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Everything posted by buzza

  1. buzza


    Gareth barry looked pretty solid when he was on...(another one who "slipped through the net"). Wright philips was a thorn in their side all night. The real masterclass was given by Xavi in their midfield, didn't give a pass away all night and was involved in EVERYTHING...think Glenn needs to go out and look at him (couple of times at least- just to make sure...)
  2. I also think that we should only replace him with someone of certified pedigree. I think if we give him resources in the summer he may turn us around, I would like to be pleasantly surprised... The thing that worries me is his lack of "pulling power", what players, decent ones, would want to come and play for Glenn Roeder? This is my main worry at the moment. Also some of his glaring mistakes in the defesive line ups of our team, he seems to go for senior players although they are crap and this annoys.
  3. buzza


    p.s. woodgate wasn't so impressive. what a difference Terry makes to our defence!!!
  4. buzza


    anyone who wanted carrick should be ashamed of themselves, every time he had the ball he either passed it to a spaniard or got tackled and lost it. 2-3 yards off the pace of the game... We were a bit toothless in attack, crouch fouled them every time, can't he jump without pushing the defender downwards, what a tool!! Dyer was better in the first half than the second and was Ok, nothing more nothing less
  5. -------------robinso?------------ Neville----Ferdinand---Woodgate----Bridge Dyer-----Hargreaves----lampard---Gerrard ----------------Rooney---Johnson---
  6. considering the standard our defenders have set this season (nobby apart) I think he should do quite well...
  7. Luque, Carr, Ramage = 4 million? 4 million = wayne bridge (in summer)
  8. buzza


    Good article in True Faith this week, made me giggle: http://www.true-faith.co.uk/html/Features/deadlinesensations.htm
  9. Sheppard is soooooo stupid! It's obvious that Roeder isn't going to pick Luque, so why not take the best deal on offer and pay a bit of his wages instead of paying all of them. The fact is it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference if he was in holland or here at st james, the outcome would be the same: we wouldn't see him playin!!!
  10. buzza

    Argy Bargy

    Coloccini is a solid defender and is highly thought of in Spain... I wouldn't think they will drop the price, but it's a good deal at 2.7 million especially when you look at the defenders in the premier league and how much they go for. Go on Glenn, dip yer wick!!
  11. Aye, thinking about it, it would seem more likely that chelsea would be a more appropriate destination for him: First class back up for Terry and Carvalho. Big wads of dosh should suffice if the non-playing bit gets a bit boring. Bright lights. Mourinho... Hmmmm, me thinks I'm getting prematurely exited.
  12. Could it be us? World class centre back who could be a great short term solution (age). Just seen it on the spanish upmarket version of match of the day where the guests are normally "ITK", one of them commented that it is certain he is to leave and there is an english club in discussion... Please, Please...could be just what we need, cheap too as he has fallen out with the coaching team!
  13. Cardiff would have to be the team to buy: The largest city in wales. The whole population of wales are possible fans given that there are no other welsh teams capable of reaching the premier league. Relatively cheap to buy. P.S. Forest would be my second team, dirt cheap with good history and relatively large catchment area.
  14. buzza

    Team V Brum

    --------------Given------------- Edgar-- Taylor---Bramble---Hunts Milner---Dyer----Matty------Luque ----------Sibs------Martins------ Game Plan: score lots of goals and give slightly less away
  15. Fuc this, we have to go out and restore some pride, play the way we all want them to : up and at em'!! ------------Given------------ Solano----Hunts---Taylor-----Edgar Milner------Butt---Emre----Luque ---------Dyer----Oba------
  16. buzza

    Peter Damage

    If people want to see Ramage as the "future" of our team then that goes to say that they expect the same mid table mediocrity we have been served with for the past couple of seasons. We NEED a central defender to partner taylor. Ramage hasn't got the technique or the adequate skills necessary to take our central defensive pairing any further than where it is now. I didn't see the own goal against Bolton but it seems like he was to blame along with Pavel (can't expect too much form an over aged goally who hasn't played for a while...), just doesn't get any better from where I'm sitting... :wullie:
  17. buzza

    Taylor and Ramage.

    Aye, Ramage has proved himself more than capable at the centre of the defence and I will have no problem eating a large helping of humble pie if he continues in the vein of form he's in at the moment. P.S. If he could actually sort out his passing ability he would be fucking ace!!
  18. our pace up front should frighten the life out of them and I don't think speed and campo will be pushing up as far as usual. If we keep anelka quiet then we should be able to get something out of this game, he's been on fire lately. I'll go for a 1-2 for us keeping the same team as the other day (given?? for Krul).
  19. I'd have john carew here for the rest of the season sharpish! Big, strong good feet and solid in the air. P.s. Took the piss out of Madrid in the CL this year big style!! P.P.s. I'd have crouchy aswell, not a bad player...
  20. eight points is bugger all.... look at the man utd chelsea situation, reduced to a two point difference in one weekend. If we were to keep the momentum going and get some of our injured players back and a few astute buys then why shouldn't we be trying for a place in europe??? My cup`s half full!
  21. buzza


    It would be a good idea to keep butt and parker as the centre pairing for our trip to bolton as those lads are quite feisty. Taylor will have to be on his toes to shackle anelka, had a good game today!!
  22. Chelsea. Taggart gets right up my nose and always has done! Never could support the scum after what happened to our kev!!
  23. bluebiggrin.gif bluebigrazz.gif tongue.gif :winking: tongue3.gif :celb2: :toon1: :toothy12: :icon_thumright: :exc: :coolthup: :thumbs: :obi: mackems.gif laugh.gif :bleh: :grin: :mod: :rolllrg: :jacko: :dancing: snigger.gif
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