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Everything posted by greydos

  1. greydos

    Anthony Gordon

    I must admit I was right in the “anyone but Gordon brigade” but I’ve completely turned like the fickle but loyal newcastle supporter I am. Helps I have experience of doing that with Bellamy, although I was aided by the fact he was from Cardiff like me so easier to like him!
  2. greydos

    Anthony Gordon

    You probably can imagine: just close your eyes and think about what you do when your partner invites a new friend around for dinner? You put a bit of effort in, cook your favourite bolognese dish or whatever, use the posh plates and cutlery, make the odd spillage in the kitchen, or when setting down the plates on the table, make nervous uninformed chit chat. It’s all okay but frankly amateurish. That was Ashley’s United, pay the people as little as possible and provide no resources so that their output is no better than an amateur’s. (No offence if you’re a top notch cook and host, I’m more commenting on me to be fair!)
  3. greydos

    Anthony Gordon

    I’m almost as pleased we have Tindall as I am we have Howe! Guy’s a proper character
  4. I'd prefer Bruno to stay deep. Gives us an edge over the opposition to have a DM who can pop up with goals and assists. It's a much bigger point of difference against say Man City (Rodri), Manure (Fred), Arsenal (Xhaka) whose DMs you know are unlikely to directly harm you. Plus, to have Bruno at 8, you've got to have a DM who he [Bruno] is fully confident will be press resistant and able to play good progressive passes, otherwise Bruno will have no confidence to advance ahead of the ball as if we lose it he's out of position.
  5. greydos

    Anthony Gordon

    Just cause he’s Scouse it doesn’t mean he’s gonna rob something or assault someone!
  6. greydos

    Anthony Gordon

    Please no sign this guy. Please no sign!
  7. greydos

    Nick Pope

    Pope saves Tchouameni’s goal against France. For all Pickford plays well for England his hamstring and glutes can’t always make up for his tiny arms
  8. 16. Plus 1 for the goal difference improvement
  9. greydos

    Anthony Gordon

    I want to sign players who’ve been class elsewhere, and the only question is will they be class here? (Bruno, Botman, Isak). Gordon has been anti-class in his minuscule career. it’s great Howe can work wonders to improve players, but going forward we should give him better players to take a fair fight to the Big Six.
  10. There are plenty of photos of him walking about wearing Granny’s blouses and trousers! Some of the pics are earlier in this thread
  11. I mean, can we really stomach placing the beautiful emergence story of Bruno, his dad’s taxi, thinking he wasn’t good as football as a child, leaving home at 15 in Brazil as an only child, struggling to make friends in a new city, then moving to FRANCE, establishing himself as champions league Quality, persuading him to come to Newcastle’s project adding to him Sven Botman, a wonderful player who left Ajax to forge his own character as the world’s most cool and destructive defender, signing Isak, Sweden’s great young hope, so Bruno’s thinking this project is worth the hard years of sacrifice as like quality is being added to the squad, only then to follow up that project with Anthony F&*¥ing Gordon! It’s abysmal!
  12. He’s bang average. A little gas on the dribble in open space but that’s about it. And he seems like he’d be a horrible git in a worse than Bellamy/Barton way. He’s like a git without loyalty. He’d be a git to the club, teammates, Howe, everyone. He wouldn’t be our git, he’d be a git in our midst! Frig that!!
  13. I would kill to have a keeper in goal where a shot on target results in a save. Wouldn’t that mean we’d never concede?!
  14. I absolutely love this!
  15. All these people saying he won’t be here when we’re top 4 are so forgetful. Serial title-winning Manure had no-skill grafters like John O’Shea, Wes Brown and Phil Neville regularly contributing amongst the stardust players. As far as I can see there’s still room in football for dedicated grafters with narrow focus, like Fred at Manure now. Longstaff’s here for the next 5 years at least in my book
  16. I hate it when people refer to themselves on the third person; especially journalists!!
  17. Dressing room scene on Sky’s website. 4 minutes of utter pleasure. Enjoy! https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/12784008/burn-leads-toon-celebrations-incredible-scenes-in-newcastle-dressing-room
  18. After losing to Cambridge United and missing 25 chances we decided the answer was Chris Wood. But he doesn’t take any chances. So we’re still asking the same question: who will score routine goals for us? Not this lump for sure
  19. Wow the mood in this place?! “Eeeeeverybody huuuurts, sometimes!! Sometimes!!” But suck it up, we go again, take points off Arsenal and move on with our business.
  20. All the life and productivity coaches say you should plan your week by putting in the big rocks first. The match cam and Eddie’s pressers are definitely the first of my 2 big rocks. Wife kids and work fit in round them.
  21. Eddie said he signed Bruno as a 6+. #Eddie_Knows
  22. If that’s the point being made that all players can be replaced then fair enough. But the post I was responding to seemed to be making a different point, as it said all players are replaceable “but ASM deserves a proper go at Eddie Howe NUFC 2.0 before we think about replacing him.” So it made the comment seem much more like he was saying all players can be gotten rid of, which to me was a stinking take fair play if I read it wrong
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