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Everything posted by looneytoon

  1. looneytoon


    We should bid for him.
  2. Regardez Moi! Regardez Moi! Je suis Ben Arfa. C'est PATHETIQUE.
  3. looneytoon


    "Draw me like one of your French girls" Hahahaha!
  4. Player of the Season : Colo Most Disappointing Player : Obertan Best Game Attended : Liverpool 2-0 Best Result : Man Utd 3-0 Goal Of The Season: Ben Arfa vs Blackburn Best Signing: Cisse Best Prospect: Santon Best Solo Performance: Ben Arfa vs West Brom
  5. A face you'd never get sick of punching. Yep, a face that even a mother could punch.
  6. Noel Gallagher...am I right in thinking he was the guitarist from The Bootleg Beatles?
  7. What assortment of delights will those magic feet of his deliver today I wonder? 37 minutes to go!
  8. looneytoon


    Well there certainly are some parallels between Nickelback and Sunderland. Nickelback get's hit with ROCKS! Not that Sunderland have ever been booed of a stage in Portugal, but still...
  9. looneytoon

    Alan Pardew

    Kenny for winning the Vimto Cup with only a paucity of funds.
  10. http://d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/large/565901611.png?key=700740&Expires=1335119215&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIYVGSUJFNRFZBBTA&Signature=vUMmHaFtC5W8SqYNx99nIfW-koP2WgzO~ocIeXizlacg4s09uAerMnyIldj9SJ5bY1npc8~cLN0yzFxkhzUpu8KDucxfVidKqAEfiP4m8pUQS4XbcbXdIfQ1qqrhoVDsmG9U8ERyB50jtYSnPGYXqCPPngzfPPk9W1NwyhaSSUU_
  11. What the horizontal f***?!!
  12. Liverpool fans will start having to write 'Kenny = Good. Roy = Bad' on the back of their hands just to remind themselves in case they forget mid-argument.
  13. Could this be Justice For The Roy?
  14. '18 premiership titles' hahaha.
  15. http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/LeBron-James-launches-Liverpool-FC-trainers-but-upsets-Reds-fans-with-design-article892647.html
  16. looneytoon

    Papiss Cissé

    Has to be the most articulate 4 year old of all time.
  17. Schmeichel Neville, Adams, Stam, Cole Ronaldo, Scholes, Keane, Giggs Henry, Shearer Or if playing 4-3-3, replace Keane with Cantona.
  18. looneytoon

    Alan Pardew

    'A bit of fun..this Champions League stuff'. Nice.
  19. Messi Call me mental all you want but Ben Arfa isnt far behind Messi on a talent basis, what Messi has in favour above anyone else is work rate, mentality, decision making and coming through a wonderful enviroment that is La Masia and the wonderful players he has learnt from the age of 15 and younger in some ways. If Messi wasnt at Barca and had a similar footballing upbringing to Ben Arfa iam certain he wouldnt be half the player he is. ahahahahaha.
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