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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. This is going very, very well
  2. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Was just thinking about his little jig on Sunday. Brilliant stuff man It was as if Kasper's gif had actually come to life, haha.
  3. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Assuming they keep Van Persie, if they lose him they are back to turmoil With these potential signings over the horizon, Van Persie could very well be persuaded/encouraged to stay imo.
  4. Their pride and passion has really gone It'll be some time before any of it comes back to the Scousers. EDIT: or has it already come back?
  5. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Well, well, Arsenal are already signalling their intent for next season (if the news is true). M'Vila would be an excellent signing and if Arsenal can also get Vertonghen on board then they will be serious title contenders next year.
  6. My Liverpool supporting work colleague said today that he doesn't really care what happens tonight. He also doesn't give a fuck if Everton do indeed finish above them.
  7. Hopefully. We could be guaranteed 5th place tonight if Liverpool win.
  8. That is a new low for Enrique
  9. http://0.tqn.com/d/animatedtv/1/0/T/T/spEP912--Trapped_in_the_Closet--3.jpg
  10. Definitely deserved to go down. Hope it gives Kean (and the fans) a massive reality check. The fans' "support" has been disgraceful really, they played a part in Blackburn's downfall as much as the players and manager.
  11. I could literally write an article now on 'Could we sign Bassong' and it would be as factually correct as any article on that website. Indeed, but the funny thing is...... Martin has all but agreed to join Lille Oh? According to Media in France anyway, he's practically agreed to join sorta akin to Arsenal and Podolski and us with Cabaye..... it's practically done but no one will announce anything until atleast the season is done. Suppose to be the replacement for the outgoing Hazard. If that is indeed the case, then oh well. Would have liked us to try and sign him but alas it looks it's not to be.
  12. Ah, that's that then. Bye Blackburn.
  13. I could literally write an article now on 'Could we sign Bassong' and it would be as factually correct as any article on that website. Indeed, but the funny thing is...... Martin has all but agreed to join Lille Oh?
  14. I actually think I might cry if we miss out on GD That throw in man, that frigging throw in... Give it a rest man f*** sake. There has been other incidents that have cost us just as much, if not worse. If we didn't throw away a 2-0 lead at home to f***ing Wolves we'd be 4th. s*** happens. Agree with your sentiment. I've said it before, what's done is done, there's no point dwelling on the past.
  15. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He's going nowhere.
  16. A face you'd never get sick of punching. I got berated by my mates when I said this. They keep on saying that Liam's the c***, not Noel, he's a saint. Wrong, they're both c***s.
  17. Willo is an unspectacular but solid enough CB. However, his weaknesses/limitations have been exposed this season and they have cost us at times so by that reckoning, he shouldn't be first choice for us next season. But having said that, he's more than capable of doing a decent job in the centre of defence so I would like him to stay as backup. The pecking order would like look this: Colo, new First Choice CB, Saylor, Williamson. Wouldn't mind this at all.
  18. Karren Brady enjoying Allardyce's gameplan/football:
  19. The lad has a bright future here, he's looked decent every time I've seen him and has shown no fear whatsoever. Hope he gets an extended run of games next season.
  20. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    Think he'll stay for at least another season. Although I guess that depends on how he feels really - if he wants first team football week in, week out, he'll move on to pastures new and that would be understandable. If he's content with his current role, then we'll have a valuable squad member on our hands. We've got Europe to look forward to next season and he is bound to get his run of games (think he'd do well against European opposition actually).
  21. As it stands these look to be the likely participants from the other big leagues: Bayer Leverkusen Stuttgart Hannover Lazio or Udinese Napoli Inter Milan Lyon Marseille Rennes Sporting Lisbon MarĂ­timo PSV or Feyenoord AZ Heerenveen plus the winner of the Dutch league's Europa play-offs. La Liga is still wide open with just 4 points seperating 5-10, currently Atletico Madrid and Mallorca look like going through, but both could snatch fourth place from Malaga on the final day. Bilbao will definitely go through as cup runners-up. But we're mint so we'll be fine...
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