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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. Really pleased for him, hopefully it will make him stick in and work even harder, wonder how Shola feels.......
  2. Said on SSN that pre match warm up he took a shot, hit it wide and smashed a young kid in the face, blood all over.
  3. PCW1983

    Dan Gosling

    So am i right in thinking that there is unlikely to be a announcement on this until the 14 days of which Everton have to make a appeal ? When would this be ?
  4. Have we been linked with Annan or is all this just speculation ?
  5. PCW1983

    James Perch

    I quite like Forest TBH, although i was surprised at how much hostility there was towards us from Forest last year, I know that Forest fans were not expecting to be in the position that they found themselves and so prob saw us as bigger rivals to them then what we really were IMO. Forest out performed themselves last year and i think they will struggle to repeat last seasons performances in what is going to be a much tougher league this year. All the forest fans i know and that is quite a few seem to think that Perch is a good player if a little hitty missy at times, one said that a move away from forest was the best thing for him because he felt Perch had become complacent after spending such a long time at the club. I have a tendency to agree with that, 24 year old, can play in a variety of positions, captained his former club, £1.2m ? Doesn't sound like bad business to me, as for Forest i expect them to lose more players before they gain anyone, a lot of their players over performed last season and i think that lower EPL clubs will be looking at them because of it.
  6. PCW1983

    Dan Gosling

    Well pleased with this, just hope there is no long term problems after his injury.
  7. PCW1983

    James Perch

    I think he is a good signing tbh, young enough to progress with a lot of experience behind him. £1.2m is nothing in football these days, yes money might be tight but id rather this then spunk £17m on Owen's again.
  8. The official website says they don't have a Assistant Manager, i was under the impression that Adam Sadler had got the job ?
  9. Anderson has seemed canny for them too
  10. PCW1983

    Club statement

    That's your own interpretation, and a very optimistic one at that. Funny how virtually nobody else, including people on other websites and all of the media has understood it that way. Hope you're right of course but I highly doubt it. I must admit its hard to try and understand what they actually mean by this but surly MA cant be silly enough to think we can survive without any new players........
  11. Forest have signed Majewski on a permenant contract today. Not a bad little player a little bit light weight though.
  12. Not from the press but from a Forest website..... My dads best mate works for Newcastle United and has told me that 5 signings are tied up and another 3 are getting worked on at the moment coming into the clubare : Juan Albin Free Kris Boyd Free Federico macheda season loan Per Ciljin Stiljbred £3m Nedum Onouha £3.5m also the 3 that arebeing worked on are : James Perch £2m Nicky Maynard £2.5m Charlie Adam £2m perch and adam are pending on the play offs
  13. Wouldn't mind Yakubu, don't know how much he has been playing for the toffees this year like or whether he is realistic or not.
  14. Was just thinking, would have been nice of the club to offer free coaches down to ticket holders for this one, would have been a nice offer from MA and good PR, not to worry though.
  15. Just got some tickets for the Home end, London Road stand to be precise, should be fun :-0
  16. Davies is always talking about how much money his club or other clubs need. Just a rubbish manager. Have you noticed in that article they have Rangers days at the club numbered.
  17. Highlights at 1min 04 sec http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00rs52q/Late_Kick_Off_Midlands_2010_Episode_11/
  18. There all convinced that they will turn us over, I hope we fucking rape them !!!
  19. The puppet is waiting for Nolan, Smithy, Butty, Ashley & Del to tell him what to do next that is why he is on mute. bullshit You think the puppet is real manager!!! HA HA HA HA!!!! Do you think Del and Ashley would know enough about football to get a team to the top of the league? No but then I thought Brian Clough knew a lot about football & he got Forrest relegated. He made alot of money out of them though, all those backhanders and what not, history's Harry Redknapp-allegedly of course
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