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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. just randomly wondering today, How many more points might we have had with a healthy Steven taylor all season?
  2. ah the family section, notice only one guy gave him the w***** gesture, (bloke near top right with sunglasses) hahahaha! is that 'me gusta' guy under AC's elbow & above the blue 't' ?
  3. needs a caption like, 'what da hell is shit?'...."da fuq is dat?' under the 2nd. at least it's funny in my head...
  4. bulivye

    MLS 2012

    Howay the Chicago Fire! meh. we'll see if signing Arne Friedrich makes us any better.
  5. sadly, i'll be stuck at school whipping america's yoots into shape! would love to watch it though...
  6. loved watching that bilbao side dismantle man U! the 'boot off' incident was ruled as "dangerous play", no? is that a fair ruling?
  7. bulivye

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    i beg clemency on his behalf! he's just let thepassion get the better of him! ethi that is...
  8. You got a bet on arsenal for double figures? yeah, i don't know if arsenal is the time to give that a go, but surely it's worth a look soon? League cup games at the start of the season.
  9. You got a bet on arsenal for double figures? yeah, i don't know if arsenal is the time to give that a go, but surely it's worth a look soon?
  10. would this lad be defensively capable enough to play behind ben Arfa & provide the cover HBA seems to need? i've not been following his every move, but when i have seen him he looks ok. could it work with santon/jonas down one flank & ferg/HBA down the other?
  11. bulivye

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    could shane ferguson playing behind HBA sort out some of the defensive issues? santon & Jonas on the right Ferg & HBA on the left? or am i in total la la land?
  12. i'd be happier with this result if it were an away point. as it is i'm mildly furious about how we 'performed' first half.
  13. i even assumed it was shola taking it. was stunned to see ba lining it up!
  14. echo the question of why shola didn't take the penalty--do we have some sort of policy where the pen earner doesn't take it? and i knew in my gut ba would miss! like everyone else i guess... shameful first half by us.
  15. USA beats Italy in Genoa 0-1 for the 1st time in 82 years. Clint Dempsey 1 of only 4 americans to score vs Italy. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1086297-usa-vs-italy-the-best-and-the-worst-of-the-yanks
  16. nobly done to spare me further shame, i'm sure.
  17. whoops! apologies. i'll delete then...
  18. Watch every single game/player and count. there's no entity that tracks players performance as a servide to fans then?
  19. i thought i heard the commentator for the match say that no one in the premier league has covered as much ground as wor Jonas. is there a way to verify this?
  20. i'm absolutely furious with this result. i really thought we had it in us to give this brighton side a right tonking, but i guess that'd only be on paper. our side played like holograms we couldn't/wouldn't pass, move, defend or anything else resembling fundamental football. that was a gutless display by a side that clearly appeaared to feel entitled to win at a walk. ameobi couldn't out-maneuver or out-pace an arthritic giraffe stranded in a tarpit. best flattered to deceive with his '1 too many touches' dribbling. ben arfa was really just obertan with a better skull shape & haircut. cabaye was shameful with his dirty kicks, nevermind that it was payback... i am always disgusted with that kind of tantrum. the officiating was atrocious & led to some further mischief that showed the ref's cowardice & pandering to the home side, not to mention simple incompetence. simpson should never have been carded for his first which contributed to his getting mad brighton's bitch for the goal. pardew, pictured here: made poor subs too late & clearly had his halftime talk notes smeared on bogroll. fair play to brighton for their hustle & desire. yeah, they were chippy & got away with a blatant handball, but it should NEVER have come to that! AAAARRRRRGHHHH!!!!!! :gm's patter:
  21. well, he stole freddie mercury's teeth http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/jyarden/2011/7516.jpg
  22. given his astoundingly limited footballing brain, he probably needed someone to explain what it meant.
  23. http://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/2896/premier-league/2011/12/04/2786542/chelsea-pick-up-luckiest-win-of-the-season-now-andre-villas-boas- soz if already posted.
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