-tastic. His Mackem slaying too goals of course...His 46 and 50 PKs, 51-53 in the Championship hat-trick, the 2 vs the Mackems in 2010, and of course 71 and 72
  2. Kanji

    James Perch

    Definitely. Wouldn't sell unless we get silly, silly money. Essential member of the squad and should be our backup holding midfielder to Tiote for the foreseeable future. I think Anita is better off playing at RB and playing in a Jonas carrier role as he's got the mobility and quick feet for it vs. Playing the holding role which will take time for him to adapt to, if that is where he ends up playing later on.
  3. Genius & horrible cunt all rolled up into one. You need characters like him in football good & bad. I always laughed at him just trolling people at will at times and really do love that he stayed at Roma his entire career.
  4. Tiote man, thank fuck he's back. Instantly makes our opposition think twice about trying to take the piss out of us. Glad to have that steel back.
  5. I like the gesture from the lads - we'd be loving it if he scored. Unfortunately he didn't.
  6. Willo absolutely hates the football man, at least he acknowledges it.
  7. Forgot about those days man, guy was mental
  8. Kanji

    Shola Ameobi

    Then... http://cache2.asset-cache.net/gc/1052491-sep-2000-shola-ameobi-of-newcastle-united-in-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=OCUJ5gVf7YdJQI2Xhkc2QJlC1x3JS4lG3TNcXqRepIgohXNJwWQ5y378YKV3KV6X7hDetoqRhF05OVXKeN9XLg%3D%3D My goodness he's now built like a tank. Crazy to think how much he's changed from someone who was so gangly and unpredictable to just being a fucking tank and unpredicable
  9. I'm with you Yorkie, this is all been a load of crap that continues from the disgraceful negative press against our club and our players. s*** stirrers who love to unsettle our squad as much as they can. Ba said after the match on Sky: "I was determined because, to be fair, lately, I was not so happy with some things that were going on, but after the bad comes the good and I can't wait to see the good coming." Sounds like a man who was frustrated with his role (FINE b/c he would not have been frustrated if he would have scored a few of those chances that he missed or hit the post last season), and may sure be unhappy with being left on the bench or not being the main feature target in our starting 11 as it seems like Cisse has been (FINE again and his ego may have gotten the better of him, but Cisse's scoring form at the end of last season justified him being the focal point of our attack) and the part nobody in the press wants to pick up on...the after the bad, comes the good and being excited for the good to keep coming. Sounds like a man who just proved his point that he should be leading our attack and is reinvigorated at not only scoring for his own confidence, but for this club that he enjoys playing for. s*** stirring press, just seriously f*** off!
  10. I'm fine with an angry Demb. The fact of the matter is he came back from the ACON looking well knackered and could have scored a few great goals had it not been for some posts and some bad luck. But having said all that, this is the first time he's looked like his old self. So keep it up - Get that "I'll show you" type anger back like he had last 1st half of the season when he seemed like a man trying to prove a point to the world. There is no resting on laurels in this crazy game. I hope this is the start of him and our squad getting back to form.
  11. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    Simply put and brilliant point made mate. When you boil it down, it really does say something.
  12. Kanji

    James Perch

    He has a ridiculous ability to block shots man
  13. I'd like to think that as the goals start to come in and we hit our stride all will be okay with everyone....heres to hoping!
  14. Kanji

    James Perch

    He looked so much more comfortable playing in the centre of the park it was redic. Saw him put in some excellent tackles and hold the ball and play the simple pass a few times very well.
  15. Demba Ba ‏@dembabafoot Good night people. So proud for that 1,000th goal. I'm not a legend like people say, but nufc is a legendary club!!!
  16. He played a good ball to Ba, looked much better and was smiling again. Happy days.
  17. Kanji

    Football pet hates

    People who say Shola doesn't care or lacks effort.
  18. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Thought he was going to score the winner, it was a great save by Howard, thought he'd put it through the legs. So happy we have him in our side.
  19. Ba back with a bang, what a crazy f***ing second half man my goodness. Now roll on lets get the f***ing season going, no more stupid s*** about "unrest" and all that either. This club man
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