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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. Coloccini in midfield and Beye in central defence? Fuck it, lets just give Kinnear some adidas samba's and have done with it.
  2. Never going to happen. He'd be lucky to get a sub appearance quite honestly. Give him a start in the Carling Cu... oh.
  3. Grimsby. Only sing when you're fishing and all that.
  4. Hmmm, no way am I expecting us to be beaten by Sunderland, but I'm definately not expecting a win either. It'll definately be a nervy affair, but with key players coming back from us, especially in the midfield, I'll feel a bit more confident than I would have if this was the next fixture. If we have a good game against Man City I'll be confident of the team at least putting the work in. The players & manager should know how much this means to us, if they don't they can fuck off out of the team and never come back for all I care.
  5. Fatwax

    Michael Owen

    Nicky Butt left out the squad agan I see.. joke. Hoho.
  6. This achilles tendinopathy this is a load of shit, it's like patella tendonitis in runners.. it tends to occur due to muscle imbalances, when the tendon can't cope with the amount of work being given to it. It's common in people that start doing loads of exercise when their body hasn't been adjusted to it, like the person that starts running 5 miles a day, after doing nothing for years. Pretty unlikely it should affect premiership footballers, thats for sure.. and probably not for this amount of time either. Unless they're training on tarmac or something. Hah.
  7. FOUR players with Achilles Tendinopathy? This is just a load of bollocks now, what are the chances of this? According to that EPL physioroom table, no other club has a player with that injury currentlly. What a joke.
  8. Why should Palacios be penalised for jumping out of the way? If he doesn't jump, he's clattered, and he gets the penalty anyway. Jumping out the way! If they're going to start awarding free kicks because someone might get fouled then it'll be f***ing ridiculous. Might as well make it no contact, let them pick the ball up and call it netball! To be fair, we'd see a massive improvement in Taylors' game..
  9. Fatwax

    Joe Kinnear

    Joe Kinnear as manager of Newcastle, ey? Hmmm.. guess that'll do his heart a load of good.
  10. Anyway, yeah, I do agree with you on this one Dave... However, a lot of fans were demanding that we spend silly money in the window on this so-called "wow" signing. To be fair about the ridiculous 'wow' signing, it was reported by a few different sources and naturally it got people thinking. When the owner of your club has supposedly said "we'll make a signing that will shock the world of football" I think it's fair play to get a bit excited. Of course it all started as a fake ITK that got picked up by several news sources and got a bit out of hand. But it was never denied at any point either.
  11. The inury table is the only fucking table we're always in the top half of. Sick of it.
  12. club never surprises you does it mate ? Not holding my breath, but if Ashley backs down and this isn't to discuss compo etc, he comes back, Wise is sacked and KK runs the team and Ashley backs him, he'll have my respect and I would take my hat off to him. Obviously never going to happen then. aye, I'm safe enough because I don't wear a hat It's normally a tin one you wear isn't it?
  13. Only via Alan Oliver via Wikipedia.
  14. Fatwax

    Chris Hughton

    I'm happy with Hughton being in charge for a few games. There was a notable improvement in the first team when he arrived. Rather have a guy who's had day to day involvement with the players than the youth coach. Read a few places that he's popular amongst the lads too.
  15. Fatwax

    Fat Ronaldo

    The people saying they wouldn't sign Ronaldo on a free transfer are probably the same ones that thought Deco was past it and not good enough for the premier league. As if he'd want to come here anyway.
  16. I'm more annoyed about the FA cup final than some poxy England matches full of twats with facepaint. Every guy immediately becomes 'Joe Pundit' and tells their mates 'how it should be'.
  17. I have absolutely no desire to watch this match. I doubt much will have changed from the last match. Or the match before that. Or the match before that..
  18. More likely Keegan wanted players with premiership experience first and foremost. I doubt that it was a case of xenophobia.
  19. Godzilla would be a character on MOTD.
  20. I reckon there were talks as reported, but he decided not to come. He knows which side his breads' buttered. Zico would be my choice out of the options open to us.
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