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Everything posted by huss9

  1. he'll be sat stroking his kebab man. knows his pay-off is getting closer. thats all he's worried about.
  2. needs to be done after Bruce's next pitiful press conference. i want to see the fucker squirm.
  3. just waiting for the human rights protesters to start.
  4. so to summarise. tiniest bit of pressure on NUST on social media embarrases them into some kind of action... a snap survey of fans. then to try and pretend it was all of their own doing rather than an increasing scrutiny and pressure from fans. they would have just kept on doing what they were doing otherwise. just as thin-skinned as bruce and ashley.
  5. and give up on a paid all-inclusive holiday to portugal this week? no way. he'll wait till he comes back.
  6. yeah, he'll secretly be hoping for some kind of presenation/trophy/award before the kick off against spurs. and knowing sky - they'll give him one.
  7. huss9


    if he plays wide , we have to a striker thru the middle, or at least play willock as the false 9 rather than ASM.
  8. huss9


    yeah but the daft cunt doesnt oick himself every game does he?
  9. and the fact that everyone was so fucking disciplined from the back right through to the front including ayoze. knew their jobs and the game plain to a tee. at the monemnt it just looks like a fucking free for all school game with players running wherever and just trying to fluke the ball to ASM.
  10. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    bruce saying his future has nothing to do with him, and it lies in the hands of those upstairs. useless cunt (bruce that is). if he likes longstaff, has a clear role for him then he should be making sure he is offered a new contract. there's definitl;ey an agenda against the longstaffs. whether either of them are premier league standard can be debated but i dont think they've been treated well.
  11. huss9

    Joe Willock

    he's barely been in the opposition box all season. miss against manu but cant remember any other goalscoring chnces this season for him.
  12. from the chronicle today Haycock's appointment comes little more than a year after Bruce launched an investigation into the number of injuries his side suffered during his first season at the club. Although Newcastle were down on soft tissue injuries, in 2019-20, Bruce admitted his players were having to adjust to a different style of training. "All the sport scientists, doctors and nutritionists, we have analysed what we do," he said last September. "To be fair, we do ask them to work hard in training with a certain intensity, which has changed over the last 12 months. A new manager has different philosophies and a different way of training. "Most of our injuries happen in games and the big ones, which a lot of people missed out on with this, just happened in a match and were impact. There's not much you can do about that." eh, doesnt that just suggest that bruce needs to update his training regimes and that rafa knew what he was doing? explains a lot.
  13. tbh Sean looked like he had a much better all round game, just that matty got a belter on his debut at the gallowgate end against manu and it doesnt get much better then that.
  14. huss9


    they all need grief
  15. huss9


    he wasnt fine (imo anyway). missed a decent chance, hardly got off the turf when competing for headers and kept falling over every he got into the box. granted he did pass the ball to ASM before he went on his dribble to score.
  16. huss9


    yeah, but will joelinton ever get a winner against the mackems?
  17. huss9


    if he was shit all the time it woulkd be bad enough and not his fault. but he can show in glimpses he has a decent touch, can run, can turn a man. and that infuriating as it becomes a question of attitide and laziness.
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