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Everything posted by SAK

  1. The head sway does it.
  2. SAK


    Well if he joins a club like Fulham or West Ham for more money then we are best not signing him. People keep saying this as if it's some huge honour to represent us. Maybe for a born and bred Geordie it is, but I imagine for most football players any transfer deal is a tradeoff between wages, club profile and player prospect/squad role. Realistically we have to compete in the wages department just like everybody else if we want to attract the best players. I agree with you that we do have to compete on wages but our long term prospects of success are greater than that of Fulham or West Ham i.e better squad, higher recent league position, strong fan base, and potential to lure other quality players to further strengthen the team (see Debuchy indicating he would like to join). How much more would West Ham or Fulham offer than us? If the differentials are not too great i.e we offer £40K and they offer £45K a week I'd like to think a sane player would forgo the extra in favour of better prospects of long term success.
  3. No thanks if this is true. We've moved on for the better, lets look forwards not backwards.
  4. I vote for a retroactive ban for Sak :lol: I think I get immunity seeing as the crime was so long ago.
  5. http://media.paperblog.fr/i/156/1566534/vikash-dhorasoo-ex-footballeur-parle-bollywoo-L-2.jpeg http://cdn01.ibuzzyou.fr/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/17/vikash-dhorasoo-et-equipe-de-france-dans-emission-de-delperrier-exclu/vikash-dhorasoo.jpg
  6. Wow, a six year bump. Just realised how long i've been on this site.
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18657633 Platini toying with the idea of the 2020 Euro's being held in multiple countries. s**** idea from a fans point of view.
  8. In your face Germany.
  9. Good chance there for Balottelli.
  10. That was all Cassano.
  11. That's the bit that does it.
  12. SAK

    Other clubs' transfers

    What the f*** is wrong with these c***s? So a player leaves a club willingly and gets a cut of the transfer? How can that be so?
  13. SAK

    Other clubs' transfers

    We have Amalfitano and have apparently made a Good signing today. I see what you did there.[FryfromFuturama.jpg/]
  14. SAK

    The England Thread

    Couldn't make it up. :lol: Wasn't even taken into consideration after Lampard's shot was 1 metre over the goal line in 2010. After my earlier comment I Google it and found the following: http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/sepp-blatter-tweets-goal-line-technology-903673 The video is from last year and so to be fair to him it looks like he has been pro goal line technology for a while. Looks like its Platini we should be blaming. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/9124497.stm
  15. SAK

    The England Thread

    Couldn't make it up. No f***ing way You're shitting me, they really hate us don't they.
  16. SAK

    The England Thread

    Worsal Gummage in the crowd there with England face paint on.
  17. SAK

    The England Thread

    Yeah, what's up with that?
  18. SAK

    The England Thread

    This is the bit now when Ukraine score a couple to take the lead, standard.
  19. SAK

    The England Thread

    I think he's wearing crocs. His first touch is terrible. I blame that embarassing montage they made of him on bbc yesterday Cringeworthy.
  20. SAK

    The England Thread

    littlr passage of possession football, more of the same please.
  21. Born in Greenwich and not east London, so technically doesn't qualify.
  22. See bid last year for Taylor from Swansea, we bid the clause amount and still didn't sign him.
  23. Looks like a deep lying playmaker from that YouTube video.
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