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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Does anyone genuinely think Ben Arfa was culpable for even as many goals as Gouffran has been? Pardew perpetuated myths to fuel his propaganda against the one man who he saw as (a) a genuine threat to his popularity and (b) who vehemently stood against Pardew's style of play, seeing straight through his BS. When you rely on "magic" you don't ostracise Harry Potter.
  2. Mattoon

    John Carver

    Ashley would have to be a sandwich short of a picnic to take him on full time, the guy genuinely ticks all the boxes bar the most important one... The Premiership party bus, we could be genuinely in trouble this far into the season. I honestly think this fuckstick would struggle to get us to 40 points from this point!
  3. Mattoon

    John Carver

    Fuck right off Charver, you useless patsy, Pardew lite.
  4. I'm not 100% there yet, I'm genuinely concerned that Carver is in the running, especially with a few coming out already in support of the oldest Charva in town. It'd be a disaster just keeping him to the end of the season IMHO. However the main fuckstain is gone and I actually feel something for the club again!
  5. Again with this, this and the cups bother me, I don't think MA is vehemently against finishing high in the league or having a sustained run in a cup. His priority is the league and the league alone, it's a perfect excuse for Pardew to do the bare minimum because he hasn't a clue how to rotate a squad. IF (a big if) MA was to bring in a decent manager that could guarantee that cup runs/Europe would not be detrimental to our league status he would have no problem in the extra revenue it brought in. Anyway, ding dong the witch is dead, now fuck off into obscurity you filthy piece of distended rectum!
  6. This guy sucks the fucking fun out of EVERYTHING!!! Just fuck off and die in your shitty Palace. Can't wait until he has nothing to do with the club anymore and the words Pardew and NUFC a are no longer mentioned in the same sentence.
  7. Be interesting to see how the soopafans react at the match, hope we tear the roof off, genuinely looking forward to this for the first time in 2 years!
  8. Happy New Year! Here's to a Pardewless 2015 AMAZING!!!
  9. Surely as a South American he can't want to play the beautiful game this way. There's a difference between doing as you're told by your boss and publicly backing someone you may actually like (for whatever reason) and advocating how they did their job after they've gone. I don't think he's the right appointment but given the other names banded about if rather take a shot in the dark for the time being.
  10. This feels 100000000x better than it would have winning any silverwear with this clown. Pure joy, I'm smiling like a Cheshire Cat! I'll have to pinch myself in the morning. I know that fat fooker is still here but I genuinely feel like I have a bit of my club back, like I can actually feel something for football again. Bridges are burnt, there's no turning back now. Genuinely cannot wait for the next manager, who lets be honest can't do any worse with this squad, showing the media once and for all how much bullshit they have been spouting. Also can't wait to give Pardews Palace a sound fucking spanking!
  11. Right where's the Jack Daniels? I'm getting pissed!!! Best......Christmas.....EVER!!!!
  12. 71% on the Chronic want him gone rumours are Frank De Boer in?
  13. Nope. You can't bring me down, David. Nope! Flying too high, son. f*** the why. He's gone! TBF we don't know how much our campaign of hate has taken its toll on him. If you genuinely thought people hated you to the point you didn't want to leave the dugout, even for one or two matches, would you want to stick around? If you could get a payrise at a club with lower expectations (supporter-wise) and a genuine affinity to you, why would you stay at a club where you were hated? I can think of plenty of reasons Pardew would want to leave that aren't football related, but he could just as easily be here for the next 4 years at least. I'm keeping everything crossed and my bottle of Jack Daniels on standby... Just in case.
  14. Page 2 and 1-0 to Everton! Beautiful, hope it's a cricket score, fucking wanker!
  15. The way I see it, it's this forum that's changed, not me. The only acceptable view seems to be that Pardew is both fool and knave, and that anyone who doesn't realise this and want him out asap is daft or has been duped. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground on here any more. Believe that if you want, but it makes it very difficult to post on here if your view is different, even to quite a moderate extent. That's because there is no middle ground anymore, the battle lines have been drawn, I'm sure he's not as much to blame for everything he gets accused of but he's lost all rights to benefit of the doubt with his excuse making, finger pointing and fervent arse licking. I was always able to give him the benefit of the doubt and see the wider picture but Pardew has burned his bridges with me over the last two years and I cannot fathom how anyone would give him a minute after the things he's said and done. A complete embarrassment to the club and better managers have been chased out for less, I'm not saying that's right but we've gone soft and he's taking the piss. Total amount of fucks given to a balanced point of view = 0 since he climbed in bed with Ashley. Not part of the solution? Part of the cause.
  16. Thanks for the Christmas whoosh
  17. Easy win for the scouse mackems, we're cannon fodder again at the moment.
  18. Ah here I'm f***ing stunned by this post Really? You're still shocked by Cronky's drivel? The guy's a sandwich short of a picnic (or a WUM).
  19. Seriously considering the -3 too, pretty decent return!
  20. Mattoon


    I cannot type on my phone man. EDIT: I don't even know if I can blame my phone for that actually. Your phones spelling is pretty shit like.
  21. He was so lucky (that word again) that it took until the end of the season for that vitriol to be vocalised! Most hardcore fans who have seen the good times first hand didn't renew their season tickets. The only hope we could possibly have is to gather a possie for an away match or something, the zombies that regularly attend match days will never turn now, well and truly brainwashed into believing we're in our prime.
  22. As much as it pains me to see it, I'd love for him to get spanked double figures, just to see the smug fucker squirm, what could be his possible excuse for that kind of dry bum humping?
  23. Was convinced last season we were going to avenge the previous seasons 3-0 don't have much hope for this one. Just the kind of game/atmosphere Pardew struggles with, can't see him masterminding a win tomorrow.
  24. For an attacking midfielder (that's told to defend while watching the ball fly over his head) I don't think it's that bad. Add up the minutes played and you'll be lucky to be half way to 76 full league games. But yeah, have fun fishing!
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