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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Are you kidding me? SSR is totally right. Ronaldo, you may think you know a lot about the world, but it's obvious you know f*** all about accounting. No business pays for things up front and sells things in installments. That goes against basic economic logic (inflation, discounting etc.). It's the opposite of what any sane business would do. The only reason any club would do that is to prepare for a decrease in revenue, but why go to this extreme to protect the club's cashflow when other, more reasonable and common measures which leaves the club with more money to invest can be taken? It clear you don't know much yourself if you can't see the logic in buying players in one installment. There's only one advantage to buying in one go, you will in some situations get a lower price. Its like buying a car on finance, it costs more than if you pay cash. Even 0% finance is typically more expensive as the cost of the finace gets built into the 'price' of the car via lower discounts or such like. Thats how he became a millionaire - buying cheap by using cash rather than accepting higher prices for a payment period. If you think how a lot of football clubs are being run at the moment with debt - an immediate cash injection of £5m may well be more appealling than £7m over 4 years (answering both of you here, not just ronaldo)
  2. Notice Harry is annoyed about the papers reporting a £2m bonus. Well we wouldn't want the tax man knowing about it would we?
  3. I was in an Adidas outlet shop at the weekend and on was looking through the samples rail. There was a toon sshirt in there - I guess an early design of next seasons shirt before the contract was ended. Looked pretty good, a little like that Nike prototype on this thread. Quality was crap though If I get a chance I'll nip back, buy it and host a pic.
  4. Where's the 4? Albin, Boyd, Macheda & Maynard Best and xisco will be out the door (hopefully for best) and i have a feeling lovenkrands might be too which i will be a little disappointed as i have a lot of emotional attachment to him as a player but I think its necessary. so four sounds about right, the glorious part about that rumor is that they all the strikers bring something different to the table and combine it with AC and that could be a mid table strike force.... with one more decent midfielder and right back =D You're forgetting Super Shola Ameobi there
  5. Still think he is going to float the club again to reduce the burden on his shoulders and/or recover some of the money.
  6. Your theory can be turned on its head, Cajun - if the selling club puts a higher value on their WC player than buying clubs are prepared to pay, the sellers will end up with egg on their faces if the player has a POOR WC, or his team are eliminated early. In any case, a player should not simply be judged on what he does over a few WC games - the buying club should have done their homework long before that by watching him in league action regularly - Oh, wait, this is Newcastle...! Remember that outstanding WC winner Gui'Varch..! Didn't we have Guivarch signed sealed and delivered before the 98 WC started?
  7. He might want to. But I would think his track record of floating Sports Direct at a gross over value and treating his shaeholders with contempt (shocking PR too) would make it a difficult sell to institutional shareholders. Plus football might not be the flavour of the month as a sector, the high profile financial issues have given it a bit of a "high risk, damaged goods" vibe. All true, but its possibly the best track for him to take if he wants his money back, even with a reduced floatation price he could get an immediate payout and then (assuming he retains a shareholding) dividend city to regain the remainder of the investment.
  8. I wonder if MA would consider trying to float us again in order to get back some of his money?
  9. Cashflow. The club gets its TV money and season ticket money mostly over the summer. Wages are every month. But he isn't trousering it anyway. So you are saying we get all of our income upfront but our outgoings are staggered?
  10. Very simply, the amount of time it takes to climb out of your shit depends on the volume of shit you are facing to begin with
  11. I don't see why it should result in an argument (although youre possibly right), the accounts will not be subjective. I know we'll not all agree on everything but that happens in most threads as people form an opinion on everything. If nothing else, at least you know where to avoid. Aye, exactly. Wasn't saying it wasn't worth a thread or owt - because it clearly is - but you know. I'll be reading the thread when the accounts get published but I doubt I'll last more than a few pages. Anyway: Ashley Out. The formula for these threads is usually: WILD STATEMENT MADE IN OP AND LINK TO ACCOUNTS - Immediate response made by general forumites based upon the comments in the OP and not the accounts - Wildfire. - Quayside/LLO/CS&C/etc come along and explain what the accounts mean, refuting all of the outlandish comments - General forumites agree and say thanks - FAT COCKNEY BASSA ASHLEYLIES for 2/3 pages - WILD STATEMENT MADE (having not read any of the previous 18 pages) - Quayside/LLO/CS&C/etc come along and explain what the accounts mean, refuting all of the outlandish comments - FAT COCKNEY BASSA RESPONDS ad infinitum I'm thinking of staying out of this one!
  12. Personally I'm glad we did it in the Banana shirt. Another in the eye of all the haters in the press.
  13. Hoping for another Leicester scoreline (the 93 vintage). Could there be a better manager to do it against than Sir Roystan of Woofsville?
  14. You are like... I'm going to grow Colo hair. He's class man. :aww: Hopefully not his short and curlies though
  15. Why would they be let through to the champions league when its unlikely they won't finish 4th, i doubt they would be let through just for winning the Europa league. Go back to 2004 or 2005 when they won it and finished 5th. Shouldn't have qualified then either but they did True and i agree they shouldn't have qualified that year but Sevilla won the europa league and they didn't qualify....did they ? And because oif that i don't think they would qualify simply because uefa wouldn't have a leg to stand on if that was the case. Atleat when they won the champs league no one had wo it and not qualified before, so they could change the rules a bit but because sevilla didn't (i think) they couldn't do this. They can change the rules to suit really. Go back to 95-96 when we finished second. Did we qualify then - no. The following season we finished second and boom the rules had changed and we qualified. There have been enough people in the media suggesting that the Europa winners go to the Champs League to make it feasible in the eyes of many. (alos isn't this technically the first seaosn of the Europa League?)
  16. Really? I spent 6 years of my life in Liverpool (1999 - 2005) and the majority of Liverpool fans (a) were deluded (b) held no affection for Newcastle. There were more than a few occassions when I didn't feel safe walking around in a Newcastle Shirt Maybe it was because we were better back then?
  17. Why would they be let through to the champions league when its unlikely they won't finish 4th, i doubt they would be let through just for winning the Europa league. Go back to 2004 or 2005 when they won it and finished 5th. Shouldn't have qualified then either but they did
  18. Anyone else want to take the bet that should Liverpool win the Europa League then the winners will magically qualify for the Champions League?
  19. Remember watching that on telly and thinking something bad was going to happen. Was that the time when fans jumped the gates with blank pieces of paper in lieu of tickets whilst wearing 'Justice for the 96' T-Shirts?
  20. Artur Jorge was in charge of Switzerland at Euro 96. Hodgson went out in the last 16 in 94 then qualified for 96 before moving to Inter. It was their first fournaments they'd qualified for since the sixties. Did Artur Jorge have a fantasic 'tash during '96? i.e. is this the buggar? http://i.eurosport.es/2006/03/07/259572-883486-317-238.jpg
  21. I want to play the last game in the Banana shirt anyway. Or at least win the league in it.
  22. Adding to that, how long after promotion was it that we scrapped the reserves?
  23. Sorry, you are wrong. I am an auditor by the way. Oh so your talking about next years accounts now? The discussion is about the accounts that are due to be filed in 3 days, I made that perfectly clear tbh. Yes what I'm saying is, if we set off on a path of not filing the accounts for this year, chances are the auditors won't be very keen to sign off next years. There also would seem to be little point in not filing them if we've managed to convice the auditors to sign them off in the first place, would there? Still missing the point. Never said they won't file them just they are under no obligation to file on time, the auditors won't give 2 hoots if they are filed on time or not, just as long as they are. Anyway there's no way you are an auditor though, coming out with stuff like that. Right-o Says you who thinks the only issue there'll be is writing out the fine cheque if they don't file them. I've never heard such a lack of commercial common sense. Given that we're talking about a company which was loss making with a turnover of c. £100m, coupled with the fact that that turnover post balance sheet has reduced to about half that figure, the minute they are late, their customer base, debtors, creditors and football in general will be all over them chasing money & reducing trading terms given to the club. Promotion means a massive amount to whoever is signing the accounts off in terms of going concern & the later they are signed off (if it hasn't been done already) the less risk there is to the auditors. It's basic stuff tbh, you'll probably come across it in the next chapter of your text book. Beat me to the punch, was going to ask how his exams were going. I'm 37 man been doing this all my career. They can send them to whoever they like, the major creditors and other important stakeholders probably already have a set of accounts, for example the European money league people already have numbers from this years accounts. You don't think the important creditors etc have wait and have to pay the £1 to get a set of accounts from CH do you? As its a private company now I don't think Ashely will really give two hoots about what the auditors think. They certainly don't dictate to the club when the audit work is completed because it is less risky for them. If mike wants the accounts early that's when they are done, if he wants them late that's when they are done. If the numbers are as bad as we expect then maybe he wants promotion before they are made public to prevent the inevitable backlash. According to you though on Thursday the whole of football will be all over Newcastle like a rash due to late filing of accounts. Hardly likely. There's no external shareholders to appease anymore. They were filed in early January last year, I am only summising why they are later this year. You were the one going on saying the auditors won't allow them to be late. Which is pure nonsense. And you still go on as if I am saying they don't have to file them at all. Anyway they have today and tomorrow to see if you are right. Are you guys charging each other for every post you make. I hope so. Don't forget to charge for any extra research involved too. I hope note, doubt I could afford Broadswords fees, at 37 he must have 15 years + experience so should be looking at a direcotr or partner fee from him. I can afford LLLO's 'bag of crisps' fee though That smiley just cost you another bag of crisps. http://www.taquitos.net/im/sn/MonsterMunch-Spicy.jpg
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