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Everything posted by timinperu

  1. 89.9% were unhappy, this does not mean the rest were satisfied. Some would be ambivalent towards him of course, so the numbers content with him would be much leads than 10%. You would have thought after a couple of years in a post fans would have warmed a little to him.
  2. I for one, am genuinely looking forward to the start of this. Five weeks to go, and a few more before any sort of information comes out. Whatever happens, it is a new step in the EPL. One way or another, it will have repercussions. This is perhaps the most interesting part. If Ashley succeeds, what will this mean for the takeover? Would it lead to him discounting the sale of the club? Could other potential bidders then be interested? Would Ashley become just more entrenched if it failed? or would he just walk away? How are his other interests? As we are SDs cash cow, will Ashley’s move to focus on Debenhams have a significant impact? If Ashley succeeds, will other clubs look to go down this route, especially if they are in financial difficulties?
  3. Luckily, I have never heard of this Grimes character, but what on earth is he on about with that Marxist comment. He obviously has never read any Marx, either in the original language nor an English translation. There are many BLM supporters who vote a long way to the right of centre. Equally I am sure that the are many who are centerist and others who are on the more left spectrum. The two issues are not the same nor equitable. He really could have done with some critical thinking classes back in primary school.
  4. Not the words that I would use in this, but the sentiment entirely sums up the issue. Everyone is different, yet we are all the same, some blokes just have smaller hands and d***s than others, whilst some are more of a d*** than others. Creed and colour and race are irrelevant to this. Equally, and more importantly there are great folk out there, everywhere. Classism is another issue, so many look down on others from a different class or so called perceived class, yet more folk in the UK are in the top 5% of wealthiest in the world. The issue is whether we as individuals respect others. This is not political, or it really shouldn’t be, it is about being a good neighbour. In an educated society we understand that others will have a differing opinion to us, the opposite is the definition of a bigot.
  5. I am with you on this mattoon except that I think it is off until it is on. This just helps my own sanity, as years of hope have persistently been dashed. Now thinking the worst, means I am occasionally content - though the Ashley years have been very thin on this front. No hope for the forth coming seasons, until a glimmer of light appears. Until then, I am content with Chonburi FC, and their woeful exploits.
  6. I have seen him play a couple of times in Thailand, and he really was woeful. Wouldn’t even have had him in the reserves. I think only one club ever paid a fee for him in his entire career. There is a reason for this. He must be amongst the worst signings we have made.
  7. The takeover as we were thinking is now gone I fear, but there will be one in the future sometime, and from somewhere else. Until that time, there really is no hope for our club to show any ambition. With these fools in charge, we will again be at the basement end of the division. What is required is now something cathartic to cut out the cancers and rotten flesh. At present, only relegation will precipitate this. I, like most want a club to be proud of, and believe in, the current shell is not that, and can never be unfortunately. The only solution is for change, as a fan base there are many who are too proud to protest, so we will almost always have divided causes. We all know the current shambles is unsustainable, so a sudden collapse is the only solution that will force the issue - fans even more disgruntled, but a drop in the value of the club will quickly cause an exit from the owner due to his weaknesses in his other investments. The sooner this occurs, the sooner we can all again reinvest in our club.
  8. Why is it a white shirt with three black stripes? I am sure there are better designs out there.
  9. Fabulous shirt, and colca valley near cabaconde? It is a fair trek down there. Stayed there for a week, as I was buying my wife one of those bowler hats that are darned with designs. It took a long time to make, plus it tells my wife’s life story. Amazing magical location.
  10. Aha my favourite Peruvian team. Lovely cream colour if that is possible. My favourite is Deportivo Huancayo (spelt wanka). Always regret not getting the sponsor Siemens ironed on. Current favourite is orange and black second strip of Chonburi FC in Thailand.
  11. Disgusting, the country has gone to the dogs
  12. Thank you for unlocking this, there is really nothing but the hope of this thread. Games come and go, managers and players will too, but until Ashley departs we cannot claim the soul of our club. It doesn’t even matter who argues with whom, just that small twinkle of hope is sufficient. To dream is the essence of our love of this hallowed club.
  13. timinperu


    I have been thinking about Joe for a while now. I always base any player on the Frank Pingel platform. My feeling many years ago, was that he was by far the worst striker I had ever seen. Today I decided to search YouTube and found his first goal this game has two significances for today. I know Now I have been unduly harsh to poor Frank over alll these years, in one game he shows more desire and goal scoring ability than our current number 9. Also in this game we looked more likely to survive than the present shell of a side. BTW I loved the Glen Roeder comment early on . I would love for one of our players today to be described as such.
  14. timinperu


    Tommasson mk2, thauvin mk2, Cabella mk2,etc. Just another foreign player who can’t cut it in the big league. Like someone said before he’ll end up in turkey or Russia. No No No. Al, of these players had soemthing and went on to better things at other clubs. I have always thought no player up front can ever be worse than Frank Pingel. Certainly Joel offers less than Frank, and at least Frank tried.
  15. Disgraceful how he walked away from the fans at the end of the game. Truly woeful performance, with no input from a premier league manager.
  16. Was also our captain at this time. Our only regret of any signing we made. Self-serving and with a paper heart. Michael Owen, born in Wales, welsh parents, welsh name, played for er england. Soulless man lacking any trait that would make him a man. 79 appearances over 4 years, and most of these just to get fit to play for Wales sorry england. Small time striker, only thing he had was he was fast early in his career.
  17. There never was a takeover, we have all been so duped. There was never any chance of a contract extension, hence the takeover nonsense to create a smokescreen. In my business we have excellent staff, what do we do? Tie them down as soon as possible - 6-9 months before the contract expires, if we want to keep them. God if I had world class staff, they would have a contract that they could name themselves, it would be worth its weight in gold. To leave it to the last week, only says one thing -never a chance of a contract. The takeover - surely every close season there is a takeover rumour. The questions are; Why do we continually fall for this? Is it blind hope, or blind stupidity in the face of reality (aka intellectual dissonance), or my god Ashley has some damn good PR company working for him (and hasn't he just signed up with one?). Like many others, this is different from previous regimes. I know that Ardilles is named by a few, but at least we did try to play some football, we were mostly being beat, but the joy was there to behold (remember Barnsley and Tranmere both away?). I have just today turned off every newsfeed for football and nufc, it is like being eaten alive from the inside by dementors.
  18. Seen this player a few times - electric pace and a good goal scorer. Top player for Buriram in Thailand and was imperious. However, I have some very nasty memories of this player - first scored away from home (a good 10 m off side) against title rivals Chonburi FC, then promptly ran in front of home supporters - waving his shirt - on the running track. A riot broke out culminating in the team being locked in their changing rooms. The next game he played against Chonburi he went down clutching his head after heading the ball (a young bemused Chonburi defender was about 2 m away). The Chonburi player was sent off. The poleaxed player promptly jumped up. Later that half he elbowed a Chonburi player in the face (blood and bandages) - the Chonburi player was booked for diving! But his antics and the refereeing just reminds me how much Thai football makes my blood boil. Hope that he has improved his play acting and as he is young has also developed his game further.
  19. In Ghent now. Off in a couple of minutes to find the ground. Really looking forward to this game today. Hopefully a good run out for all the players, with no injuries and helping build our team spirit for the coming months. Will keep an eye on Hanley today.
  20. 1 goal in three says that your research is s***. Still has the potential to be WC, dream player for me for us. Seen him play as a youngster - was amazing (this is where I am biased). If he did it here he could be a legend. Do remember Junhinio and his tenuous links with MC.
  21. This is the worst I have ever seen from us. No passion, and no hope. Even when relegated and our run with ardilles, there was always a bright spark and small slithers of hope. Today there is none. Even Paul Simpson hoofing the ball to no-one up the wing was preferable to this lot. At least we can start looking forward to Leeds next season. I really just cannot understand the ineptitude of our management (not just the managers - but the directors too, and scouts). We have no style and no system at present. The only way I can see out of this is to get the scu*'s next manager before they do (Pearson) for a couple of years to get the passion and crowd onside. History will look very badly on our last few years - but end it will. I just hope that the end is on our terms, but know that the divorce will well and truely scre* us even more. :'(
  22. timinperu

    The Bradford Fire

    Your comment is totally offensive. I stood and watched this fire, my friend was in east stand that day. One of my neighbours did not make it out. It has taken me and a lot of others years to fully come to terms with what happened. There is no evidence that the fire was started accidentally (you just have not read any report of this have you?) You even state that the article was written by soemone who wants to make money from this. This comment is so disregarding of all fans who try to seek the truth. You stifler - yes I will name you again have riled my blood. You make offensive and unsubstiantiated accusations about thousands of fans. You really need to use that mass of material confined to your cranium, and not make accusations about men (yes men - not stifling little worms like yourself) who have suffered beyond reason. You also clearly know nothing about Higinbottom at all - yet he was the one who made money from the fire - yet accuse fans (those of us that are reall fdans of this) You disgust me with you ignorant and offensive comments. I hope that I never read one of your comments again. You are not worthy of this fans site or any other, crawl back to your nest
  23. That song was about Howard Gayle. I remember being in the scoreboard in the 80's and it was towards Cunningham. The song went, He's black, he's broon, he plays for the toon, Cunningham, Cunningham to the tune of the Mickey Burns ditty I was in the Gallowgate this season, and Cunningham was never sung it was altered to a double oo. Unacceptable - yes, nasty - definitely no - he was well liked for his effort
  24. Good letter, and sentiments here. I think that we all want to support a team that we are proud of, on and off the pitch. I watched the game with my indoctrinated son in complete apathy, whilst he savoured every kick and challenge. Perhaps it is me that is the symptom here. Never before have I had this feeling of staleness, even through dark kinnear days, or sourness, or the relegation doomed ardilles did I lose this faith - but now it has gone. I do not feel guilt, nor shame, in fact I have no feeling now just emptiness with no emotive response. It has taken 45 years for this affair to die, but like all things it is impermenant. Perhaps again it is me, living away from my home and watching football with my other mistresses (Universatario La U); and more recently my thai partner - Chonburi fc. We all have our reasons, to protest or not, but just remember every fan is just that fanatical. We all want to stand, and be excited and to cherish what is in front of us,. But equally we all have costs in our support - these are not comparable and only we know what these are. My costs are just that, as are every other single fan. None of us have the right to consider ours to be more "worthy" or comparable. To watch with the occasional wry smile is as supportive and the fist pumping screaming jump of joy - just appreciate that we all are in love. Our partner is with someone else for the time being, and we all know that. She will not stay there, we all know, time is on our side. Bide that time and wait - our love resurrection awaits - be patient as certainly she will be back for all of us.
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