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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. PCW1983

    Players in public

    Just saw Nile Ranger walking or rather swaggering up Northumberland street, quite a big lad, ugly as fuck though, had two little cronies with him too.......GANGSTA !!
  2. Just watched the post match interviews on Skysports.com, how pissed off is Pearson, i dont think he could be any more obnoxtious towards the interviewer !!
  3. PCW1983


    On the Skysports website Xisco has been linked with a £3m move to Hull, or at least a loan till January......in the rumour bit like.
  4. Id love for us to sign Vaughan, the problem is of course is that we are more likely to sign no-one.
  5. Read some of the comments under the video..............
  6. Just read .com's match report and they have listed Campbell in the team ? Is this Sol ? Danny simpson seems to be missing from it, have i missed something ?
  7. PCW1983

    Shola Ameobi

    50 goals in 9 years then 3 in 75 mins, class. Well done Shola !
  8. Thats shocking ! Just makes a mockery of the whole game, pathetic, really pathetic
  9. I couldnt take another "O'deary O'leary" slogan from the sun
  10. Like most i can understand why he has gone, shame because he was a good RB, lets just hope we can get this sorted out soon and sign some replacements.
  11. PCW1983

    RIP sale thread.

    Me and my mate went on a stadium tour a couple of months ago, they took us into Moats box, the fella doing the tour said he was a big shaker in town....never heard of him personally lol Anyways whilst in the box one of the blokes on the tour, a cockney had what initially looked like a heart attack, me being the good citizen i am phoned for a ambulance since the bloke who was doing the tour was running round with his hands in the air team america style.
  12. PCW1983

    RIP sale thread.

    What a crap situation, im so sick of all this now !
  13. A list of County Durham postcodes DH1 DH2 DH3 DH4 DH6 DH7 DH8 DH9 DL11 DL12 DL13 DL14 DL15 DL16 DL17 DL2 DL4 DL5 NE16 NE17 SR7 SR8 TS21 TS27 TS28 TS29 Baltic - NE8 Millenium Bridge - NE8 Hilton hotel - NE8 Angel - NE9 Sage - NE8 I think this lad should have a look at a map before redesigning the city limits.
  14. Id have Volz so we could spot him riding his fold up bike into Benton lol
  15. PCW1983

    New Away Strip

    Blah, thats awfull ! That wont do the accounts any good lol
  16. People who renew while Ashley is still in charge are propping up his regime, giving him more time to screw us over. Buying a ST in the current circumstances will do more harm than good. Mmm? Not sure about that. I would think any potential buyer of NUFC would be encouraged by healthy season ticket sales and the incoming revenue that comes with it. If the club isn't going to go down the financial pan, it needs money to come in. I can understand the reluctance to back Ashley in any way however. I prefer to think that by renewing, i'm backing the club and not Ashley. Hopefully that club will be around long after Ashley's gone. I understand your POV but the time has long gone for pissing around with half measures and compromise. Ashley won’t willingly sell the club at it’s market value. His hand will have to be forced. Are we going to fight for the future of our club, or just hand over our cash like nowt’s happened? I'm renewing my season ticket because i enjoy going to games, as poor as we are at the moment. To not go would be to deprive myself more than anyone. What happens when/if we become a half decent premiership club again? Do i just turn up at the games, as you say, like nowt's happened? As for the future of the club, there might not be a future if it's skint. Couldnt agree more with this, yes i dont like the idea of Ashley getting my cash but im paying for it because i love my club, when my love stops so will my season ticket.
  17. Italy v USA starting now, should be good :-)
  18. Got my renewal this morning, already signed up to the 3 year direct debit scheme, was always going to keep it but there is so much more that i could do with spending £50 a month on at the mo......such is life i suppose
  19. Brian Johnson appearing in the first film will never be topped ! :-)
  20. PCW1983

    RIP sale thread.

    His paypal account was suspended after he claimed he hadn't received Nacho Gonzalez yet. LMAO :-)
  21. Id have him the type of player we need, young and keen, RB though so not sure whats happening to Beye. My lass and her family are Forest fans and they said he was great last year.
  22. Although im not saying that i disagree with you Chopra has a proven track record in the Championship and will get goals.
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