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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. My opinions of the game... Elliot - Fairly poor for two of the goals (the first one he should have saved really), but would release the ball quickly for a counter attack and didn't seem to let his head drop. Not sure I'd like to see him in a prem match just yet. Simpson - Couldn't trap a bag of cement. Some really poor control from promising crosses to him that was quite annoyed. Scored with a lovely little cross that was never meant for the net. Perch - Unimpressed really, not terrible but I never had confidence in him when he had the ball or went to clear it. Coloccini - A collosal performance from him. Led by example, sorted out any mistakes he made and scored the winner. Fergie - Played alright and seemed to link up fairly well down the left with Marv. In extra time he seemed to cramp up really bad and go moved to the middle of the pitch and swapped with Obertan. I don't think he's built for a full 90 just yet, always picks up little knocks. Gosling - Fairly tidy, reasonably quiet. Made some nice touches and tackles but quite anonymous for the whole. Decent squad player it appears at this moment but not a starter. Abheid - Looked very tidy and comfortable in possession. Didn't seem to tire and worked hard throughout. Some good potential there. Marveaux - Looked very impressive. Direct, pacy and with some awesome tricks in his locker. Exciting. Ben Arfa - A cut above on the whole. Had the Forest players constantly guessing and some of his vision and passing range was amazing. I think he'll be a bit hit and miss but when he's on form he'll be unstoppable. Lovenkrands - Didn't do much apart from the 2 goals from what I could see. Got the goals that mattered so fair play to him but I'd like to see him coming in deep sometimes and trying to help out in the build up of goals rather than sitting on the shoulder and hoping. SUBS Sh. Ameobi - Offside too often. Wasn't terrible but I just wish he'd look down the fucking line. So frustrating. Sa. Ameobi - Some excellent little runs, cut ins and moves. Always fighting and got some great pace. He's very raw, but one of my favourite up and comers. The crowd were loving him! Obertan - Not bad, a very decent sub I'd say. He got moved to left back because Fergie lost the ability to track and run it appears from cramp and he did a decent enough job. I'd like to see him being more direct like Marv is but that final cross was inch perfect. Pardew - Did well with his selection and subs really. No complaints. Forest Players - Went down like sacks of shit. Annoying to watch. Gave a decent game. Ref - Ridiculously biased in some instances, gave them something every time a player went down. Gave the penalty though which some refs wouldn't. Could have been stronger.
  2. Looked good last night. A neat, tidy enough player.
  3. He played with the reserves recently, I believe, so it's possible he plays. Doubt he starts over Perch though. 90 minutes today at Chesterfield.
  4. This. Some people on here were calling for Keegan to quit about 6 games into his second management stint here when he still hadn't got a win. Some stuff that comes up in the match threads here aren't that different to the above.
  5. Amazing how conditioned we have become to the luxury of tv coverage at our fingertips. Remember living off a combination of ceefax updates and listening to the radio awaiting the updates around the grounds during their main coverage game. In a way its a surprise all the games arent screened for the Carling cup. Im sure they will in time. Live in hope the individual teams websites can get the rights down the line. Its madness we dont use our website to screen reserve team and youth games live or even repeated in full. I would definately sign back up if they did that. This! I'm sure plenty on here were watching that ceefax page when we played Portsmouth only for it to change to 1-0 in the last few minutes. Memories.
  6. Fatwax

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Helped us keep a clean sheet though, Johnny 2-points.
  7. To be fair they always do this on MNF.. we're hardly the exception.
  8. It's his boozing & 'lifestyle' that's supposedly keeping him out of the England side currently... according to Capello.
  9. Got stretchered off today against Sunderland. Titus Bramble took him out in a 50-50 challenge.
  10. Okay mate. How about we don't pay all footballers on Christmas too then, and Easter for that matter? How about no-one gets paid when they're not working... He has every right to take part in his religious festival, despite the fact me thinking religion is bollocks. Nah, agree with it or not England is a Christian country, so we abide by Christian holidays (which for most people they are just traditional holidays, nothing religious). It's not like Demba Ba has to come into training on Christmas day does he? No, he gets the Christian holidays off aswel. If a religious festival is actualy having an effect on the guys job though then his employers should have every right to tell him to pack it in. If it's worth upsetting the player over in this case is another matter, like. If it's that much of a bother, the employers shouldn't hire him in the first place. They have that option available to them. I don't see what right an employer has to tell people what to do regarding their religion. You have a point about the employer not hiring in the first place like, although in the modern day you'd probably get sued for not taking someone on due to there religious practices. If the persons religios beliefs are effecting his work though ofcourse an employer should be able to 'tell him what to do'. Yeah, but in that case the employer would be affecting the employee's human rights. In this case the freedom of religion. The employer was aware of his religious beliefs and commitments before hiring I'm sure..
  11. Fatwax

    Alan Pardew

    Don't feed us bullshit about getting players in 100% or key players staying then. He should shut his f***ing mouth. He may have been assured from the higher ups that we were getting players in, so he thought what he was saying could be true? Perhaps he shouldn't have said it, I don't know. That's not going to lose us points though is it. If you believe that we'll maintain this start then fair play to you, but I can see things turning very ugly this season. Players have come out saying that they've been treated like shit by the boardroom, fans are sick of being lied to with apathy being set in, St. James Park is supposedly being used as a billboard and made to look ridiculous with the name of the club brought down... It doesn't take much for these things to snowball out of control. I can normally roll with the ridiculous punches that this regime has thrown out, but it's starting to wear a little too thin for me now.
  12. Fatwax

    Alan Pardew

    Don't feed us bullshit about getting players in 100% or key players staying then. He should shut his fucking mouth.
  13. Fatwax

    Alan Pardew

    That may be, but he is still the best manager we have had in a very long time, and probably the best we could get under the current regime. I for one feel very positive about the start of the season and the new team, even if we did not spend 40+ millions or got the striker we need. People are loosing it because a striker most of them had never heard of, and never seen play turned us down. We dont know what happened yesterday, but I think buying the wrong striker could be worse than buying noone at all. It isn't about the money spent or what happened yesterday. It's the fact that we have sold 5 players. 4 of these players were considered our top performers of last season.. possibly 3 with your view on Nolan, one thing that can't be argued with is his goal tally though. We have brought in players that could be a great improvement, but there is no guarantee. I think the side has more pace and movement potentially, but like I said it all depends on how these players adapt. The main overriding issue though is that we haven't improved the squad as a whole. What happens when these signings (several of which have question marks over their fitness records) get injured? We ALWAYS get key injuries that last for months. Carroll got sold in January and we had plenty of time to replace him with a proven PL striker or someone that could do the job with Ba and compliment his style. Lovenkrands, Ameobi and to a certain degree Best should not be guaranteed starters but due to inefficiencies in the transfer market it looks like they'll all be getting lots of game time, lots more than they should. It's also worth mentioning that Ameobi & Best spent long parts of last season injured... what if that happens this season?
  14. Fatwax

    Alan Pardew

    He has been given credit for these results. Check this thread and the match threads. You'll never be able to remove his links with this regime though. The fact that his appointment was called about 3 months before it happened owes alot to the fact that Hughton got the old Kansas City Shuffle off Ashley.
  15. Also what kind of kid has that haircut? Mental, no wonder there were riots.
  16. That bald Arsenal fan... Jesus Christ what a freak!
  17. Fuck all. We've signed some promising players, but they all seem to have some kind of serious injury history and that mixed with our legendary ability to collect a physioroom of players mid-season I have no doubt that we'll be playing some desperate line-ups in the coming months.
  18. That fat Stoke fan trying to act proper cool
  19. Lille sign Joe Cole on loan. Fee agreed for Anton Ferdinand. He's going to QPR!
  20. Please, everybody stop arguing. You are all ruining Davide Santon Day for me!
  21. Same with SSN. Well hopefully we have LB sorted, now what about RM and a striker? Covered in midfield. Dreamland if you think we're going to get another midfielder. The problem with midfield at the moment (Ben Arfa out, Gosling needing time to develop a bit more) is that centrally we have Tiote and Cabaye. Tiote is a defensive/holding midfielder, Cabaye is box to box but needs time to settle in English football (about a season to fully find himself I would imagine), and even though Jonas and Obertan are good runners they just can't put the ball in the box. Jonas against Fuham got to the goal line, turned back and was asking where the f*** is Enrique to put this cross in and Obertan had to cut back in centrally. At the moment in midfield we have no one who I'm fully confident can put the ball in the box, though I think with time Cabaye, Obertan, Gosling will all be able to do this, and of course Ben Arfa will when he comes back. I'd add Vuckic to that list as well. Yeah thats a good shout. however like I said though they all need a little time to develop this, and at the moment their isn't anyone in our midfield who Iwould be confident in being able to put the ball into the box, Ben Arfa aside that is. Arrrrgggghhhhhhh! It's Sunday all over again!
  22. I think there is, oh great forum overlord Aye, righto.
  23. No need for a thread really fella.
  24. His baby was born 6 weeks early and he's been back and forth to the hospital since the birth. Can't remember the exact weight of the baby reported, but it was ridiculously low. Wouldn't be surprised if this has had a massive effect on his game.
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