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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. Watching players in training is different from watching them in matches. I'd imagine that Howe will give every a run out at some point to see how they perform under his system until he settles on what he sees as his best team
  2. Under Rafa, no matter how good the opposition were, I never felt like we would get hammered. When we were left with Joselu as our main striker, Rafa kept it tight knowing that come the end of the season goal average could be important. When people go on about him being negative they forget that we didn't have a decent striker for a lot of the time so needed to play the way we did
  3. Didn't know where to post this but I see that OGS has donated his £7.5 mill payoff to charity. I haven't read where Bruce has done the same?
  4. Like GWN, I can't believe some of the comments on here about Howe. Amazing how they can all pick a better team without the advantage of watching them in training all the week. Such comments are food for all of the people and pundits out there who think that the Newcastle supporters are delusional and have a sense of entitlement. Howe summed it up by saying that the players did there best and he can't ask for anymore. He has inherited a dreadful unbalanced squad of players, most of them being unfit for purpose and that's what we've got until January / February assuming we can make some acquisitions. Howe needs and deserves all the support he can get. Unlike the previous management team, they are giving it their all and being professional. It's a long road ahead
  5. I can't believe the negativity on here. Give the guy a chance FFS
  6. New manager been in charge for 2 games and people complaining that nothings changed. Player for player Arsenal had more quality. Half of our team just aren't good enough but we have to put up with it for now and hope we pick up some points. Get behind the team and the manager
  7. I saw Jimmy Greaves in one of his last shows before he had the stroke and I remember him talking about Andy Carroll. ' A fucking joke he said 36 million. He said good strikers anticipate where to run and take a few chances, Andy doesn't start to run until the balls been kicked and by then it's two fucking late. It was a great night with Greavsie and we were in hysterics
  8. I think that Tindall and Howe come over a bit more professional than syphlus Steve
  9. Bruce's agent has offered him to Man U
  10. jackyboy


    It's amazing what a bit of motivation by a good manager can do
  11. First time I've ever seen his head covered in sweat. He worked hard and played well and was let down by Willocks poor performance
  12. If he can get Hendricks performing as he seems to have done with big Joe then that's fine. I have never seen Joelinton look so pumped up and motivated as he was on Saturday. Howe has obviously given him some sort of belief in himself and long may it continue
  13. Mick McCarthy would be a better choice than Bruce
  14. Dubs instills confidence in the defenders while Darlow causes panic
  15. Bruce is the man if he's as good as the pundits tell us
  16. Didn't win but most enjoyable performance for over 2 years. Joelinton, apart from not even managing to get a shot away with that opportunity, was the best I've seen from him. Darlow was the only reason we lost. Shelvey a massive improvement in performance and attitude. Tough days ahead but I think we can survive
  17. Be like playing with 10 men without Eddie
  18. Maybe he'll go back to Birmingham now as they've just sacked their manager
  19. jackyboy

    Fabian Schär

    I thought that Manquillo was always poor a left back and Dummett is best at CB
  20. As it seems that Eddie was in discussions with Amanda for a while before the takeover, I would imagine that he will have been watching the team and making plans for if he was offered the job
  21. Very difficult to evaluate how well Gerrard has done at Rangers. Brought them up to the SPL but they were the only club with money and a sizeable fan base. Once in the SPL the only opposition were Celtic who were skint and at rock bottom. I lived up in Scotland for a number of years and the standard of football, even with the top two teams, was atrocious. I have a feeling he may found out at Villa, as Lampard was at Chelsea and the Villa fans are not patient
  22. Where they played before should not come into the equation. I thought that Howe hit it on the head when he said of NUFC 'It just felt like a good fit'. That to me is everything. Jose was a good fit at Chelsea but not at Man U or Spurs. He never seemed to fit into those clubs and his present gig could end in tears also. There's no way of telling if Gerrard will do well with Villa and even if he does there is no guarantee that he can carry that success to Liverpool
  23. jackyboy

    Ryan Fraser

    Often looks decent when playing for Scotland
  24. The money that our new owners have will not buy solutions to all of our problems which have festered for more than a decade. They aren't going to leap in and throw money at everything that moves. Our whole club is a complete mess. Our training facilities and present coaches will not produce first class athletes. Jones is doing all he can in a job he doesn't want and people should stop knocking him. We all have our opinions about what team to play, what tactics to use etc., but, we don't have the inside info on players fitness, mental state, injuries etc. It is going to be a long hard road. The difference to what we've had before is that the new owners want success as much as we do and the best we can do is support them
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