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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. Of all the ideas suggested, that's the pits. Yeah thats stupid. They already have my money so I'm going to support the team. Lets face it, chanting outside SJP hardly made the board go all out to keep Keegan, did it? I honestly think they just don't care.
  2. Time to dust off the Hitzfeld banner I guess.
  3. Club statement at 12.13am. thought it was 12.14am He can't afford to walk. The bottom line is the bottom line - Soccer Circus is dying on its arse and he's skint. you're his accountant are u? or do u just believe the southern press? No, I believe company accounts posted at Companies House. Soccer Circus turned over 270k (that's TURNED OVER) in its first year of trading - a sad and pathetic figure considering the millions it cost to set up. Thats you. The bit in bold. BAM! Millions to set up? Didn't know you were so savvy with the venture. Oh dear. Sorry to have to educate you, but a company report for a start-up business such as Soccer City has to list the investments made in said company (ie capital funds provided) by all directors. SC's company report shows that KK and a couple of others chucked millions in each. This has been reported. You must have missed it. BAM. Sorry to educate you but it wasn't 'Soccer City'. You must have got it confused with another soccer-name enterprise. DOUBLE BAM. But anyway, BAMing aside, where would one find such company reports? Cheers for educating me. EDIT - saw your above post
  4. Club statement at 12.13am. thought it was 12.14am He can't afford to walk. The bottom line is the bottom line - Soccer Circus is dying on its arse and he's skint. you're his accountant are u? or do u just believe the southern press? No, I believe company accounts posted at Companies House. Soccer Circus turned over 270k (that's TURNED OVER) in its first year of trading - a sad and pathetic figure considering the millions it cost to set up. Thats you. The bit in bold. BAM! Millions to set up? Didn't know you were so savvy with the venture.
  5. This is just fucking pathetic now. Regardless of whether Keegan stays or goes it's a disgrace leaving people hanging like this. Especially when there's unrest occuring outside the Stadium that I can guarentee won't be dying down anytime soon. Leaving them to simmer isn't going to help one bit. Just take the horse round the back, put the bullet it and lets just move on. Sick of been left in the fucking dark.
  6. I think there is actually something in that if they havent.. had plenty of time Setanta constantly saying that they've had people call in saying they saw him on the A69. What, bumming a lift?
  7. SSN just showed the famous KK rant. When I saw it my heart sank at the thought of losing this amazing man again. Nobody knows what's going on. Absolute joke.
  8. Huddlestone isn't all that. I want Diarra here, a classy player that'll bitchslap Butt out of the starting XI.
  9. Basically they're saying we get fuck all. Fuck this.
  10. The one I saw was like a 5 minute Showboat off Soccer AM. He looks alright to be honest. None of us will know til he plays I guess.
  11. It depends on the part of Spain you come from. In the Southern areas it's pronounced 'Sisko' and in more Northern areas it's 'Chisko'. Xisco is a nickname given to people called Francisco by the way.
  12. Yeah, you're not having Nile. We'll pay you to have Shola though
  13. The amount of names being linked with City and the supposed bids they've put in is just embarrasing.
  14. you've either been very, very fortunate or not gone to many matches... I haven't in England, but I did hear some when I was at the Bernabeau. It's horrible to hear things like that and there's just no need.
  15. I really hope we use the coca cola ones he had in La Liga, that'll really make him feel welcome.
  16. Great in the air, just need a good crosser of the ball now. In fact thinking about it, we've got some good options for headers from our strikers, with Owen and Martins involved.
  17. I reckon having a player of Bartons reputation will prove pretty useful when he comes on. If his arrival into the game is affecting the other teams actions then could prove handy. Until Barton gets sent off for nailing some French player, breaking his nose.
  18. three South Americans supposedly in, one French youngster, potentially a Spanish U21 in the bag. Oh, and Guthrie. Premiership experience is for chumps.
  19. I was told by a few people that the Saviola deal was dead. Then again, nobody seems to know anything concrete.
  20. Scanning the Spanish media this seems like a done deal. It'd take a major fuckup or an unhappy wife to ruin this deal now.
  21. Part of the Coloccini deal was to take part in a tournament with them next pre season.
  22. How's about you take off your shoes, sit back, relax and crack a beer? make sure you loosen your pants a little, give that semi-on some space to breath. Precisely. Gloating already. Kind of proves the point. you want me to tell you about real mediocrity ? On second thoughts, you didn't listen the first time. mackems.gif I've got 1334 reasons for saying you're talking bollocks.......you didn't take any notice of that either. List the reasons.
  23. Fatwax

    Aaron Lennon

    Ramos said he doesn't want to go and Lennon said the same thing. Has a strange hairline and shaves bits of his eyebrows out. Load of pace and no end product. Doubt it'll happen otherwise the Spurs ITKs (Spurs fans, basically) would have said.
  24. Wonder which one will be the player that breaks our record transfer fee by quite a few million. HTT knows, man. He's in the iZone.
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