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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Just horrific that this cunt might be allowed to dismantle this team and replace it with a load of dirge. Horrific.
  2. I'd rather watch one minute of Ben Arfa than a whole season of Alan Pardew.
  3. I don't care how much we spend if we're getting decent players, I'd rather get them for nothing. The manager and everything ours stands for is my problem and until he goes, I don't go. This. There's no need, necessarily, for MA to pump millions into the club. I don't even expect him to spend a penny, just to run us well and try to maximise our chances of winning games and playing well. The current incumbent is a lying, cowardly fraud and I despise him and everything he stands for.
  4. And if by "out of Newcastle" you mean "under a speeding Metro".
  5. I honestly think this is where the biggest problem lies and why there is seemingly no harmony in the dressing room or on the pitch. Indeed. The good players all hate Pardew, and the shit ones are desperate for him to stay or they'll be shipped off to Barnsley where they belong. No offence to Barnsley. With what Ben Arfa said in reply to that question, and indeed in anyone's replies to any questions, its often not what you say but what you don't say. I'd have been astonished if he'd said how great he got on with lumps like Gosling, Shola and Rob Elliott, and guess what? He didn't. I actually think Ben Arfa has been really restrained and mature in what he's said. Completely flies in the face of all the "Prima-donna" baggage that he arrived here with. He's been calm, rational, and clever in how he's handled this, and Pardew comes out of it looking like (even more of) an utter clown.
  6. I've thought before that Ashley might be wanting Pardew to fail, to finish below 10th (Or whatever the trigger position is) so he can bin him off with minimal compo. It's not beyond the realms of possibility. Or maybe I'm clinging to false hope, as given the prize money surely finishing 8th and paying him off isn't financially much different to finishing 11th and sacking him for nowt. I dunno. I utterly give up. I only know I want Pardew gone. And if (and only if) that happens, I'll give Ashley the summer to appoint a replacement and get reinforcements in before I decide if I want him out as well.
  7. Like how when he's questioned about some of the players not liking him, he says that he has good relationships with all of the decent ones. I take it to mean that the only ones that don't like him are the plodding no-marks who are sucking Pardew's hoop for continued undeserved game time.
  8. Chris_R

    Dan Gosling

    It'd be fucking phenomenal for Shola.
  9. Bought some trainers yesterday. Made a point of not even setting foot in his tatty chav shop even though it would have doubtless saved me money. Felt righteous. I suggest everyone does the same. That shit shop is all that man cares about.
  10. I found our fret: http://s0.geograph.org.uk/geophotos/02/96/35/2963505_0f0d60d0.jpg
  11. Even if we beat Cardiff, what the fuck does that prove? That we, at home, can beat one of the worst teams in the league? Whoop-de-fucking-do. As they say, even a stopped clock is right twice a day and even the worst managers eventually rack up wins.
  12. Your resignation and suicide spring to mind. [/blackadder]
  13. So glad I'm painting my sitting room and having a beer rather than watching this. Glad we're getting humped though. Hope the first question to Pardew after the game is "so Alan, why did you not manage to stop any of their goals?"
  14. Chris_R


    He's no Dan Gosling.
  15. Yeah, they'll make a f***ing impact alright. They'll relegate us when they have to play every week because we haven't replaced all the real, actual competent players who've been flogged. And if that ringpiece mentions Cabaye once more, I'll do the world a favour and fucking end him. You knew Cabaye was going in August, you utter tool. Stop pretending you failed to replace him because you only had a couple of days because that's nothing but an outright lie. Not that outright lies are something that Alan has a problem with, of course.
  17. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I hated Souness, I hated Allardyce. But nothing comes close to how badly I feel about Alan Pardew. I think the sense of hopelessness is what does it, coupled with the lack of ambition from the board. With Souness and Allardyce, you knew that if they did shit they'd be gone fairly quickly. With this chump, it seems like Mike Ashley is content with how shit we are. It's so depressing.
  18. I don't often feel the need to leave comments on articles, but I felt fed-up enough to have a bit of a rant at the bottom of that one. Bunch of fawning, boot-licking supplicants.
  19. I want to see us humped in the face tbh. Anything to expedite the termination of this fraud's tenure and salvage the waning careers of our more technically able players is fine by me. Give me a 10-0 defeat and I'll be fucking delighted if it puts this lying coward even one step closer to the exit door.
  20. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    So according to that article, the players are against negativity, which means they favour Pardew over Ben Arfa. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1q1mMWVffquyacZ8ETNfEhSckJXyuAuDyJJfcEp3qu-gAKJB1
  21. Chris_R

    Zoet or Forster

    Pardew has already said that Elliott is ready for more first team football. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  22. AIDS > Cancer, but it doesn't mean you're happy when you get the former.
  23. My fucking god. Jack sodding Colback, and a new contract for Shola Ameobi. Meanwhile Hatem Ben Arfa is looking to be on his way out and Marveaux can't even get on the bench. Utterly disgusting. How anyone can give these cunts a single penny is utterly beyond me.
  24. Chris_R

    St James' Park

    Will Pardew get a plaque too if he wins 8th?
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