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Everything posted by ATB

  1. And how can that, in anyway, be a good thing?
  2. ATB

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The main problem is that we shouldn´t be playing so deep. Of course Ben Arfa should defend. But then when we get the ball. Keep it! Attack! We just hoof it and everything starts all over again. People doesn´t sees any problems with that?
  3. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    We have far better players today than we had back then, yet we are the same TYPE of negative, cautious, percentages type of footballing side we were under Big Sam. Not going to argue if we play worse or better now than under Allardyce. But tbh. What is the big different?
  4. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I think it´s a different between defending in a good way and in a poor way. They performed in a good way, we in a bad. Because when we finally are getting the ball we just hoof. The ball is coming back faster than we can hit it. TRY AND FUCKING KEEP THE BALL. And regarding our "so called offensive play"
  5. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    We were man. Are you f***ing blind or something or just plaid stupid?! We could barely sting 4 passes together and were outplayed by an extremely average Liverpool side. We scored just before the break but rather than come out after the break full of spunk, we came out all meek and sat back. We played so deep the likes of Cisse were operating well inside the half-way line. We weren't awful. Fact. We were, especially the entire second half. We invited the pressure all day long, as always.
  6. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I´m getting sick of this. We plays alright in the first half (It could even have been our best half), get the lead, even if I don´t think we deserved it. But then, what happens? Like every single time we start do defend. Defend, defend, defend and defend. For 45 minutes! No wounder we are dropping the lead like flies. I said it at half time, even if we were playing alright, that I still think we have more potential. But Pardew is coaching this team like we haven´t. It´s just pure pathetic. Please do not that this post isn´t a overreaction. It´s just pure frustration that we won´t reach the potential that we have. Super unlucky with injuries. But that has nothing to do with the intention. We will have a touch time the next few weeks.
  7. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Is it forbidden to post then? It kind of sums you up. Well. If I have something to say, I will say it. No matter if it is half time or pre/post the match.
  8. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I think this can be the best half this season. So I agree with what you said that we has been moving better than before. But I just wanted to add that I think we have more in us. Hopefully that will come.
  9. Anita isn´t the answer, but he is a footballer.
  10. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    So far I think we're moving better and is the first time I can recall in recent memory where we're switching flanks during an attack with any kind of rapidity I agree. Therefore I said "I feel".
  11. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Is it forbidden to post then?
  12. Seeing Anita starting at RB and then have to watch this guy you just want to cry. I hope Pardew from this moment stop using him as a starting player.
  13. Completely different player when playing in a offensive position were he can link up the defense and offensive. He´s just so wasted when playing deep.
  14. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I still can´t help but feel we are wasting so much talent and potential with not having a proper offensive plan. We have so much in us! Saying that it was great to see the line up with a offensive set up and Cabaye as a really offensive player. Ben Arfa, Cabaye etc are so much better when playing offensively. We shouldn´t play after our opponent, but go for it! But. Can this be a start for something better?
  15. That´s no surprise. Liverpool is maybe the biggest club, supporter wise, here in Sweden.
  16. Santos for taking RvP´s shirt in half time
  17. ATB

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    But has someone else bar Ben Arfa completed a dibble for us...?
  18. It´s sad when you get exited when someone else besides of Willo gets the ball at a free kick or a corner :'( I agree though. If we can continue and do what we did last game, then maybe we will see some goals soon...
  19. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Because it's not in Pardew's nature to play a pass and move game. He's come from low profile teams where the long ball is used effectively to punch above their weight similar to Sam Allardyce. He does try and incorporate some passing, but it's mostly just impressive talk. It doesn't look like we practice it on the pitch at all, and under the slightest bit of pressure it's Shola up front and long balls to the big lads. He doesn't really believe in the passing game IMO, and looks unsure how to implement it. It looks to me that players like Cisse and Marveaux are getting stick on here when more than likely the style of football is more suited to the Sholas and Martin O Neill type of players. Agree with all of that. Pardew sticks to what he knows which is percentages. Players moving around or going forward too much and losing position in a passing movement worries him. Our players try as much as possible to hold thier zone and their core position and then reboot. This keeps the team profile solid and hard to score against (that's the theory anyway -MON - Allardyce and Moyes - but he's changed the last couple of seasons). I suspect he's been pawing at statistics too much which often don't tell the full picture. Often 3/4 touches may lead to a goal (like the kick from Krul goal on Sunday) and nobody has to have deserted their positon (Shola just moved in a bit). He looks at mistakes (goals conceded when there is a corner up the other end and the breakaway). Ironically these kinds of stats are the surface of the game but now with prozone and so on they have become the new gloss. Tbf to Pards he's a bit like an unpolished Mourinho who has had his fair shair of very static and defensive formations (remember how Chelsea used to lob it to Drogba a lot?) Just that a lot of Mou's overfocused research (see all his assistants and their number crunching - Clarke etc) is gilded with teams full of stars. P like Mourinho is only interested in winning football. Even now two sprinters wait on the half way line (Benzema and one other) while the whole team defends. P still really wants Carroll as the focus, that should tell you everything. What a bunch of tripe, Pards consistently produced attacking, creative football teams with much lesser sides. How on earth do you compare this to Allardyce? Is this the chalk and cheese thread? No... Besides, it´s not so weird that he may get lesser teams finishing above the quality of his squads. If you just play simple football and work hard you can get wonders (there are tons of examples of that) but in the long run that isn´t a type of football that will get you places. And most of all. It´s not a type of football that suites "footballers". It´s not weird that players like Raylor, perch, Best, Willo etc is playing good under him. It´s a simple football we play and they work hard on the pitch. I don´t understand the different between him and Allardyce and O´Neill that everyone despise.
  20. Shouldn´t be a starter. Does nothing going forward, only slows down our attacks with keeping the ball until he lose it or get a free kick. Better in the center though, but shouldn´t be starting.
  21. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    With Shola at the wing... only on the pitch because he is better than Cissé at flick ons. better than I thought it would be though.
  22. Colo how is he doing that otherwise has HBA and Ba been fantastic. It´s all about individuality brilliance that makes it. Happy with a 4-3-3 and we playes better than I could hope fore. So fair enough. But Shola ahead of Cisse? Is he taking the piss
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