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Everything posted by buzza

  1. I can't believe anyone would still want the runt back here again? Does harmony and team spirit mean f*** all? Does bad PR bring in more revenue? Is one goal every 15 "one on ones" worth so much? Martins won't turn out to be a zillion times the player "no-neck" is? Hmmmm...
  2. My outlay would be: Woodgate 6 million Bridge 4 Million Distin Free Luke Young 4 million Total: 14 million Income: Bramble free Carr 1 million Baba 1 million Ramage "free" (would probably have to pay them!) Moore free 2 million if lucky....
  3. I'd go for the defence aswell as I think that with owen and ameobi back in the team we would have enough cover up front: Martins, Owen, Ameobi, Dyer, Sibs. I think emre will go in the summer due to the racism claims so bring in a midfielder aswell. The defence would be something like this: Nobby--------Taylor/Gooch----Woodgate------Bridge We would also need cover in every position along the back line because we would get rid of: Carr, Bramblle, Ramage, Baba, Moore To be replaced with: Distin, Luke young
  4. To be honest the turks don't travel to well in europe so I would predict an AZ result in this one... Would prefer it also as it would mean less aclimatisation and travel hardships than going to turkey.
  5. give him 20 minutes to start with and gradually build him up over five games until the UEFA cup final and then get him on to score the winner and sell the crock for 35 million....
  6. Does anybody have the possibilities of who we would play if we managed to beat fenerbache or AZ? I remember thinking it would be español or werder..
  7. buzza

    Fans last night

    Second that stevie! ha...ha...ha
  8. I would have him in the team solely because we can't score goals from open play. just shove john terry up front for the free kicks and maybe crouch and it's sorted! Buzza for England manager?
  9. Drogba has influenced games more than others I would say with the cheating step over merchant a close second.
  10. Given isn't in the top ten. Kicking, corner balls and lack off comunication/oranising his defence are his biggest weaknesses....
  11. I've applied. My logic was to go for the 70 quid ones as I assume there won't be so many applicants for the more expensive ones. Fingers crossed.... Got a lot of mates in Glasgow who would take them off me if need be...
  12. I reckon we can get past alkmaar or Fener, but I'm a bit more worried about the next opponents..
  13. we need back up for an Owen Martins forward line. Shola and dyer aren't the answer and dyer should be played in the middle alongside parker or butt. Sibs is there for an injury crisis only. I would like a striker in the carew mould, big strong but also technically gifted... (Zigic - Santander)
  14. 7th if we get a half decent run going...
  15. I'd give Luque a run out and rest Dyer for the first leg as hes played a few games one after the other.... ------------Harper-------------- Solano----Taylor---Bramble---Babayaro Milner----Emre----Parker-----Duff ----------Martins----Luque----- I'd bring on Sibs for martins if we put a couple of goals away and also dyer for Milner late on to give milner a rest. If solano is still injurerd have carr in the rb position.
  16. A martins - owen partnership is something to really look forward to. As martins plays quite well as the "point" of attack and owen likes to play behind the main striker I think we will scare defenses shitless next year if both of them are capable of staying fit... Add a couple of decent defenders and we could have a half decent first team???
  17. babayaro played pretty well on saturday. He is miles better than edgar, ramage, carr etc.. He should play on both european games aswell to get him match fit and to get some games under his belt, same goes for duff, charles, emre etc.etc..
  18. The thing that stood out most, from the norm, was his use of the ball...superb. Looked back to his best.
  19. Aye, I agree with the majority on this one: Baba ain't the best but he's certainly better than what we have had replacing him on the left wing up to now. Just the fact that he can pass the ball with his left foot gives him much more options and he CAN pass a ball instead of give it away to opposition players....
  20. buzza


    He wasn't bad yesterday but was caught sleeping a couple of times as well as bramble was. What he does add is aerial prescence and didn't lose a header all match, he also seems composed with the ball at his feet instead the lump it as far forward as possible approach. He's only played twice so we can't rreally judge him yet but he does look interesting...
  21. Yep, agree with the majority that we were awful in the first half and our defending was comic at best. Harps completely at fault for goal. Martins worked his socks of today and got hus just rewards...
  22. Freddy's quotes in the chronicle today: "The money I have spent on pies at Newcastle has come from my personal account replenished by NUFC finances, that is correct," said the crumb laden fat sheister."My relatives and some of the halls also use this arrangement aswell". "What about naming rights? We're just about to sign a deal with a local company in the retail food industry. The idea is to move to a new stadium with a revolutionary new design. What's that then? It's a consumable stadium that gets rebuilt/cooked every week, the fans eat their way out after the match. What happens on a midweek game with low attendences? Are you implying alterior motives! "But I don't belong in the media, I belong in a sty where I can wallow in my own shit." Sorry, bored!
  23. 1. At the start of the season what where your expectations, and are things going as you expected? After a lack of defensive signings and the glimmer of hope that Martins instilled I honestly thought that mid table mediocrity would be the best we could achieve until the Jan window when defenders would be brought in. Alas, things are not always as they seem and I will have to settle for my pre-season prediction. 2. Who's been your best performer this season? Martins has been a breath of fresh air and his class shows through even when he hasn't had anybody decent to partner him. Can't wait for him and Owen to play together...(sorry, dig was too tempting). 3. And your worst/most disappointing? The worst player in my opinion has been Ramage, it hurts having to slate a youngster but he really isn't cut out for the premiership. The most dissapointing has been duff due to the high expectations, lived up to his name hasn't he? 4. You had a quiet January transfer window, if you where the manager, who would you have tried to sign? Ha..ha..ha, here we go: Barry or Bridge(left back), any decent centre back and a striker (Nugent, Viduka...). It's obvious that were up the creek without a paddle when it comes to financial spending power...cheers Graeme! 5. What are your best and worst memories of our previous meetings? The come back with robert at anfield and just about every other game against you lot... 6. Do you have any favourite/best chants (and perhaps any that require an explanation)? Dodgy Keeper when you had Grobbelear. 7. What’s the banter like between Newcastle and Liverpool fans at St James, would you say that the 2 sets of fans get on? As I haven't been to a Liverpool Newcastle game for over 4 years I couldn't really comment. It used to be allright and I don't think we've ever had that many problems with your lot so thumbs up in general. 8. In the summer, Liverpool and Newcastle are told to swap 3 first team regulars, who would you send to Liverpool, and who would you like from us? Ramage, Pattison & Luque. Carragher, Gerrard & Kuyt (Cheers lads! 9. Liverpool have become the lastest club to gain new owners, Newcastle have been mentioned as well as a likely candiate for a takeover. How do you feel about these take-overs by foreign owners, and would you like to see it happen at Newcastle? I don't particularly like the fact that most of these new owners are in it due to the new super lucrative tv deal that the prem has, I would love to see a Newcastle supporting Billionaire take over the club. Apart from that I would like the club to change all of it's directors because at the moment we only have the equivalent of "human leeches" working for "the good" of our club!!! 10. Care to predict Mr Roeder’s starting line up for the game? ........................Harper.......................... Solano....Onyewu.....Bramble......Taylor Milner..... Parker... ..Butt...........Duff .....Dyer....................Martins 11. And finally, let’s have your score predictions for the game: 1-1
  24. buzza


    anyone can have a great passing range when they are allowed 10 seconds on the ball, different story when two players are breathing down your neck. I thought he was the worst player on the pitch tonight! Second that.... overated!!!
  25. buzza

    Football pet hates

    People who repeatedly need a piss during the game and move every ten minutes. Booing your own players...wankers. Players who shy out of tackles.
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