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Everything posted by ATB

  1. ATB

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Doesn´t matter if he plays or not. In fact it may be better if he don´t.
  2. ATB


    I think it´s been obvious for a long time that we just can´t turn the game offensively fast enough. The players are just not doing any offensive runs without the ball. It´s quite embarrassing to see since it´s the footballs ABC.
  3. ATB


    How some can ignore this fact is beyond me. This is the mentality that definitely will send us down. I hope the team doesn´t think like this.
  4. It will not matter what we try, we will lose anyway because we haven´t got the players or a own playing system.
  5. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I would like to see this club have a philosophy through the entire club. From how we play, to how we should develop players. Obviously Barcelona is the best example. But there are many more clubs too, and not only in football, that demonstrate success with a good youth system. Watching our youngsters that have come through is painful. None of them (execpt Bigi, and he was just brought in from another club) seems good with the ball or have good movement. This is not only down to Pardew. The whole club needs to come together and set up this strategy. But I´m 100 % sure that if we could implant a identity that says "this is Newcastle" through the club we would be a club to watch out for. Now, and how it´s been down the years, is all about the first team really, even if we have done some good things lately. But how is the club going to improve in the long term when not even Pardew knows how the first team should play? As I said. It´s not only Pardews responsibility. But why should we have a manager develop our club that can´t even teach some basic passing drills for the first team? That´s why he have to go.
  6. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    At what cost? he's got to have it like, i'm far from a fan of pardew but letting him go would be insanity....i've very clearly said i don't think he'll ever progress us as a club (as far as we should with our current quality of player) and in many ways i feel he's holding back our progress significantly the alternatives are too terrifying to consider though...not a chance ashley would appoint a better manager than pardew, none whatsoever, so you have to ask yourself what the cost would be if he goes? unless we're in serious danger of being relegated he'll stay, and i think it's for the best until ashley either f***s off or starts taking us seriously as a football club rather than just a balance sheet best case scenario he gets plan a working again i suppose, 'cause there's clearly no plan b I agree with what you are saying I don´t think Pardew should stay because he earn it, he should stay because Ashley is an idiot. And that´s why it´s so sad and why I have trouble to enjoy us playing. that's not exactly what i'm saying, by no stretch of the imagination has he earned a sacking yet either...it's all about whether you believe he can improve us long term i don't The second line referred more to what I think rather than what you said. You said that you don´t think Pardew will improve us in the long term, neither do I. You said that he hasn´t earned to be sacked, I disagree. So all in all the only thing that differed was the "Pardew earn some time" part.
  7. It means that we are shit! Seriously though, the table is projecting how the league table is finishing if every team is getting the exact same results (in the exact same matches) as last season. For example, last season we lost to Fulham (a) with 5-2. Therefore if we win this time we will get three more points while Fulham will drop three. Our victory against Wigan (h) didin´t earn us any points since we also won against them last season. Hope you understand it better now
  8. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    At what cost? he's got to have it like, i'm far from a fan of pardew but letting him go would be insanity....i've very clearly said i don't think he'll ever progress us as a club (as far as we should with our current quality of player) and in many ways i feel he's holding back our progress significantly the alternatives are too terrifying to consider though...not a chance ashley would appoint a better manager than pardew, none whatsoever, so you have to ask yourself what the cost would be if he goes? unless we're in serious danger of being relegated he'll stay, and i think it's for the best until ashley either f***s off or starts taking us seriously as a football club rather than just a balance sheet best case scenario he gets plan a working again i suppose, 'cause there's clearly no plan b I agree with what you are saying I don´t think Pardew should stay because he earn it, he should stay because Ashley is an idiot. And that´s why it´s so sad and why I have trouble to enjoy us playing.
  9. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Read the bloody article, mate. Christ. fair enough then, for this time. Still think I have a bit right though
  10. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Hate this "small club mentality" he always brings up. Don´t understand what he wants at all at this club. Always talking about better clubs, better players, other clubs that are bigger than us that are going to buy our players etc etc. Sure. They are better. But if we want to be a top club, which Pardew seems to want (was aiming for CL), he should start to talk like one. Stop defend a lead, or just sit back, against team that are worse then us and have some balls ffs. The same thing should go with his pre talk. It´s enough to say that we have difficult games coming up (this time it´s true, not when you face teams like Wigan at home) and leave it with that. You don´t have to talk about bigger and better clubs. If you want to be a winner, talk like one!
  11. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    What have personality to do with ability? I know plenty of people that are really nice even if they aren´t that bright...
  12. On that subject, probably the most unforgivable things Ashley and Llambo have done is force out 2 managers who were doing well and who we loved just to appoint their friends. There's not an argument in the world which could convince me Kinnear and Pardew were appointed based on talent or track record. Agree
  13. Me too, will always maintain that he would have excelled at the club even beyond what he achieved. I will never forgive Ashley for sacking him and bring in the one we have now.
  14. 7 of the reserves as you call them played a part in our last league game. That says a lot about our squad... tbh, hasn´t seen 1 sec of this game so can´t really say something.
  15. Our reserve players are just shit, I´m afraid. Not surprised that we lost.
  16. I've always assumed '4-3-3' was more of a blanket term on here for anything other than flat 4-4-2. yup
  17. That's an easy reaction, but considering we paid Alan Smith and Joey Barton circa £60k I can see why he would want more, and he deserves it. People feel Ba is the best striker since Alan Shearer was here, and even he was on £50k a week from 1996. I'd prefer Ba kept his salary at £40k or a bit over but was offered a large bonus per goal. The more he scores the more he earns seems fair. That´s in the past. We can´t get players salaries after how much Smith earned. There is a different time now where clubs is starting to stop giving stupid moneys to players. In one way I can understand that Ba wants more. But you shouldn´t feed a ego big enough already with goal bonuses.
  18. No matter what he does I will never really like him. Seems to have a bad and selfish character and Pardew is doing nothing about it.
  19. ATB

    Pardew Out?

    I don´t like Pardews view at football and that´s why I wan´t him to go no matter what. He has been here 2 years and we are still not playing any better than when he came, we just have different types of players. Ashley is a idiot when it comes to football and dosen´t care about the clubs results. That, and that it´s hard to get a good manager now, means that I´m willing to give him more time to save us from the relegation. But if we still are in real danger come a few more months from now, he just have to go. But as I said earlier, no matter what, I would sack him at the end of the season with the argument "thanks Pardew, but we feel that you have taken us so far you can..."
  20. I just can´t for my life believe how so many managers at this high level seems to think that, especially in England. No wounder the national team constantly fails.
  21. Every pre-match thread Admittedly not by the same posters, mind. can´t believe it either. Of course the season is dead and I´m scared it will only get worse...
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