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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Good nice to see the other clubs will not allow for the rules to be bent over for teams. are they though ? there'll be lots of smallprint as regarding the club as the company,holding companies etc.........why do you think these holding companies are set up, including the holding company that technically owns us ? Taxing Purposes, Also Limited Liability on the Owners (i.e. if liverpool default on the debts then Gillet and Hicks other companies don't go tits up) etc. It's in the Premier League rules, as in the Football League rules that if the holding company goes into admin then the club is in admin. The clubs will enforce this (14 out of 20 votes needed to pass these rules, or create new rules). As with West Ham, I don't think the parent company or club going into admin automatically means a penalty. Providing the debts can be cleared in full by the process of administration (as would be the case with Liverpool), then you're okay. The problem with Leeds and Portsmouth was that the debt was greater than the value of the club. It'll be interesting to see how the Court case goes. I would have thought that the Board were under an obligation to find the maximum price for the club. The fact that the price they've got matches the debt looks a bit dodgy. It's like they've created the deal that is most in the interests of the club and the buyer, rather than the owners. If the wording of the agreement between the Board and the owners says something ambiguous like a 'reasonable' price, then it'll all come down to the views of an individual judge, and where his / her sympathies lie. Wasn't the West Ham case more to do with the holding company holding lots of companies? In Liverpool's case Kop Holdings only holds Liverpool Football Club, so the PL rules would dictate that if Kop Holdings go into Administration so do LFC (for points purposes)
  2. Liverpool City Spurs Can't say I really hate Sunderland, a lot of the family support them and you need a good healthy local rivalry. Leave the hate for Rangers and Celtic. Used to be Man U, but thats softened in recent years, more to do with other teams becoming worse than them getting better though. Went right off anything Scouse after living there. City is a bit obvious, but I cant get my head around why a team with unlimited funds are trying to strangle and kick their way to the league with 6 defensive midfielders on the pitch. Imagine what a Keegan Mk1 team would look like with that sort of money. Spurs, I guess it's just their year (as always) and is their a more annoying tit on this planet than Redknapp?
  3. So when's Harry's court appearance?
  4. Closed league would go against everything football represents in England. Yes i know, I'm just saying thats all. Calm down Parky calm down. Liverpool and as we were would not be in this mess if a regulated salary cap was in place. Wage bill adjusted to a ratio of the turnover would be a better idea. ie 50% of turnover or somesuch. Hmmm, i dunno. Needs to be a level playing field for every team. Its then up to the club/ team if they want to max the cap out. Need to cap the number of players on a payroll as well You can only register 25 now. But can pay as many as you want - see Bellamy, Craig for a perfect example.
  5. Closed league would go against everything football represents in England. Yes i know, I'm just saying thats all. Calm down Parky calm down. Liverpool and as we were would not be in this mess if a regulated salary cap was in place. Wage bill adjusted to a ratio of the turnover would be a better idea. ie 50% of turnover or somesuch. Hmmm, i dunno. Needs to be a level playing field for every team. Its then up to the club/ team if they want to max the cap out. Need to cap the number of players on a payroll as well
  6. Don't you love the idea that the owners should just spend whatever it takes regardless of fiscal responsibility. They are basically saying the owners have to do an Abramovich or they are not interested, and they have a basic right to being Top-4 and up with man U and Chelsea The deluded high pressure front seems to have moved away from Tyneside to Merseyside. No you're wrong there, the Liverpool fans are entitled to demand success and rich owners because they are Liverpool and used to be good. And its only right a proper that a club legend comes back to manage them, because they are Liverpool. Completely different to how we see our team
  7. I hope that if the FA turn around and say nothing can be done we take this one to the law courts. Should sue Man City for not controlling De Jong, De Jong for the foul, Atkinson for his decision, the FA for their lack of a decision and Fifa for not allowing the FA to make a decision
  8. Liverpool and Everton should merge. Its already the 'friendly derby', and families have divided blue and red loyalties anyway so it would bring families together.
  9. It's not a load of nonsense, man. You all have gone mad. It's a bad tackle that has caused a bad injury. Fine. This is understood. People's legs are broken on the pitch all of the time. We can increase the penalties for bad tackles within football. This is acceptable It's the same as charging a racing car pilot with murder because he made a bad move that led to a deadly accident. This would be madness. Football is not the same as walking on the street, and there are inherent risks when you walk on the pitch. You don't call the police after every incident. That is literal insanity. The only way police could get involved is if there is an incident that is far separated from what is part of football. De Jong's tackle was not that. The game itself is "policed" by the referee, and the sport by the FA. They should deal severely with intended acts of violence which cause serious injury. When they fail in their duties to do so, there is no reason why the victims should not turn to common law to obtain justice and recompense for loss of earnings/investment etc. If this does go legal then it will be the fault of a very dodgy referee and an incompetent FA to deal with it properly in house. I'm also fairly sure that if a F1 driver made a deliberate move that put another driver in hospital or worse then he wouldn't be racing for a long time. The key is the intent behind the move, if De Jong and Ben Arfa were going for a 50:50 and their legs got caught together then its an accident. Mark Webbers impression of Superman in a car earlier this season was an accident. However, De Jong went in to put Ben Arfa out of this particular game either mentally or physically. We've all been in games where the manager has said to rough up the keeper, or 'keep the little quick un quiet'. He went too far in this, it was a deliberate act and he should be punished.
  10. Erm, haven't Everton done little else since the 80's? Hardly been breaking the bank with their champagne bill have they? Had more relegation scrapes than us since the PL, they just didn't go down. Thanks to a very dodgy Wimbledon goal/ goal that wasn't if I remember in the late 90s
  11. Sooooo.... Are we looking at 6 months until he is ready to return? I'd make that 4 months solo rehab and two getting back in with the lads - sound about right? As much as I'd love to see him back asap, hope nobody rushes the comeback until the leg is 100%, if that means he only plays 5 games at the season tail then so be it - his future is more important that fitting in anohter 4-5 games on a risky judgement call
  12. Good on the club, for either looking after the player or not trying to go back on the deal (whichever it is). Look after him properly and a silver lining could be that he falls for the club even more and we get to see him around next year and for many more afterwards
  13. We need a win to remove the home jitters. Wigan are a good team for this imo, they will play open football but have little that will keep the back 5 awake at night over the next fortnight. I'd bring Carroll back, assuming Nolan isn't going to be dropped then he needs to play as a genuine second striker, not somewhere inbetween attacking mid and in the hole. 4-0 anyway, Carroll, Nolan, 'One of the back 4 from a set piece', Shola off the bench.
  14. When I look at the league I see Blackpool playing way above their ability on paper and will see these good results drop off once we get to November and they are playing the likes of Blackburn, Stoke, Sunderland in succession rather than the big 4 (where they raise their game). West Brom too are having a great early season charge, but again I think they are above their real level. Wigan and West Ham will have very few long runs of wins or defeats and as such will bounce aroud the bottom 4 or 5 places. Liverpool have to recover (don' they?), Everton will. The rest are much of a muchness. The question is where are we? Are we the 6-0 victors over the Villains, the 2-0 pussy whipped Blackpool boys or somewhere inbetween? I see us playing like we did against Man City and Everton in most of our away games and will end up picking up a lot more points on the road than anyone would have thought in the summer. We need a good home victory soon (i.e. the next game) to settle down the home crowd/nerves, and then I think we will be fine.
  15. If there was no malice and he isn't that type of boy, then he is a shit defensive midfielder who can't tackle. Either way he's likely to do it again this season
  16. No it isn't - or at least shouldn't be. Leg breaks, shoulder dislocates etc may happen, but in the majority of cases they are accidental and due to mistimed challenges. The intent from this foul was to put Ben Arfa out of the game. De Jong knew exactly what he was doing - going in hard to hit the man as well as the ball. Not saying he meant to break a leg, but defiinitely went in with intent to 'get the man'. The last time I checked that isn't part of the rules of football
  17. The key challenge for both Blackpool and West Brom will be if they lose a couple on the bounce to the likes of West Ham or a couple of injuries. Blackpool will struggle in a big way should Adam get injured for more than the odd game
  18. A fair indication that nobbling HBA was their top priority at the start of the game. No one has been able to get close to him in his previous starts, it was always a fair bet that other teams would try and take him out by other means. Yeah. It was what in American football would be called 'unnecessary roughness.' I presume he wasn't out to nobble the player, but I think it was designed to hurt and put him off. It was a similar tackle to the one that got Barton sent off against Liverpool, in that he allowed his trailing leg to follow through. De Jong was a bit more subtle. I disagree that it wasn't designed to nobble him. De Jong went in to hurt Ben Arfa, as other thugs do to players week in week out. Not for one moment saying he tried to break his leg, but the intention was to put the player out of the game early on. Shouuld be banned for the length of Ben Arfa's injury lay-off - same goes for the likes of Shawcross, Henry, or any other player who seriously injures a player through a foul challenge
  19. I wonder how Collymore will deal with this in his phone in? He seems to despise cheating (diving) more than leg breakers like this
  20. Absolutely nothing at present to suggest they will come back though. They need a rich owner to move forward, and based on that there is as much chance of us dominating the league as they have
  21. It would actuall also provide more defensive cover by moving HBA inside and slipping Jonas down the wing. Nolan doesn't offer much protection and HBA won't track back as much as Jonas
  22. 1st Season Perhaps we came close Although we faded after the Everton game, we were pretty close under Bobby too
  23. Just waiting for the day that the curls get lopped off
  24. Pulis will deploy one of his thugs to make sure he doesn't. he's made his name through avoiding and getting the better of those thugs, like ginola i can't really remember him getting kicked up a height. Aye normally because he had hit the floor before they got to him
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