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Everything posted by localshop

  1. Yes. Keeps going pixelated and streaky.
  2. We should sign Slimani just for the potential newspaper headlines; Slim Pickings (team selection based pun), Slim Fast (ramadan based pun), Slim Shady (when he does a Sturridge).
  3. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/football/2016/03/07/Kuqi_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwfSVWeZ_vEN7c6bHu2jJnT8.jpg?imwidth=450
  4. I await the inevitable "tried but couldn't get the deal over the line".
  5. Having just scouted Praet on Youtube, I'm putting him in the Thauvin/Cabella bracket. His shots and crosses looked a bit weak and I can't see him lasting long before the crowd turns on him. Don't want.
  6. http://kerky.cz/wp-content/soulja-boy-tattoo-5.jpg
  7. localshop


    Sounds like bleep off Adam Johnson.
  8. localshop

    Jesús Gámez

    (To the tune of Hey Jude) Naaaaaaaaaa Na Na NaNa Naaaaaaa NaNa Naaaaaaa HEYYYYZUUUUUUS! (Remember where you saw this first, or not if he doesn't play/is shite)
  9. Fret level increased. Will be good to have some pace upfront - who was our last pacey striker, Martins?
  10. Probably missed London too much. I'm surprised someone like WHU didn't come in for him though. Also it's a bit annoying that we've only got £13m back considering we bought him for £12m and his stock has risen a fair bit since then.
  11. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/2425130/gail-platt-o.gif GIFSoup
  12. The flagrant tongue biting and inability to spell "than" has annoyed me more than it should.
  13. We should be able to get £15m for him, especially if WHU want him. Won't be sad to see him go; he puts enough effort in but his technique is awful, can't cross or shoot.
  14. Howay man, ashley was there because he is a spurs fan! I think he is a Chelsea fan.
  15. Very promising, although knowing us it will all go pear shaped at the last minute and he'll be off. Pretty sure I saw him driving down Jesmond Road tonight in a black Audi with a personalised number plate R9AFFA or something to that effect. I assume it was him. Although doesn't strike me as a man who would have a personalised plate.
  16. localshop


    David Gandy has let himself go a bit.
  17. I can see Sherwood getting the job
  18. localshop

    Steve McClaren

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