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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Logic doesn't exist amongst our management/ownership.
  2. This team is just going to become more detestable if we sign this cunt. Just fuck right off.
  3. I'd give up football altogether personally.
  4. Tradition over everything else every single day.
  5. A cunt replacing a cunt? Ashley would love that purely because he'll know it would piss us off. (And no, Sherwood can fuck off...we'll take Sir Les).
  6. No brainer for me. Has to Martinez, his ethos is exactly the kind I would love here. His positive attacking playing style is what we've been craving for ages, he would undoubtedly get the best out of our attacking players (Ben Arfa for one). (Didn't like how he defended McManaman for that horror tackle on Haidara though, rather cuntish to defend a cunt).
  7. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Shola's going to play for us well into his 40s isn't he? It's a twisted version of Giggs' situation.
  8. At least Moyes has finally succeeded in what he set out to do in the first place...getting Everton above Man U. Man U's shitness this season has been amusing, it has to be said. Even though we've been far worse than them this season, the simple matter of laughing at Man U for once was/has been refreshing and for them to have that unfamiliar "hopelessness" feeling was something to behold. Kudos David.
  9. Townsend needs to fuck right off. Cunt.
  10. I may avoid watching our game at Anfield for the following reasons: - We'll lose 6-0. - Can't bear to see them lift the PL trophy. - Us (players/management) clapping them on and off. How the fuck has it come to this. Hats off to Rodgers for all of this.
  11. Sifu


    These cunts are staying up aren't they? Fuck this shit, fuck football.
  12. It is, the video is on the BBC sport website. The horrendous narcissistic c*nt says it without a hint of shame. I thought that was a pisstake. That quote genuinely horrifies me.
  13. And having to go off for it. Soft as fuck!
  14. This is pretty much how I see it too. I cannot see where we're going to get our next win from - confidence is at all time low, the fans don't care anymore, Pardew's fucking around with formations and is sending us out onto the pitch with horrendous dinosaur tactics and basically everything about the club atm is rotten.
  15. Dear lord, I thought last week's line up was atrocious but the cunt has outdone himself this week. Good thing I decided not to go in the end.
  16. The man is a walking parody. He's literally losing grip with reality, last weekend's banners/Pardew out chants have really got to him.
  17. I assume tickets on still on sale? (Yes, I'm thinking about going...).
  18. Bottling cunts as usual.
  19. If they could do the same to the red side of Liverpool in a few weeks, that would be most appreciated.
  20. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Was just writing down my squad to go to Brazil but then I got stuck on CBs...
  21. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I sincerely hope so. Nothing will make me happier this summer...
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