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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. Styles wasn't in doubt though, these kinda situations are his bread & butter. Couldn't wait to whip the card out.
  2. Hull as well. 5 in 8 League games. A shocking statistic. 4... we beat Bolton 1-0. Still bad, mind. Yeah, but Bolton were still given a penalty for Taylors 2 handballs. Given saved.
  3. Styles' angle was his own fault for not keeping up with play and the change in ball direction showed Beye got a clear touch. You do realise that referees can't move faster than footballs right? Can't really grumble about his angle due to the fact that the game was going at a fast pace, but the linesman should have been able to see that he got the ball first.
  4. he's done realy well if you ask me. Yeah to be fair I've been laying off him a bit this game as he hasn't played that bad considering it's him. That ball through to Duff was decent aswell.
  5. I TAKE IT ALL BACK! GET ININ!IKIWDOAWIEJ NSpfrgmsdfk./bm f;tr o;dgpjmasd ;asoKNJZXD;FLJASM Ka@P ;D ;D
  6. I think it's safe to say that our title challenge isn't coming this season.
  7. I don't understand people who're already having a pop at Coloccini in the other thread. Butt playing to his usual standard I see.
  8. I can't see us coming back from the red card & pen. We're fucked on confidence as it is. It's a fucking joke! Spurs get given dubious goals that are blatantly offside and still can't win! Wheres our fucking rub of the green? Arsenal, Bolton & City, all with pens against us. Joke
  9. If our appeal is turned down by the FA then the entire setup is a joke. Say what you want, but the linesman had a great view of that. Clearly got the ball first.
  10. They wheel this cunt out for us every time. Sick of this. Fucking sick of it.
  11. If thats true, it's unbelievable. I can't get my head around a sports company that hires employees based on what football team they support.
  12. Fatwax

    Amr Zaki

    Fuck sake Benitez, buy some wingers.
  13. I agree. That goal he gave you was way offside. It came of a stoke player though. Maybe im getting the rules all wrong. The initial through ball (which had two Spurs players offside) didn't. what initial ball? hutton passed the ball which was deflected into Bents path by a stoke city player. No offside. Mate it was definately an offside. Replays show that two Spurs players were in an offside position before Hutton made the pass. Both players were interfering with play because they were in the box and involved with the oppositions' goalkeeper. A player is in an offside position if they are closer to the oppositions' goal line than both the ball and the second last defender (with the goalkeeper being classed as a defender). A player can be penalised for being offside if deemed to be involved with play when the ball travels forward, which both players were. Not trying to talk down to you or anything, just thought I'd clear up exactly why it was an offside.
  14. Fatwax

    Michael Owen

    In the right team Michael Owen is a major asset. There's no doubt he'll find a good team after us. And who can blame him? Kinnear is what, the fifth manager he's had whilst here? It's ridiculous has easy it's been for Bobby Robsons' team to crumble.
  15. Isn't Edgar from Canada?
  16. Robinho supposedly fit to play. Excellent.
  17. Watsons' goal for Sheff Wed was a nice floater. I do enjoy goals like that.
  18. An unexpected win could get us out of the relegation zone and kickstart our season. I don't expect it, but it's not impossible..
  19. Fatwax

    French FA

    Match called off ey? Strange.. it's not like the French to give up so easily.
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