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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Didn't Odin say something similar Rumbled
  2. You're going to depress the shite out of us arnt you mate? Or make your day...
  3. And that will be linked, that is HMRC will have looked at us because of Ashley's involvement in tax issues at SD
  4. They've known, or should have known, about this for at least 2 years BTW. I'll jump on the laptop later, too long for my fat fingers on mobile but I have first hand experience in this
  5. Will expand later but unfortunately he will probably be able to get most of that back from HMRC. Paid to the wrong place rather than not paid at all would be my guess
  6. And it will fail. Fees will peak this summer or next, but what we are seeing is that as clubs no longer need to sell at market prices players (Zaha, Longstaff, Mcguire) are being priced out of moves. The next phase is for 2 year contracts to be the norm with players leaving on a free or nominal fees and this money now going to them as signing on fees. Imagine Zaha looking at the £80m and going you know what I can cut that in half and take £40m over 2 years and then repeat with another club, and then another etc. 4-5 moves over a career, staying 2 years at each club and raking in £20m a year. Nice work if you can get it
  7. It’s because Carrs first round targets always exceeds the fat cunt’s budget. But fatty has seen the lost profit on each of these targets subsequent sales...
  8. He's going to have to become one of the best in the Premier League over the next 2 years to turn a profit. Ashley has gone the Everton route here, looking at Lukaku in particular, spend £30-£40m and double it. Easier than turning £15m profit 3 times isn't it? The problem may be however if this summer becomes a watershed - Mcguire, Zaha, Longstaff to name 3 all being priced out of moves with stupid valuations as clubs don't need the cash due to TV deals. Solution? Players start signing 2 year deals max and look to make their millions on 3-4 signing on fees, why should the clubs get this lovely transfer cash and tie the players into 4 year deals. Bye bye to the buy to sell at a profit model
  9. What's the point? Hes just spent what he got for Perez. Shows how low we are when that actually is really good progress on what we've seen previously
  10. So their wages won't appear in the future accounts? What happens with players whose wages were put into that charge who subsequently left before the end of their contract? Will that show up as being repaid? The whole thing seems bloody stupid if i'm honest, what's the point? If we don't pay the cash then yes you are correct
  11. So Shelvey the architect, Darlow with crap purchase on his kick and Colback there but not getting involved. Seems legit
  12. Can't see Austin here at all. It will be one of Carroll, Sturridge or as an outside bet Welbeck who lead the line next season alongside Lipton Tea or Gayle. Also not so sure that Cackback will be playing much, it will be Longstaff + Hayden or Shelvey as a 2 unless we bring another in
  13. Loved the analogy on Talksport earlier - we were out on a date with Michelle Keegan and are going home with Susanne Boyle
  14. But it’s a day oot with me mates man And I bet that in each group of me mates each and every one of them wants to stop and do something different but are waiting for someone else to suggest it
  15. You watch Feb and Novak today and then England/New Zealand and you see 4 sporting individuals/teams going hell for leather and putting themselves through hell in order to try and reach the pinnacle of their sport - you realise why sport is such an important part of so many peoples lives and just how damn good it can be. Then you remember you are a NUFC fan and Mike Ashley is the owner.
  16. I disagree http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7490346.stm
  17. How funny would it be if he turns it down though
  18. well he hasn't ruled out a premier league club purchase... https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/jim-ratcliffe-interview-billionaire-opens-up-on-premier-league-ownership-chelsea-and-taking-on-a4149691.html
  19. I had to Google him, some Geordie Shore doylum Iirc he is mates with some players. Shagging Mercedes from Hollyoaks as well
  20. The guy still believes in Father Christmas FFS Well played sir
  21. Aye BZG are gonna be delighted to pay £350m for the club minus a couple of its biggest assets Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the accounting value of these players be totally different to the paper value? I would have thought the accounting value dictates the price of the club as opposed to the paper value of the players. I'm seriously clutching here, but wouldn't cash in the bank be more appealing to potential buyers? You are right that the accounting value will be different (in this case Perez would be worth nothing in the books) but the market value of the players would have a bearing on any takeover value. What has happened on an accounting basis with this sale is that the net asset value of the club (accounting basis) has gone up by £30m
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