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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. Kimbo

    Alain Matiabo

    Someone stick him on a boat back to Mooseland.
  2. I haven't seen him play much, but his reputation for bad kicking and being slow off his line looks accurate.
  3. Kimbo

    Steven Taylor

    He's going to present a slideshow featuring Africans, with a subliminal "not a racist" message, then he'll say "the blacks, a great bunch of lads" and offer everyone a drink.
  4. Lallana was one of Englands better players I thought, why Milner is still around though i'm not sure.
  5. Kimbo

    David Beckham

    I know you could argue that he didn't need it; but donating the entirety of his £3.5m salary to charity? Awesome generosity, that. As good as that is it's really just another incredibly rich person donating to charity. There's normal people that work all week and don't earn a great deal, but still either find time to volunteer, or find some spare money to donate, which is more impressive to me.
  6. Kimbo

    Alan Pardew

    His transformation is the most amazing I have ever seen. He literally can't do anything now, it's like having some twat out of the crowd on the field.
  7. Kimbo

    Alan Pardew

    We started like we were unprepared and barely created anything against a horrific side. Sunderland today were as poor as they always are and will still get relegated.
  8. Kimbo

    Alan Pardew

    Another result that should see him leave, problem is our owner doesn't care about these sort of results, as long as we stay up.
  9. Kimbo

    Loïc Remy

    Didn't Skrtel put his hand on his shoulder anyway? He should have just thrown himself on the floor theatrically.
  10. Kimbo


    Bad news, I was hoping he would spend most of the season there.
  11. We'd probably offer the job to Mick Harford.
  12. I find him frustrating and too selfish sometimes. He's ridiculously talented but there is a reason he isn't at a top club and probably won't move to one in the future, it's the mental side of his game that is lacking.
  13. I agree tbh. I also suspect Ben Arfa just see's Newcastle as an easy place to spend his career. He's paid well, the fans like him, his position in the team is safe, the manager just wants to be his buddy, and if he gets injured he can f*** off to Paris or Tunisia.
  14. Joe Cole's shot was yards over, wtf are these people on about.
  15. Kimbo

    Alan Pardew

    I hate this shit. "Need a bit of perspective. AP is easy target, and he didn't do much wrong today in my view." As if being a coach is just about turning up on the day, picking the team and making subs. He makes some poor selection choices, but go onto any teams forum and they will be complaining about selection choices. It's what happens in training day in day out that is the concern, that is why we are shit.
  16. We're unprofessional at boardroom level, and unprofessional at coaching level, so I'd be surprised if the players were any different. The question for me is whether Pardew has lost the players, one of the main arguments in his favour is his relationship with them, but the way they get pissed off and give up so easily doesn't make sense. If they liked the manager so much I would expect more spirited performances. It's not like it's just a few players either, it's at least half of them. Cisse is another one that kept losing his cool last season.
  17. No. I think he's s***, I've always thought he was s***, and my opinion of him is at it's lowest point.
  18. Anita may aswell write a transfer request in his own shit on Pardew's car, it won't affect his chances of starting a game.
  19. Kimbo

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Speaks volumes about what Cabaye thinks tbh he'd jump at the chance to play decent football. Imagine his little face when his agent told him they only offered £10m.
  20. I don't agree, he went to hit the player, it was malicious. He didn't catch the guy badly but it's still a red. He's a horrid little cunt.
  21. Kimbo

    Loïc Remy

    I hate to be a negative Nelly but you don't just buy good players and get movement, it comes from coaching on the training ground. But if we get Gomis and Remy that should see us safe IMO.
  22. But if Ronaldo spent his time holding the ball up it would have been a waste considering what he could do running at defences.
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