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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. is it possible that all these players are handing in transfer requests b/c of their knowledge of what's really going on at NUFC? also, a serious but not meant to be sinister question, what would happen to NUFC if MA died?
  2. bulivye

    De Jong

  3. bulivye


    Howay my misnomered Chicago Fire!
  4. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/jan/12/newcastle-united-england
  5. R.I.P. bless his family-- at this time of year will be especially rough.
  6. how much does he have to drink, is just a sip satifactory?
  7. i'd have him here in chicago for the FIRE if he'd be interested.
  8. if he'd been replacing allardyce i'd be fucking ecstatic. i have no idea what pardew will be like, it's a horrible and unnecessary situation to be in though. the situation wasn't broken and didn't need fixing. AMEN!!! qft!
  9. bulivye

    Alan Pardew

    i agree. MA's strategy seems to be handling NUFC like the worst combination of his cheap clothing empire & an Xbox video football game. he's going to get badly burned imo, the heartwrenching thing is that we're all going to be collateral damage casualties!
  10. how's that not offsides for their goal? surely the wb player is blocking krul's line of sight?
  11. bulivye

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    "Chris Hughton last week confirmed there had been no complications in the recovery process, but was reluctant to put a timescale on his return. The club are determined not to rush him." while i'd love to have him back, this is the most important bit to me. i want him as fully healed as possible!
  12. perhaps the term, "supersize" might be helpful here?
  13. you lot are only 5 hours ahead of chicago time now, right?
  14. i've been sent this link: http://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/2896/premier-league/2010/10/26/2183355/newcastle-united-join-everton-in-the-race-for-american-loan-star-
  15. what pisses me off is that we always knew he had quality, but it takes him playing against us to motivate him. the sullen little wanker!
  16. bulivye

    De Jong

    so, not a word from De Jong himself anywhere? is there some place where we can call him out, perhaps a fb page or summat? flush the bastard out & force him to at least apologise!
  17. bulivye

    De Jong

    de jong's "resume": http://soccer.fanhouse.com/2010/10/04/dutch-thug-nigel-de-jong-cut-from-national-team-after-breaking-o/
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