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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. just looked at the replay & Luiz after the foul gives a smug little smirk once he knows it's not to be a red.
  2. Speedo, may you truly rest in the peace you somehow couldn't find while you were with us. you became my favorite toon player when i first started supporting the club & it was with great joy i watched you rise to meet that cross and send it into the net with such power. i hope you'll tell Sir Bobby I say hello.
  3. Gooch. i really wanted a yank to do well for NUFC.
  4. Get yourself a smartphone, which has a clock for every time zone. Love how you've wrote this as if it's a piss easy solution to his problem. "Hmm, wonder what time the match is. I know, I'll just nip out and get a smart phone at 6am in the morning!" Ok then. The will be on at 7:45 in Chicago.
  5. Get yourself a smartphone, which has a clock for every time zone. takes about 5 seconds to open a time zone map on another tab. gimme a break, i just rolled outta bed! i knew i could count on the kindness of my internet NO family to help a brother out though. ta!
  6. since the clock change i've gotten confused. are you lot are an hour further ahead or behind me (in chicago)? it's fairly early in the morning here, atm (6am) & i need someone with a clearer head to figure out when this match starts. please?
  7. so conflicted about this weekend. hate city b/c of De Jong, but hate utd for all the obvious reasons... what's a lad to do? meh. i'll suspend the DeJong thing for a week!
  8. i've no idea how to create a song that's worth singing in public, but i found myself bursting into the chorus from the Bravery's "Time Won't Let Me go"-- BA BABA BA BA BABA BA BA BA BA! when demba scored...
  9. bulivye

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    i misread that as' excrement' at first!
  10. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/images/users/uploads/10959/Animated-GIFs-flight-of-the-conchords-3809583-412-333.gif
  11. http://bios.weddingbee.com/pics/89094/celebration.gif
  12. http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljhkbivMZp1qil7l3o1_400.gif http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/jocelyn1204/rockout.gif http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/4/13/129156784140693091.gif
  13. May look like a woman BUT he is hard as nails is Wor Colo
  14. i thought Gökhan Töre from hamburg looked very lively. had pace & easily created space for himself when he had the ball.
  15. bulivye

    Football pet hates

    What's the context of said phrase mate? Never heard it. it's said by commentators when what they really mean is "on goal". "so&so needs to do better in that situation & at least get his shot on frame..." they think they're being so innovative with soccer jargon--- arrgh!
  16. bulivye

    Football pet hates

    i may have posted this before, but i abhor, detest & utterly despise the use of the phrase, "on frame". afaik it's only usa commentators that use it, & it's a ridiculous attempt to have their own soccer jargon. it also is factually incorrect!
  17. full credit to japan for their comeback & better pk's, but thanks to krieger USA didn't win that 2-1. imo
  18. howard was en fuego towards the end there!
  19. can we get a smilie of someone nipping a bud? http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwTxV7Qo93feIXULVwlw13OUtCLdodnL_B72mRJG4Wf1-ss49xnA
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