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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Sorry, Kimmich? Is there anyone actually reporting that, or has someone on here just put 2 and 2 together? What have I missed?
  2. Maybe something different to the thing that's failed to work the last 5+ times we've tried it? Maybe?
  3. We have subs, we just don't use them. And time and again, leaving the tired players on the pitch fails to work. If it worked, I could accept it, but it doesn't.
  4. The definition of stupidity is to do the same thing again and again, and expect different results. Why then do we repeatedly shut up shop, offer nothing up the other end and try to see out the last 20-25 minutes of matches by just sticking everyone behind the ball and defending deep, when it fails to work time and time again? So infuriating, and so predictable.
  5. Probably just out for 5-6 months then, instead of our standard 6-9 months.
  6. Chris_R


    This is just utterly depressing. I've never in 30+ years of following us ever known us or any other club have this many long-term injuries to first team players in the same season, and we're only just over half way through it. It's beyond a joke now. I don't blame anyone, not really, I'm not in a position to make that decision. But this is unprecedented and just not funny anymore. Nobody seems to get a knock and miss a match. Everyone is out for between a month and half a season. Nobody ever seems to return.
  7. I love beer as much if not more than anyone. But I've never, ever understood those who get wasted before a match. I don't think I've ever had more than one beer before a match. I want to enjoy it, remember it, not have to rush off after 20 minutes for a piss and so on. You've paid a lot to watch this, why would you want to watch it hammered? And probably barely remember big chunks of it? Just baffles me. Now after the game, sure I'll be all over the beer. But never before. I don't need it to sing either, I'm as noisy as anyone whilst sober.
  8. Chris_R

    Fabian Schär

    Also like others say, not bothered about a DC this January. A DM for me, release Bruno further forward. Feel he's wasted sitting deep, I'd love to see him driving into the box more and getting goals.
  9. Chris_R

    Fabian Schär

    Hopefully the good thing about Schar's lack of pace is that because he's not reliant on it, he probably won't lose a yard that'll affect his game.
  10. He said easy money, not easy extra money.
  11. Oh if you drag religion in, sure. I was talking about people who normally think rationally though.
  12. See whilst I'm not comparing the derbies, I kinda disagree that same city inherently breeds more dislike. I think having your rivals in the same city, ultimately you know they're the same people, they're not really any different to you. You live next to them, you walk past them every day, they're your mates and your work colleagues. After the match, you've still got to be (reasonably!) polite to your next door neighbour. With Sunderland, they're a different people. A different accent, from a different town with clearly different ways of thinking. We don't just hate them for footballing reasons, we hate everything they represent. The Brexity little Tommy Robinson supporting, blue-pop-swilling little bell-whiffs that they are.
  13. Impressive grift to collect £17k then just re-use some bits of card you've already got lying round. Guess their flag group will be off on a well-deserved holiday to the Seychelles after that nice little money-earner.
  14. Absolutely love it. Get it up them. They've (rightfully) dished it out for years, now it's our turn.
  15. I get your point but we're basically picking from a pool of about 13 fit players.
  16. Just take their stuff down? Stick it in a back room for a few hours.
  17. I refer the right honourable gentleman to my previous answer!
  18. All these kit comments contradicting my memories just reinforcing how drunk I have to get just to sit through these matches, and how successfully I've since managed to blank any remnants of them from my mind.
  19. My perception, rightly or wrongly (possibly wrongly!), is that whenever we play there we play in our change kit and that whenever they play at home, they play in red and white tops but white shorts. Can't recall them ever being in their away kit at our place, or us ever being in our home kit at theirs. Only exception I can think of is the 1-4 at their place when Shearer scored with his head bandaged up.
  20. Chris_R


    Hahaha, how small time, having to resort to calling it that. Do they put their addresses down as "Wear and Tyne" too?
  21. No need anyway. If you wanted to alter your consciousness, just take a few deep lung-fulls of ICI's finest local air, but just hope it's not quite enough to make you go all Zaphod Beeblebrox and sprout you an extra head.
  22. We've tried a few times to shut up shop and just defend for the last 30 minutes. I don't think it's ever worked, which makes it even more bold that were trying it from kickoff.
  23. 'Groin issue' technically true if the issue being that he's been putting his groin in other lasses?
  24. It's irrelevant, doesn't matter who is on the bench because we don't adequately use our subs anyway.
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