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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Again hasn’t this mostly come about since they seized Fagoli’s phone? Not sure there’s any way Milan would have known at all.
  2. Seems like there is a lot of hyperbole around things here. ‘Illegal gambling ring’ makes things sound way more sinister than they are. It’s you lads with lots of money and free time gambling, they likely knew they shouldn’t but it’s hardly crime of the century. It’s stupid and if they get a ban they get a ban. Don’t think this affects the squad much, he’s hardly been the lynchpin of our good form. Things like the Greenwood situation is much more damaging.
  3. The stadium needs massive renovation if not a substantial rebuild, isn’t they issue that this would be on top of the debt that the club already has? I’m sure their servicing of debt is similar to Spurs and Arsenal except they don’t have a brand new Stadium to show for it. I’m no expert and could be completely wrong!
  4. So basically the Glazers get to keep taking their lions share of the profits but defer all the football calls to INEOS. If they fuck it up then the Glaizers keep taking their share, if they are successful they get an even bigger slice. At which point they’ll want a kings ransom to sell the other shares. From the Glaizers point of view why would ever sell an asset that makes you money for no additional investment? Or do they see the issues with the stadium looming and want to cash out before that becomes something they can’t ignore?
  5. If they give us Leao I’m happy to let the whole thing go
  6. The account Footy Accumulators reporting on this without an ounce of irony
  7. Italian police leaking everywhere. Worse than Line of Duty this. Need to call in AC-12.
  8. I know this gets said a lot but the Chronicle website is borderline unreadable
  9. T-1000 Sven Botman Swiss Precision Fabian Schar Flash Gordon
  10. https://edition.cnn.com/2006/SPORT/football/05/13/italy.buffon/
  11. So not even in the starting world XI then? Worrying
  12. Northern Echo did one the other week which basically read “Newcastle Prem star out for three weeks!” When you clicked on the article it was Gordon being banned for the West Ham game
  13. From the article posted earlier
  14. If that’s the case there will surely be some sort of amnesty - short of spot fixing or corruption I can’t see them banning 50 players.
  15. Reading further on in that article it appears that their names have come up after they police have seized Fagoli’s phone. Wonder what the burden of proof is in a case like this.
  16. Ah you’re right serves me right for taking Google’s except of the FA website. What I’ve said only applies to below the conference it seems. Ah well every day is a school day. https://www.thefa.com/football-rules-governance/policies/betting-rules#:~:text=No Participant can bet on,passing inside information for betting.
  17. As I posted a while back the restrictions on gambling in Italy for players are more restrictive than over here. If he bets on a Serie C match he’s breaking the rules there. If it’s not breaching the rules here I can’t see them punishing him. Hard to say until there is more details.
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