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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. The bit about the SD signs being here for a short while was announced the day of the takeover so more regurgitating
  2. If Bruce is still here on Sunday he will get no stick at all from the fans as they'll be too busy celebrating the takeover. In a perfect world we would be 0-1 down at half time and they'll sack Bruce before the second half starts
  3. Another day off, that means that they've done 2 days this week. He wouldn't be the first manager to be sacked after a win but I'd rather he was gone
  4. If that fat slob is still in the dugout on Sunday it will ruin my day
  5. How on earth can Bruce motivate players or expect any respect from the players when everone's expecting him to be sacked any minute. It will do more damage to keep him there than getting rid of him immediately
  6. I can't for the life of me understand how Lampard is being linked to the job. Failed miserably at Chelsea as has been proved by their performances since he left. He may be okay to manage the youth side or something but no more than that
  7. I've nearly worn a hole through the screen of my tablet with constantly checking to see of the fat slob has gone yet
  8. I think that they will open an online account for stationary so they won't need Charnley to go to Rymans
  9. Any eyes on the training ground today to see what's going on
  10. If Bruce isn't gone before Sunday I think we should get some 'Amanda out' or 'PIF off' banners out
  11. I'd prefer Frank Spencer to Frank Lampard
  12. He has to go today. From the new owners point of view there is no advantage of sense in keeping him a day longer than necessary
  13. To sack him they'll need to wait until he comes to work. He'll need to fit the meeting with Amanda around his days off
  14. I can hear it now from Bruce, "To manage Derby County is a great opportunity. Ever since playing here all those years ago I've loved this place and felt I belonged here. This is the job I've always wanted. And look, I'm telling you, to team up again with Mike and Lee Charnley is just a dream come true.
  15. Shelvey will love Contes tough training sessions
  16. Ashley needs somewhere to put his Sports Direct signs and Derby will be fine, nice and close to his head office. He loves to buy businesses that have gone tits up because he gets everything at way below the going rate. Derby County will be perfect for him
  17. We need a manager who can bring out the best in Players like Kraft and Hendricks. Hell of an ask really
  18. If I remember right, Man City continued with Hughes for a while
  19. Maybe he has a clause in his contract which says......
  20. The most important thing is to remove Bruce before the Spurs game because it'll be difficult to hurl abuse and celebrate at the same time. I fancy he'll be gone on Monday and Jones will be in charge for the Spurs game. Amanda has already mentioned about the feelings of the fans and so she's fully aware of Bruce's popularity. If he is in the dugout it will put a bit of a dampener on things and we need to muster everything we've got to get 3 points
  21. I'm not a fan of Rodgers and I can't see him leaving Leicester anyway. He seems to do well in certain situations but reacts poorly in others and lose games they shouldn't.
  22. Conte would enjoy working with the Steves
  23. When Jimmy Greaves turned Ollie Burton inside out at White Hart Lane
  24. Southgate is a tosser. He inherited the best squad of players in 50 years and still failed.
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