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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Got an awful feeling that Colback will be wearing the armband on Sunday. Last week we had Cisse in the press passing on the message that the players do care - back in the team Today Colback is passing on the message that the players are despearte to win in training and show passion all the time - captain this week
  2. Janmaat out for Mbemba at right back anyone? That will send the message out to everyone that you dont mess with Stevey Mac
  3. When it comes to wingers I wonder how Ginola and Robert would have been fared without Gillespie and Solano on the other flank. Neither Gillespie and Solano were as flashy as their left wing counterparts but give a different weapon on both wings and complimented eachother perfectly. If we had relied purely on the left side, which to be fair was not as consistent a wing, I'm sure people would have moaned more about the performance of our frenchmen. So to extend that thinking... If we did get a Townsend on loan, or could get a run of games out of Aarons we may see a different Thauvin as we would once again have different types of weapons on each wing. Maybe, maybe not but I'd be willing to give it a go before writing Thauvin off competely. Now if only we could find a Lee or a Speed as well
  4. Willo to score the winner with a header from a corner. Nah just kidding. 0-5 coming up, 0-3 if Sturridge is out
  5. He's not a good manager, but he can get a reaction out of players in the short term. Would not be in favour of him being in charge, but could see a logic to Penfold looking at him
  6. So when's his court case being heard anyway? No doubt it will be after the next derby so that he can score another one past us
  7. It would need to be an impact manager now. We're basically looking for someone with a personality to come in to kick some lazy asses into some form of performance. Unfortunately Sherwood might just be the right man for now. Longer term you'd hope that the same impact manager can then develop his own squad (which I don't think Sherwood can). Basically we need a Keegan type again
  8. Marv? Or was just by default when Liverpool dropped out
  9. I will always believe that PArdew was responsible for dampening the clubs ambitions. Allardyce did a number on Ashley's willingness to buy players, the Keegan fiasco and Shearer not being able to save us turned him off any sort of connection with the fans, but even in Pardew's first summer we bought Cabaye, Ben Arfa on a permanent deal, got Ba on a decent wage and then spent on Cisse in the January. A profit on transfers model existed, but the signings were progessive as well as being potential. I'm not forgetting the Carrol money, but nobody would have turned down 35 million for a player with 6 months premier league experience. Come the next season and increased hope/expectation. Didn't Pardew just do a great job of telling everyone that we wouldn't be able to compete and that we were lucky to be on the same pitch as Brighton. Cue a bad season and lack of profit on transfers, the bar was lowered in terms of what calibre of player we would look to make a profit on - its now all bargain basement deals (until this summer when he found a fiver behind the sofa). Ashley knows nothing about football and is easiy swayed - if enough people were telling him to invest after the 5th place and it would lead to better performances and ultimately cash he would have. Instead we got a message that we fluked 5th and shoudlnt be looking to get there again
  10. We'll still see Gouffran - Anita will be benched
  11. In the right systems the likes of Thauvin, Sissoko, Cisse, Gini, Mitro, De Jong are all decent enough players. Definitely good enough to be in a non top 4 premier league club. The problem is that they aren't suited to eachother and playing them together highlights their individual weaknesses rather than allowing their strengths to shine. Basically we've too many of the same type of player and thats a recipie for disaster
  12. It was the bit where he refused to sleep on the rights side of the camp that let him down though. Reckon he'll finish in the top 3 mind - that Vicky bint from Geordie Shore is going to win it with Dyer and possibly Chris Eubank making up the final
  13. Man if I had the money the buy the club the first thing I would be doing is getting this man invovled in some capacity. He just gets it
  14. Can't think of much less threatening than Schteve Mc having a go at you
  15. I hate the way these cowards given these empty, meaningless, token interviews. As if he gives a shit man, rather be in the casino or trying to add to his collection of wives. Agree, but the fact it is Cisse spouting rubbish will be a club decision, and leads to him starting
  16. Cisse in the papers 'sharing fans frustration'. Reckon rolling him out to do this interview means he's starting on Saturday
  17. Rather have Davids or Hassalbaink
  18. What was Pardew's record like against his former clubs when he 'managed' us? I'm hoping that he cacks his pants like in the derby and messes with the team too much
  19. Shame we dont have Benny to run at him, he'd be backing off so much he'd need to buy a ticket for Level 7
  20. Played a lovely reverse ball in for Cabaye whcih Hart just got to in the first half
  21. maybe but even still I doubt he'd come here Who else is interested though? Can't see them selling to Spurs after the summers dealings - unless its at something like 50% above market rate. Sometimes players are that desperate to move that they'll take a sub-optimal option if its the only one on the table
  22. Did I really start a thread asking if someone was on crack? Really not like me! Anyway, wouldn't it be nice to still be moaning about someone like Milner being a fan favourite or not rather than Jack effing Colback
  23. Wathced that game with a light concussion after being booted in the face playing football earleir in the day - fractured eye socket to boot, but still kept a clean sheet! Then pulled a lovely Northern Irish lass later in the evening. Great night all round
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