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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Epic NUFC photos

    still bizarre he hasnt a statue or a stand named after him. just a shitty plaque. last manager to win a trophy. last captain to win a domestic trophy. i loved SBR, but Joe Harvey was more deserving of a statue.
  2. even if we get relegated, at least the club is back to having aspiration and hope. we've got our club back.
  3. wait till he walks out against brentford. he'll never have heard owt like that before.
  4. yet but as he said - he had 6 players away (still couldnt work out who), so what was he meant to do?
  5. wonder what his feedback to Amanda will be after his first training session. "it's worse than i thought."
  6. shame dubs, lewis, miggy and schar are all away. would have liked them all to be integrated into the new system for brentford. got a feeling none of them will start until howe has a good week to 10 days training with them.
  7. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    just hypothetical, but could abraham sign for us in january. forgotten what the rule was for players moving during a season after just having joined the club at the start of the seaon.
  8. huss9


    would have loved to have drawn them in the third round.
  9. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    plenty bigger cunts in our squad that need fucking off first.
  10. the colour of tindall today, man. wtf? made phil brown looks pasty.
  11. you're probably a couple of years too young. (and not a perv).
  12. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    he's got as an away point at palace and at brighton. just about par.
  13. its all those early mornings getting onto training on time catching up with him.
  14. would take that right know if it kept us up. mediocrity is a couple of steps up from fat shite.
  15. they got quite a bit for coutinho though didnt they?
  16. not keen on howe, but the other way to look at it is he may have stayed too long, got into a rut and couldnt get himself out. he's had time off to recouperate and analyse where it may have gone wrong. new set of players (admittedly shit) and a new environment may be just what he needs.
  17. i think there's gonna be some attempt at face-saving from the club now. we'll get more leaks about how great his interview was and how some board members preferred him as first choice
  18. we've been managed by a cabbage patch doll for over 2 years ffs. give me a ken anytime!
  19. wonder if emery negotiated a pay rise with villareal overnight.
  20. may well have pissed fonseca and favre off - interviewing them and then leaking it that we had narrowed down the search to howe and emery.
  21. fuck it. get him in today. set the team out for sturday. given him a few players in january. get shot in the summer if we stay up. just all getting a bit too ridiculous. ashley fucked us by not investing over the summer.
  22. we are second bottom - 6 places from safety. not as attractive as a better team based in London.
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